Mark Dice is at it again. He’s on the streets of San Diego, asking people to sign a petition in support of President Obama’s plan to secure his legacy by liberating the people of North Korea by launching a nuclear strike at the heart of North Korea.
It is refreshing to see that there are a few sane people in San Diego who refuse to sign the petition. For the most part, the Obama cultists sign it in order to support their Dear Leader.
But no amount of adjustment can obscure how bad the recovery has been for most American families. By many measures, 2014 was the strongest year of the recovery so far; the economy added nearly 3 million jobs, the most since 1999. Yet incomes were stagnant across virtually all groups: young and old, married and single, rich and poor.2 Virtually the only group to see a statistically significant gain in income was immigrants, whose median household income rose 4 percent to just under $50,000. Native-born households saw their income decline 2 percent to just under $55,000.
The recovery has utterly failed to lift the fortunes of the poorest Americans. The official poverty rate was 14.8 percent in 2014, nearly unchanged since the immediate aftermath of the recession, and far above the prerecession level. Some 15 million children and 5 million seniors are living in poverty.
The third part of a Bernie Sanders speech is pure socialist class warfare, income redistribution rhetoric. Nonsense which the useful idiots who support him swallow whole because they have no understanding of economics, and are either ignorant of or willfully ignore history.
Bernie is remarkably light on details on just how he is going to pay for his vision of a socialist workers paradise. The math isn’t hard. The Wall Street Journal put the price tag at $18 trillion, which is the current federal debt. Bernie denied the WSJ numbers, but refused to present any of his own. That is because he doesn’t have any plans based in reality. Socialism has failed each and every time it has been tried. It has resulted in economic collapse or has had to kill off large chunks of the population. Usually both. Socialist countries killed over a 100 million of their own citizens in the 20th Century. Remind any useful idiot who babbles about “feel the Bern” of this fact. Odds are it won’t make any difference. They will probably either ignore or deny it.
I’ve mentioned before that Sander’s stump speeches on the topic of immigration are even more hard lined, on both legal and illegal immigration, than Donald Trump’s stance on the subject.
There are two other common themes to a Sander’s speech.
The first sounds a lot like Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign. One of the major catch phrases of that campaign was, “It’s the economy, stupid!” The brilliant James Carville gets credit for that. For those of you who don’t remember the early 1990’s, in Q492, when the election was held, the US had just come out of a recession. When the President at the time, George H.W. Bush, correctly stated that the recession was over, and the recovery was starting, the Clinton team would go into full attack mode, calling him a liar. Since the recovery had just started, the effects were not wildly felt. This tactic was wildly successful for Clinton, especially since the economy really was starting to recover, and he got to take credit for something that was already happening after he took office.
Bernie Sanders is pounding the pulpit and telling people not to believe the economic news coming from the Obama White House. Obama is telling you that unemployment is 5.6%, and Bernie is telling it’s 10.7%. Thing is that they are both quoting the current federal Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers. Barry is using the more commonly used U3 number. Bernie is using the U6 number, which is considered by rational economists to be a more accurate indicator.
If you have read my previous posts about the Obama Economy, you would think I’m siding with Bernie on this. I have to admit, the self identified Socialist does have a point. The so-called “recovery” has been going on for just over five years now, and it has been described everywhere from CNBC to NPR as “lackluster” and “jobless.” With a U3 of 5.6%, we should be damn close to “full employment”, yet the number of people not in the work force is at levels we haven’t seen since the deep recession of the late 1970s. Barry’s policies have managed to kill most of the economic gain that you typically get coming out of a recession.
While Sanders may be right about our Dear Leader‘s handling of the economy, odds are he will screw it up even more with his socialist economic policies.
You hear the MSM/DNC slamming Donald Trump over and over again because of his stance on immigration, both legal and illegal.The silence of the same “out raged”, so-called reporters regarding Bernie Sanders (Socialist-VT), is deafening. Sanders is actually more hardlined on immigration, both legal and illegal, than Trump, yet he gets a pass.
It could be because with HRC and her criminal behavior regarding classified material is sucking up all the air time. That probably isn’t it. What little coverage it getting on most “News Organizations” is limited to recycling the Clinton Campaign press releases on the subject. Check out the stories NPR is pushing on the subject for an example.
What I really think scares the dedicated leftists with press credientials is both Trump and Sanders are rising the polls with what they consider an “extremist view.” That the U.S. immigration laws should actually be enforced.
That is a message that is polling really, really well with Americans of both parties, especially those in the likely voter category.
The progressive left has never been a fan of the whole “Freedom of Speech” thing. Oh, they sing it’s praises as long as they are the ones doing the talking, but as soon as anybody else tries to express an opinion they disagree with, it’s all “hate speech”, or not “politically correct”, or the current favorite, “racist.” It’s even worse on what should be bastions of free expression, college campuses. There they have “Speech Codes”, and “Free Speech Zones.” Neither of which seem to apply to anyone who is spouting the far left’s extremist agenda.
What is the difference between fascism and progressive ideology? If you don’t know the answer to this, you can probably blame a public school teacher who identifies as a progressive. Both “are very hostile to individualism, especially in the field of economics.”
Once again, I’m going with an Independence Day double header. Starting with the 1972 film version of the Broadway musical 1776. It tells the tale of getting the resolution on Independence passed through the Continental Congress in the summer of 1776. William Daniels is quite good as John Adams, but it is Howard Da Silva as Benjamin Franklin who steals the show. The second film was the 4th of July weekend pick for 2009. It is the story of Crocumentary filmmaker Michael Malone (name slightly changed so you will be sure which fat communist bastard it is supposed to be), who wants to ban the “4th of July” and is visited by the Ghost of John F. Kennedy, who tells that he will be visited by three spirits in order to cure him of his un-American ways. Very funny, with a great cast of actors who put their careers at risk by outing themselves as Conservatives in the far left extremist moonbat haven of Hollywood.
In case you missed extensive main stream media coverage of this story, here is a quick summary: “…the personal data of some four million federal employees who sought security clearances over the past 30 years had been compromised. Now the president of the American Federation of Government Employees, J. David Cox, has informed OPM in a letter that his organization believes “the Central Personnel Data File was the targeted database, and that the hackers are now in possession of all personnel data for every federal employee, every federal retiree, and up to one million former federal employees.””
In other words, the US got pwoned by hackers in the employ of the Communist Chinese government.
The United States is loosing the Cyberwar big time and our Dear Leader really doesn’t seem to care.
Flight Logs Confirm Clinton and Dershowitz Flew on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet. Of course there is a blackout of this on most of the so-called “main stream” media. On the other hand, this is Billy Jeff Clinton we’re talking about. It would have been surprising if he hadn’t been on a jet to an island where he could have sex with underaged girls.