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Archive for the ‘Media Bias’ Category

What ever happened to Cindy Sheehan?

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

You remember Cindy Sheehan, the left’s “ultimate moral authority” when protesting the policies of former President George W. Bush.  Well, she hasn’t been in the news much lately.  Not since her campaign van had its tires slashed when she was running against Nancy Pelosi.

Well, it appears she made the news a couple of weeks ago, but not the same level of coverage she used to get from the fawning left leaning MSM outlets that she got protesting President George W. Bush.

She was arrested outside the White House, were she was protesting the policies of our Dear Leader. She was quote as yelling “Arrest that war criminal!” in reference to Mr. Obama.

You don’t remember seeing this on the evening news? Neither do I. No mention of it on CNN’s site either. It seems that Ms. Sheehan’s passion no longer fits the MSM’s narrative.

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What the MSM isn’t telling you about the Pentagon Shooter.

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

CNN has a long, detailed story about John Patrick Bedell, the fellow who traveled across the country in order to open fire at guards at an entrance to the Pentagon.

What that long, detailed story leaves out is any mention that Bedell is a registered democrat, a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, and a rabid left wing liberal who hates former President George W. Bush.

Don’t expect to hear that particular bit of truth to be utter at MSNBC, ABC or CBS “News.” It doesn’t fit their particular brand of reality.

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Calling Racists out to meet with actual diversity

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

The ethically diverse members of the Dallas Tea Party movement are inviting the lilly white staff at MSNBC to come down and see actual diversity in action.

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Why does the left have to lie?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Frank Rich has been caught telling an easy to verify lie about Sarah Palin in the pages of the New York Times:

“This is about the people,” as Palin repeatedly put it last weekend while pocketing $100,000 of the Tea Partiers’ money.

Mr. Reynolds points out that if Mr. Rich had spend even the slight effort at “real journalism”, he would have found out that Gov. Palin did exactly what she said she would do with the money, “she donated it back.”  So Mr. Rich, writing in the NY Times, is either lying, because the “layers of fact checkers and editors” at the Gray Lady did their jobs, found out the actual truth, and let the lie run, or that same “layers of fact checkers and editors” didn’t bother doing the jobs and let the lie run in the “Newspaper of record.”  Either answer doesn’t look very good for the so-called “journalists” at the New York Times.

As I’ve noted before, the left isn’t exactly “rational” in regards to their hatred for Gov. Palin, nor have they let actual facts get in the way of their, ahem, “view of reality.”

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Even more raw hatred from the left

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid should publicly apologize for the rantings of MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and condemn it as hate speech.

This pattern of behavior is deeply disturbing.

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A loss for the democrats does not equal a win for the GOP

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

The democrats and their tame pets in the media (MSNBC & CNN are pushing the DNC talking points early and often) are spinning like tops on crack trying to downplay just how bad last night’s elections were for the democrats and our Dear Leader.

Virginia went big for BHO one year ago and was considered a solid blue state. After one year of of total democrat control over the executive and legislative branches, not only did the democrat loose his election bid, so did the Lt. Governor and the Attorney General, both democrats, to Republicans.

Pennsylvania was also a state that went for our Dear Leader a year ago, and has turned. Statewide elections went predominantly to Republicans.

Then there is New Jersey.  The state that is challenging Chicago for the title of capital of political corruption and a solid democrat state.  Despite multiple visits by Obama and Joey Biden to support their good friend, the sitting democrat governor, the Republican won.  What is even cooler is that Gov. Elect Christie made his chops by fighting corruption in New Jersey.

These victories were not so much the result of the message of the GOP as they were the actions of the DNC and our Dear Leader.  The swarms of new democrat voters who were “inspired” by BHO a year ago stayed home, and centrist voters who are not happy with the direction the country is heading in came out to vote instead.

