Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

The Obama Economy Numbers

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

It’s been five years since our Dear Leader started his “Occupy the White House Golf Tour” and four and half years since the second worst recession since the great depression ended.  Now history tells us that the deep the recession, the stronger the recovery.

So where the recovery that should have started four and half years ago?  An actual recovery would involve replacing the jobs lost and creating news one.  Instead of that, what we have under the economic guidance of our Dear Leader is over ten million people less in the workforce than we had at the start of the recession.

The U3 unemployment rate fell to 6.7% from 7%, which normally would be a good thing.  In this case, not so much.  Let’s look at the numbers.  The economy only added about 70,000 new jobs in December.  If you have been paying attention over the past four and half years, you would know that the economy needs to add 120,000 new jobs every month just to keep up with population growth.   The drop in the BLS U3 number is explained by the 520,000 people “leaving the workforce.”  A better indicator of the health of the workforce is the BLS U6 rate.  The average U6 rate during our Dear Leader‘s reign has been 13.1%.  To compare, the average U6 rate during President George W. Bush’s two terms was 9.2%.

To further highlight just how much the current administration’s policies are negatively effecting Americans, let us review the progress made on the “War on Poverty” started 50 years ago by LBJ.

[…] Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama.

 […] Although the president often rails against income inequality in America, his policies have had little impact overall on poverty. A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office.

The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

About 50 million Americans live below the poverty line, which the federal government defined in 2012 as an annual income of $23,492 for a family of four.

President Obama’s anti-poverty efforts “are basically to give more people more free stuff,” said Robert Rector, a specialist on welfare and poverty at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

That’s exactly the opposite of what Johnson said,” Mr. Rector said. “Johnson’s goal was to make people prosperous and self-sufficient.”

 So, as the nice man said, “Obama’s economic program of tax, spend, and regulate has been a dismal failure.”

Here is a graph from the Federalist, which points out that if ten million workers haven’t dropped out the workforce because the lack of economic growth, the U3 unemployment level would be almost 11%.   This is Jimmy Carter recession level territory, in what should be a robust recovery.


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Round Up Post

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

Let’s start with a few firearm/RKBA articles.

James Craig became the Detroit Police Chief last summer.  Before that he spent decades working in the Los Angeles Police Department before becoming the Chief of Police in Portland, Maine.  In LA, pretty much the only people with firearms are cops and violent criminals.  The restrictive, so-called “gun control” laws haven’t really slowed down the rate criminals can obtain firearms.  In Portland, Maine, firearm ownership among the law abiding is pretty common.  Another difference is the violent crime rate.  High in LA, low in Portland.  Chief Craig’s advice for reducing crime in Detroit (which approaches Robocop levels), is more firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens. Here is one of multiple studies that back Chief Craig’s advice.

San Francisco is pretty diverse, it even has pro-Second Amendment liberal democrats.  These folks are pretty far left wackos despite this one gleam of sanity in the world view.  Hell, they don’t like our Dear Leader because he’s “too conservative” in their view.  Probably upset he hasn’t rounded up Republicans and shipped them off to death re-education camps yet.

Here is a question that many law abiding citizens who have actually read the Constitution ask themselves, “My next AR, build or buy?”

Can’t leave the epic Charlie Fox known as Obamacare off the list.  “Glitches” in the bloody website are still rampant, leaving many without coverage.  Keep in mind, that in the time it took the Obama administration to build a really crappy website, America build almost 100 aircraft carriers during WWII.  Plus the aircraft for the carriers, and the support vessels, and trained the crews.

For your reference when dealing with moonbats and Obama cultists8 Things Liberals Do to Avoid Having an Honest Debate.

Let’s wrap up with a look at how the Obama Economy is working for America.  “34%: The unemployment rate for Americans ages 16-17. The unemployment rate for teenage Hispanic Americans is 48%, and the rate for teenage Black Americans is 60%.”  Ya, just how is that hopey-changey thing workin’ for ya?

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Straight Up Racism

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

I’ve often pointed out that a good way to find out what leftist are up to is to listen to what they are accusing those they see as their political enemies of.

Case in point, racism.  The left has been playing the so-called “Race Card” so often since our Dear Leader started his run for his “Occupy the White House” gold tour, that even the self-identified “fake journalists” at Comedy Central have called them on it.  It has been become their default reply to anybody who dares to disagree with their far left extremist ideology.

Now if you were to look for actual examples of racism, you would find the “progressives” who toss out the charge, guilty of what they accuse other of, more often than not.  Case in point, democrat election campaigns pay their white staffers more than black or hispanic staffers.

“African American staffers on Democratic federal-level campaigns are paid 70 cents on the dollar compared to their white counterparts; Hispanics are paid 68 cents on the dollar,”

The study goes on to point out, while Republican campaigns tend to hire more white men than the democrats, they are much better at paying their minority staffers what they pay the white staffers.

