What happened to the meme of the Republicans committing suicide?

Bet you haven’t heard that one in a while.  Probably something to do with Obamacare, which no Republican voted for, being an epic clusterfuck of massive proportions.
A massive failure that was described in detail years ago, only to have those people speaking the truth (because they actually read the so-called “Affordable Care Act”), vilified as racists for daring to commit double plus unhood bad think against our Dear Leader’s Socialist dream.
Or as one pundit put it, Fox News is changing their byline from “Fair and Balanced” to “I told you so.”
Remember how democrats were calling Ted Cruz a “terrorist” for wanting to stop Obamacare? The same democrats that won’t refer to Major Hassan’s attack on US soldiers at Fort Hood as a terrorist attack.  Now we have hardcore, far left extremist democrats, most of which happen to be up for reelection in 2014 (like Al Franken. who only won his election after bags of ballots were mysteriously found), calling for delays in further implementation of Obamacare, at least until after their next election.  If liberal logic actually made any sense, they would be branded terrorists too.  Don’t hold your breath on that though, MSNBC is too busy committing hate crimes against women to admit they were Goebbels  level propagandists for our Dear Leader and his plan to fundamentally transform America.
Here is something that should have been a warning for the so called “centrists” and “moderates” that listened to  the “dog whistle” leftists and voted for the guy who wasn’t even a successful community organizer.  You don’t try and “fundamentally transform” something you like.


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