The one election everyone had their eye on that the GOP lost was the one the GOP was the most involved in.  The infamous NY23 election.  As NPR’s Mara Liasson pointed out,  there was no primary election.  The state GOP selected a candidate that was more in line with the party platform of the DNC that the democrat candidate did! When fiscal conservatives, the core base of the GOP, objected and put forth a candidate from the Conservative party.  What did the NYS GOP do when the Conservative candidate do when the Conservative candidate proved to be more popular than their liberal choice? They pulled her from the race, but left her name on the ballot, and then supported the democrat in a fit of ‘salted earth’ tactics.

The democrat, who was to the right of the Republican candidate, ended up winning over the Conservative candidate with a margin of victory that was smaller than the number of votes the Republican received.

So, in the NY23 election, the Republican party worked to make sure the democrat candidate won.

Not a stirring recommendation for the GOP.

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Responding to their master’s voice

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

A talking head at MSNBC parrots the Team Lightbringer party line and states flat out that she is quoting an email from the Obama White House.

So much for that objective media thing.

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Obama is channeling Nixon now.

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

At first our Dear Leader was emulating the worst President of the past 50 years, the overtly racist Jimmy Carter.

Now he is taking a page out of former President Richard M. Nixon’s book of really bad things to do, and starting an “Enemies List” of American journalists.

This action raises this important question, “What does Barack Hussein Obama and his administration have against the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America?”

Let’s review the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It is widely excepted that the free speech and press clause is focused on “Political” topics.  The American people have to be able to freely report on and discuss their government and the effects on them, in order to maintain a free society.

Team Lightbringer doesn’t seem to be on board with this concept.  The Obama White House, through it’s official spokesmen, have publicly attacked members of the American News Media, and public figures, who have published stories that the Obama administration doesn’t like.

What happened to the classic liberals who stated, “I do not agree with what you are saying, but I’ll defend your right to say it”?  They seemed to have been replaced with thin skinned leftists who viciously attack anyone who dares to disagree with their agenda.

Jack Tapper, of ABC News seems to be the only member of the White House press corps with a functional set of testicles and an understanding of the US Constitution.

Tapper: It’s escaped none of our notice that the White House has decided in the last few weeks to declare one of our sister organizations “not a news organization” and to tell the rest of us not to treat them like a news organization. Can you explain why it’s appropriate for the White House to decide that a news organization is not one –
Gibbs: Jake, we render, we render an opinion based on some of their coverage and the fairness that, the fairness of that coverage.
Tapper: But that’s a pretty sweeping declaration that they are “not a news organization.” How are they any different from, say –
Gibbs: ABC –
Tapper: ABC. MSNBC. Univision. I mean how are they any different?

Tapper: It’s escaped none of our notice that the White House has decided in the last few weeks to declare one of our sister organizations “not a news organization” and to tell the rest of us not to treat them like a news organization. Can you explain why it’s appropriate for the White House to decide that a news organization is not one –


Gibbs: Jake, we render, we render an opinion based on some of their coverage and the fairness that, the fairness of that coverage.

Tapper: But that’s a pretty sweeping declaration that they are “not a news organization.” How are they any different from, say –

Gibbs: ABC –

Tapper: ABC. MSNBC. Univision. I mean how are they any different?

What is this White House afraid of?  A news organization that points out that Obama has admitted Communists and supporters of pedophilia  working for him?  Aren’t those actual facts that the American people should be aware of? Doesn’t the American people have a right to know just which health insurance officials are in those secret meetings with Joe Biden?

Just to add to the stench of Obama’s “Enemies List” is the flat out hypocrisy of Team Lightbringer.  The White House talking Head Gibby specifically singled out two of Fox News’ opinion format hosts, Beck and Hannity, as the reason for the Obama White House War on Fox News (which they are spending more time and effort than the war against Islamofascism being fought in Afghanistan) at the same time they are bringing in MSNBC’s hate mongers Olbermann & Maddow, who are clearly lapdogs of the Obama Administration,  in for private briefings.

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More raw hatred from the left.

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

MSNBC (the broadcast wing of the DNC) hate monger Keith Olbermann refers to conservative columnist Michelle Malkin as a “big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it.” A classic example of dehumanization and a hate crime against women in one neat sentence. Nice job of displaying the left’s values there Keith.

