Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Quote of the Day

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

“OccupyWallStreet is organized agitprop designed to deflect attention from the Obama administration’s failings onto “Wall Street,”  although many of the participants don’t understand how they are being used.  The Washington Post now is fully aboard Team Obama, doing its best to take down Rick Perry this week, next week someone else.  AxelPlouffe messaging is all class warfare all the time, and will be for the next 13 months.”

— William A. Jacobson

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The Obama Presidency by the Numbers

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

Found these hard cold facts over at AoSHQ.

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Quote of the Day

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad”

— President Barack Hussein Obama.

This is the guy that democrats keep claiming is the “smartest President evah!” Imagine the uproar if any Republican on the national scene said this? It would be the lead “news” story across the entire DNC/MSM spectrum.


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Obama’s bullet proof vest

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

The best argument against resigning before January 20, 2013 can be stated in three words.

“President Joe Biden”

Seriously, the man is a better bullet proof vest than Dan Quayle ever was.

Biden holds the distinction of being the only man in the Senate only to hold leadership posts which only have “time in office” requirements.
Literally ones that the DNC could not deny him because the only criteria was serving the required number of terms.
The DNC has carefully kept this idiot out of any position where he could cause any damage. Which makes him a perfect Vice-President in the traditional application of the office.

I have to give my brother Fred credit for coming up with the perfect summary of Joe Biden. He is the Anti-Dick Cheney.

While some leftists may be calling on Obama not to run for reelection, they would much rather the Big Zero, and his magic teleprompter, to stay in office. With our Dear Leader, the DNC can play the race card, and be secure that Obama, a product of the corrupt Chicago democrat machine, will do what he told, and stay out of too much trouble by sticking with his rigorous golf schedule.

Joe Biden in the Oval Office gives up the race card, and will cause an otherwise reliable core of black voters to stay home. Plus there is the danger that Biden will do what he is famous for Washington, D.C.; screw up royally and let the truth slip out of his mouth.

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The old school democrat method to reduce the deficit

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Let us set the Way Back Machine to 1962, when a democrat President presented his plan to create jobs and economic spur growth.

That’s right, dear readers, President Kennedy called for across the board tax cuts and tax reform in order to create jobs, grow the economy, and increase federal revenue.

Unlike our Dear Leader‘s plan of jacking taxes through the roof, President Kennedy’s plan was successful.

“Tax revenues climbed from $94 billion in 1961 to $153 billion in 1968, an increase of 62 percent (33 percent after adjusting for inflation).”


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Three years of Obama “promises” on jobs

Saturday, September 10th, 2011

Perhaps the majority of those who have opposed our Dear Leader since he first appeared on the national scene are right, he is dangerously incompetent, and is completely lacking in any private sector experience.

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AP fact checks Obama’s speech and finds it comes up short on actual facts

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Here is the fact checking article in full.  I’ll just list some of the highlights

Essentially, the jobs plan is an IOU from a president and lawmakers who may not even be in office down the road when the bills come due. Today’s Congress cannot bind a later one for future spending. A future Congress could simply reverse it.

THE FACTS: It’s hard to see how the program would not raise the deficit over the next year or two because most of the envisioned spending cuts and tax increases are designed to come later rather than now, when they could jeopardize the fragile recovery.

THE FACTS: Not all of the president’s major proposals are likely to yield quick job growth if adopted. One is to set up a national infrastructure bank to raise private capital for roads, rail, bridges, airports and waterways. Even supporters of such a bank doubt it could have much impact on jobs in the next two years because it takes time to set up.

Bottom line, our Dear Leader asked for more of his failed policies.  More and more of the American people, especially registered voters, are seeing the truth behind his rhetoric.

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What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

By way of Ms. Malkin, comes this LA Times story that shows the Obama White House knew about the corrupt ATF “Fast & Furious” program very, very early on.

Newly obtained emails show that the White House was better informed about a failed gun-tracking operation on the border with Mexico than was previously known.

Three White House national security officials were given some details about the operation, dubbed Fast and Furious. The operation allowed firearms to be illegally purchased, with the goal of tracking them to Mexican drug cartels. But the effort went out of control after agents lost track of many of the weapons.

The supervisor of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation in Phoenix specifically mentioned Fast and Furious in at least one email to a White House national security official, and two other White House colleagues were briefed on reports from the supervisor, according to White House emails and a senior administration official.

Our Dear Leader‘s administration has responded to the “Fast & Furious” scandal by continuing their war on transparency. ATF Head Kenneth Melson is being shuffled out of office.  It is as if the Obama administration doesn’t want him to answer any questions about the “Fast  & Furious” scandal.

Even the Obama cheerleaders at CBS News are starting to use the word “coverup.”

Congressional investigators tell CBS News there’s evidence the U.S. Attorney’s office in Arizona sought to cover up a link between their controversial gunwalking operation known as “Fast and Furious” and the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Terry was murdered in Arizona near the US border last December. Two assault rifles ATF had allegedly allowed onto the street without interdiction were found at the scene.

But the US Attorney’s office working both the Terry murder and the “Fast and Furious” operation did not immediately disclose the two had any link. Two Republicans investigating the scandal, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) say there’s evidence that officials at ATF and the US Attorney’s office sought to hide the connection.

HT to Ace for the CBS News “coverup” story.

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Even the Washington Post is waking up to the failure that is Barack Obama

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

Jennifer Rubin nails it in this Washington Post article:

It’s dawning on many Americans that they made a bad hire. Obama was slick and seductive in the interview that stretched from early 2007 to November 2008; the competition was unexciting and, to be blunt, old. But it turned out he had no real job skills, didn’t get along with others, failed to translate rhetoric into action and became blinded by his own ego.

The lesson here is an existential one: Leaders are what they do. They become revered because they perform, understand their market, show creativity, deliver unexpected gains and beat the competition. The star quality follows accomplishments and performance.

Failure is never cool; lofty salesmanship without a solid product is annoying. Obama is forever “pivoting” and “resetting,” but the problem remains. He promises to roll out a “new and improved” job agenda, but the public anticipates it will be neither.

The closing line up sums up the failure of the MSM/DNC: “Maybe we should have checked references?”

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Wednesday Round Up

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Various bits from the past week or so…

Our Dear Leader‘s policies in the Middle East has made the “Arab Street” hate America even more then they did back when G.W Bush was President. No real surprise to anyone who was paying attention.

Someone please tell the part time adjunct professor of Constitutional law living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that the President has to actually send trade agreements (and other treaties) to Congress before they can approve them.

The Obama Administration recently violated the ban on federal funding on ACORN.  Rule of Law never has been their strong point.

Rep. Tony Weiner’s (democrat – NYC) district may elect a Republican.

This is no surprise to anyone paying attention, but Obamacare is a disaster

More raw hate from the left

The Mainsteam media’s silence on operation “Fast and Furious” is growing deafening.

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