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Archive for the ‘Media Bias’ Category

Muir nails it.

Friday, November 11th, 2011

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Meanwhile at OWS…

Monday, November 7th, 2011

Just a few items that probably aren’t leading on the nightly news:

At “Occupy” Boston, three members charged with selling crack.

Head and Body Lice Outbreak at “Occupy” Portland.

“Occupy” Seattle riots compared to the “French Revolution.”

Rioters at “Occupy” Oakland are members of the group’s leadership.

ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After Exposed as Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests

NYPD Officer: Crime, Sexual Assault At Occupy Wall Street “More Widespread Than Even They Think”…


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Political Quote of the Day

Monday, October 31st, 2011

“So we don’t know specifically what Herman Cain stands accused of doing wrong, who’s accusing him, or how to verify any of it. Other than that, this is some solid reporting from Politico.”

Jim Treacher

Bonus Quote:

“Liberals are terrified of Herman Cain. He is a strong conservative black man. Look at the way they go after Allen West and Michael Steele and they aren’t even running against Obama. They are terrified of strong, conservative, black men.”

Ann Coulter

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Was David Gregory drunk on the air again?

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Alternate question, is he actually just that stupid?  These question are raised because of his “performance” on last Sunday’s Meet the Press.  Let’s review the transcript:

MR. CAIN: We replace capital gains tax. We replace the payroll tax. We replace corporate income tax, replace personal income tax, and replace the death tax. It is a replacement tax structure.

MR. GREGORY: But where do state taxes go? You’re saying they’re going to be repealed?

MR. CAIN: If you–with the current structure, you have state taxes, right? So with this new structure, you’re still going to have taxes–state taxes. That is muddying the water.

MR. GREGORY: How so?

MR. CAIN: Because today, under the current tax code, state taxes are there if they have it. If they don’t have a state taxes, they don’t have it. It has nothing to do with this replacement structure for the federal tax code.

MR. GREGORY: But that doesn’t make any sense to me. If I’m already paying state taxes, and I have a new Cain administration national sales tax, I’ve got more state taxes.

Mr. Gregory appears to be deeply confused on the difference between State taxes and a sales tax.  He is either spiking his coffee and hosting a national political talk show drunk or is completely incompetent for the position he holds.  The other explanation is that does know the difference, but is deliberately attempting to confuse the issue in order to make the current Republican front runner look bad.  That last option points to a deep and widespread far left wing extremist media bias at NBC News/MSNBC.

So which is it? Drunk, incompetent or deliberately attempting to mislead the American people?

HT to Mr. Reynolds

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

“OccupyWallStreet is organized agitprop designed to deflect attention from the Obama administration’s failings onto “Wall Street,”  although many of the participants don’t understand how they are being used.  The Washington Post now is fully aboard Team Obama, doing its best to take down Rick Perry this week, next week someone else.  AxelPlouffe messaging is all class warfare all the time, and will be for the next 13 months.”

— William A. Jacobson

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Quote of the Day

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad”

— President Barack Hussein Obama.

This is the guy that democrats keep claiming is the “smartest President evah!” Imagine the uproar if any Republican on the national scene said this? It would be the lead “news” story across the entire DNC/MSM spectrum.


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Quote of the Day

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

“At the height of the Great Depression, [President] Roosevelt avoided such a rating. So did other presidents during troubled times including Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and G.W. Bush. Yet, the news media are more interested with protecting a failed president than with informing American citizens about a troubling economic situation.”

 economist Gerhard Fassbender on our Dear Leader‘s ‘campaign speech’ on the S&P downgrade of the United States of America

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Time Epic Fail

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

In a recent article in the so-called “news weekly” Time about the Constitution of the United States of America, the author, who is also the Managing Editor, managed to make no less than thirteen (13) factual errors.

The Constitution is written in a fairly clear and straightforward manner, and has been the subject of much scholarly research. So for a ‘veteran’ reporter like Richard Stengel to make over one dozen errors in an article on the Constitution implies that he is either massively incompetent, or intentionally promoting an agenda that is not supported by the Constitution, which would require him to misrepresent the clear intent of the document.  The latter choice also implies that Mr. Stengel assumes that the majority of his readers have not read the Constitution, nor are they going to. A position also held by Rachel Maddow of the far left extremest “news” organization, MSNBC.

Aaron Worthing has an excellent article listing all thirteen (13) factual errors made by the Newsweek Managing Editor, Richard Stengel.  You should read the whole thing, which details exactly what is wrong in the article, and provides the correct facts.  I’m just going to list the thirteen (13) errors here.

  1. The Constitution does not limit the Federal Government.
  2. The Constitution is not law.
  3. The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment emancipated the slaves.
  4. The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment granted the right to vote to African Americans.
  5. The original Constitution declared that black people were to be counted as three-fifths of a person.
  6. That the original, unamended Constitution prohibited women from voting.
  7. Inter arma enim silent leges translates as “in time of war, the Constitution is silent.”
  8. The War Powers Act allows the president to unilaterally wage war for sixty days.
  9. We have only declared war five times.
  10. Alexander Hamilton wanted a king for America.
  11. Social Security is a debt within the meaning of Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  12. Naturalization depends on your birth.
  13. The Obamacare mandate is a tax.

You should do what Mr. Stengel clearly doesn’t want you to do, read the US Constitution. It’s not that long, and is written in clear English, unlike most legislation written today.

Update: The error count is still rising.

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Quote of the Day: Althouse on Palin edition

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

“This intense eagerness to get Sarah Palin for whatever it is she might have done on line unfolded concurrently with all the attention that had to be paid to Anthony Weiner for his on-line antics. What we can’t see is the agony the poor journalists must have endured as Weiner’s wienerisms hurt the Democratic Party just when they stood ready to damage the Republican Party with Sarah’s misdeeds. And then — oh, how awful! — they got nothing from Sarah. Nothing but hard work and — urrrgghhh! — good government and — damn! — family values.”

Ann Althouse

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Imagine the uproar if a Fox News anchor had said this

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

File under yet another example of how bad liberals are at history.  Perhaps that is because they tend to rewrite it in a blatantly Orwellian fashion to fit whatever they think will assist their next grab at the brass ring of power, but I digress slightly.  The topic at hand is in your face ignorance of the party that is constantly telling you how stupid anybody who dares disagree with them are.

Listen to this clip of a MSNBC talking head, i.e. a “News Anchor”, attempt to “educate” his listening audience and get a key historical fact about an elected democrat President completely and utterly wrong.  This isn’t a slip of the Talking Head’s tongue, he’s reading from a prepared script, in a produced segment, complete with background graphics. The fact that JFK was assassinated in November of 1963, requiring LBJ to have been elected in November 1964, in order to decide not to run in 1968, is completely lost not only by the “News Anchor”, but the also by: the person or persons who wrote the segment, the producer of the segment, as well as anybody in the entire production team that set the segment up for presentation on the air.

Given that MSNBC’s business plan is to “out fox Fox News, but from the extreme left”, it is doubtful that  there is a single Republican or conservative in that list of people involved in the production of the so-called “news segment” in question. One possible explanation is that the entire crew is so indoctrinated in the liberal “group think” or “herd mentality”, that none dared question the obvious and glaring error.  A large C Conservative or Libertarian would have stood up and pointed out the error.  The leftists have been conditioned not to question authority from “their betters.”

Then again, as one of the people commenting on the post I’m referencing there points out, it was a production team at MSNBC who let one of that network’s political “commentators”, Rachel Maddow, “mock Boehner for saying the Constitution has a Preamble.”

Perhaps MSNBC is betting that their audience is woefully ignorant about actual American history.

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