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Obamacare is even more of a Charlie Fox than we thought

Thursday, December 26th, 2013

It was clear that our Dear Leader‘s signature program was a Charlie Fox of epic proportions from the start, but Team Obama seems Hell Bent to take incompetence to even higher levels than they have in the past.

Case in point, they can’t even enroll Barry Soweto or as he’s known these days, Barack Hussein Obama, into their system.

If they were just corrupt, they could have faked it, but these idiots are corrupt and incompetent!   To be fair, the system is working as well as one would expect with a corrupt community organizer with communist leanings, who never worked a real job in his entire life, running the system.

Update: Nobody’s This Stupid and Incompetent

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A twofer for Barry

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Our Dear Leader has racked up two new awards.

First, the left leaning Politico picked his signature line, “If like your health insurance, you can keep it,” as the 2013 Lie of the Year.

Then, the Washington Post selected Barry’s same signature line as the “Biggest Pinocchio” of the Year.

It is quite telling that the President who promised the “most transparent administration ever”, has his signature line about his signature policy, selected by two separate news organizations as the biggest lie of 2013.  To be fair, the “most transparent administration ever” promise was a huge lie also.

Update: Obama’s Epic Fib About the NSA

UpdateInto Year 6, Obama admits he’s clueless

Update: Two sources point out that Politico rated their “Lie of the Year” as true before the 2012 election.

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

Replace “racism” with “communism” and I defy you to tell the difference between MSNBC and a 1958 John Birch Society newsletter.

David Burge

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Some Obamacare Highlights

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

Well, to be fair, Obamacare is running as smoothly as expected with a “community organizer” with no actual real world, let alone executive, experience running the bloody thing.

Let’s review some of the highlights.  Including many predictable ones.  The fact that users would be handing their private, personal information, including their social security number and financial data, to “navigators” that were not subject to any sort of background checks, was a legitimate cause of concern.  Of course the Obama cultists said those rational and reasonable people were “racists.”  The result? Well, to start, those official Obamacare navigators advised callers to commit fraud.

Fortunately for those stuck with implementing our Dear Leader’s socialist nightmare, government Obamacare officials are not held to the same standard the government holds private companies.

Students at Bowie College, who are mostly black, are dismayed that their $600 a year health insurance is being cancelled by Obamacare, and being replaced by $3000 a year Obamacare policies.

Most of these students admit they voted for Obama.  They probably had harsh words for anyone who actually read the ACA and spoke the truth about it.

I have to say, this is a fairly delicious bit of schadenfreude. Especially since it has been known since 2009 that Obama’s often repeated promise that “you can keep your health insurance” was a lie.

Update: A cancer patient, who  liked his insurance, but lost it because of Obamacare, is being subjected to a deep, probing audit by the IRS.  Given our Dear Leader‘s history of attacking whistle blowers, and using the IRS to attack those who question his reign, this is hardly a surprise.

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Quote of the Day

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

“The plan, this thing is going to work, it’s going to be extremely popular, and it’s going to wreak havoc with conservative ideology.”

— Far Left Wing Extremist Paul Krugman, getting it completely and utterly wrong in his July 2013 NY Times article, Obamacare is the Right’s Worst Nightmare

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What happened to the meme of the Republicans committing suicide?

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013
Bet you haven’t heard that one in a while.  Probably something to do with Obamacare, which no Republican voted for, being an epic clusterfuck of massive proportions.
A massive failure that was described in detail years ago, only to have those people speaking the truth (because they actually read the so-called “Affordable Care Act”), vilified as racists for daring to commit double plus unhood bad think against our Dear Leader’s Socialist dream.
Or as one pundit put it, Fox News is changing their byline from “Fair and Balanced” to “I told you so.”
Remember how democrats were calling Ted Cruz a “terrorist” for wanting to stop Obamacare? The same democrats that won’t refer to Major Hassan’s attack on US soldiers at Fort Hood as a terrorist attack.  Now we have hardcore, far left extremist democrats, most of which happen to be up for reelection in 2014 (like Al Franken. who only won his election after bags of ballots were mysteriously found), calling for delays in further implementation of Obamacare, at least until after their next election.  If liberal logic actually made any sense, they would be branded terrorists too.  Don’t hold your breath on that though, MSNBC is too busy committing hate crimes against women to admit they were Goebbels  level propagandists for our Dear Leader and his plan to fundamentally transform America.
Here is something that should have been a warning for the so called “centrists” and “moderates” that listened to  the “dog whistle” leftists and voted for the guy who wasn’t even a successful community organizer.  You don’t try and “fundamentally transform” something you like.

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Mitt Romney’s predictions about an Obama second term were spot on

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

Of course, the Obama cultists attacked him and repeatedly used personal slurs, made religious bigoted comments, and manufactured one fake crisis after another in their hate fueled attacks on a good and decent man who dared point out that their own deity was just a man, and a man unqualified and uniquely unsuited for the office of President of the United states.

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