Next we have MSNBC’s Chris Matthews (who has stated, on the air, that his job is to make sure the regime of our Dear Leader is a success. So much for an impartial and fair press…) calling for the murder of Rush Limbaugh for daring to oppose our Dear Leader’s rule.

This is a noticeable and serious pattern. If you dare disagree with our Dear Leader and dare to exercise your First Amendment Rights under the Constitution of the United States of America, the far left media that acts as an enforcement arm of Team Obama will dehumanize you and call for your death on national television.

Why is the left so afraid of open and honest debate of the issues and the facts?

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Honesty from the Press, after the deed was done

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Via Newsbusters, White House reporter Carl Cannon, admits that the majority of the MSM was hostile toward Gov. Sarah Palin and “seriously failed to scrutinize Joe Biden, especially his fact-mangling and odd statements in the vice presidential debate.”

In the 2008 election, we took sides, straight and simple, particularly with regard to the vice presidential race. I don’t know that we played a decisive role in that campaign, and I’m not saying the better side lost. What I am saying is that we simply didn’t hold Joe Biden to the same standard as Sarah Palin, and for me, the real loser in this sordid tale is my chosen profession.

First off, thanks for admitting the glaringly obvious. Secondly, it’s pretty cowardly of Cannon to come out with this nine months after the election. Saying this publicly back in October 2008 would have show real guts and journalistic integrity. Cannon goes on to point out just how much of a free ride the press give Joey Biden, the Gaffe Master.

Sen. Biden, however, was in a place by himself when it came to bogus claims, absurd contentions, and flights of rhetorical fancy. He threw out several assertions that were so preposterous that – had Palin made them – they would have prompted immediate calls for McCain to dump her from the ticket.

The good senator from Delaware warmed up slowly, erroneously claiming that McCain voted with Obama on a budget resolution, and asserting wrongly that Obama wanted to return to the Reagan-era marginal income tax rates. He also embarked on an appallingly wrongheaded monologue about the constitutional history of the vice presidency. But when the talk turned to national security, presumably Biden’s purported area of expertise, he went completely off the grid.

To me Biden’s most discordant claims concerned his Animal House-like history lecture about the office of the vice president. It came while Biden was dressing down Dick Cheney, who was not present, for supposedly being unfamiliar with the Constitution. “The idea (that) he doesn’t realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States – that’s the executive branch – he works in the executive branch,” Biden said. “He should understand that. Everyone should understand that. And the primary role of the vice president of the United States is to support the president of the United States of America, give that president his or her best judgment when sought, and, as vice president, to preside over the Senate, only in a time when in fact there’s a tie vote. The Constitution is explicit….He has no authority relative to the Congress. The idea he’s part of the legislative branch is a bizarre notion invented by Cheney to aggrandize the power of a unitary executive, and look where it has gotten us.”

Lord, would Tina Fey have had fun with this jumble of misinformation – if only Palin had said it! Article I defines the legislative, not executive, branch. The vice president is, indeed, mentioned there. What Biden finds “explicit,” hasn’t been so to previous vice presidents or to most constitutional scholars. Prior to the 20th century, vice presidents didn’t even have offices at the White House compound – they were housed in the Capitol. The notion that a veep’s constitutional authority is to provide advice to a president springs from Biden’s brow; it certainly isn’t mentioned, or even contemplated, in the Constitution, which doesn’t even say whether the vice president should receive a salary.

Should Joe Biden have known this stuff? Since he chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee, you’d hope so. But even if he didn’t, you’d think it would be news when he unleashed a veritable fount of misinformation to impugn Palin’s knowledge of the federal system while attacking a sitting vice president. It barely rated a mention in the collective mainstream media.

This isn’t “news” to anybody paying attention, but it is interesting to see a member of the DNC/MSM out his profession for blatant unprofessionalism. Of course, he is doing nine months after the election, and well before the next election cycle. Either way, I don’t think readers of the New York Times will ever know of Cannon’s confession.

Here is an impression of Gov. Palin from “Saturday Night Live” senior producer Marci Klein, that is more accurate than any mocking satire from Tina Fey, “This is the most confident person I’ve ever met.”

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