Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Quote of the Day

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Obama wasn’t experienced enough to be President. He’s in over his head.

The blue social model is killing Europe and the three states closest to bankruptcy are California, New York, and Illinois.

Anyone who would spend time rationalizing Obama’s failure is as crazy as the guy who was obsessed with Sarah Palin’s uterus.

— mccullough, commenting at Ann Althouse’s blog.

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Democrats like to think of themselves as the party of smart people. And over the last four years we have heard countless encomiums, and not just from Democrats, of the intellect and perceptiveness of Barack Obama. But a reading of the text of Obama’s December 6 speech at Osawatomie, Kansas, billed as one of his big speeches of the year, shows him to be something like the opposite.

Even by the standards of campaign rhetoric, this is a shockingly shoddy piece of work. You can start with his intellectually indefensible caricature of Republican philosophy: “We are better off when everybody is left to fend for themselves and play by their own rules.” Or his simple factual inaccuracy: “The wealthiest Americans are paying the lowest taxes in over half a century.” Or his infantile economic analysis, blaming job losses on the invention of the automated teller machine (they’ve been around for more than four decades, Mr. President, and we’ve had lots of job growth during that time) and the Internet.

What we have here, it seems a president who has no serious interest in public policy. He has spent nearly half his 15 years in public office running for other public office. The only difference now is that, having run out of higher offices to run for, he is just running for reelection instead. Those who pride themselves on belonging to the party of smart people should be embarrassed.

Michael Barone


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Friday Roundup

Friday, November 25th, 2011

Here are a few thing that just may have flew under your radar.

Obama is admired by just 4 percent of Middle East Arabs in the new survey  released by the Brookings Institution and University of Maryland. I seem to recall the lefties telling everyone that Barack Hussein Obama understood the Muslim world and would improve our standing there.  Silly lefties, as TalkStraight correctly summed it up, “[The] Arab World does not admire people they consider weak.”

Our Dear Leader is continuing his version of a “jobs program”, by being on track to kill a potential 120,000 American jobs by stonewalling the Keystone Pipeline Project. Just what does he have against inexpensive, non-oil tanker required, conflict free, oil being available to the American people? It is almost as if he wants higher energy prices, rising inflation and an American economy stuck in a ditch.

Since QE1 and QE2 have been such dismal failures, Obama’s pick to head the Fed,Ben Bernanke, is looking to inflict QE3 on the American people.  For those of you who forget just what “Quantitative Easing” is, here is an instructional video.

Chicago democrat, and old Obama buddy Tony Rezko gets a ten and half year prison term for “extorting millions of dollars from firms seeking state business or regulatory approval.” Ya, it does sorta sound like the Obama administration funneling “green investment” money to big democrat donors.


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Follow the Money

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Lots of money to follow.

Let’s start with a lot of money people wish they could follow.

$1.2 Billion missing from MF Global.  You remember MF Global, run by Obama crony Jon Corzine, former democrat Senator and former Governor of New Jersey.  The guy who spent New Jersey dry and then ran up a huge debt to keep government spending at economy wreaking levels.  He left government service (i.e. he lost an election that his Republican opponent won in a landslide), and proceeded to continue his ways at MF Global.  The result was summed up nicely by Ann Barnhardt.

A firm, led by a crony of the Obama regime, stole all of the non-margined cash held by customers of his firm. Let’s not sugar-coat this or make this crime seem “complex” and “abstract” by drowning ourselves in six-dollar words and uber-technical jargon. Jon Corzine STOLE the customer cash at MF Global.

While we discussing friends of our Dear Leader, here a double header of money that deserves to be followed.

First, Solyndra, the company run by a big democrat donor, has it’s tax payer funded price tag bumped another $14.3 Million.

Second, Obama’s Half-Billion-Dollar Crony Drug Deal.  Yup, a big democrat donor gets a no-bid “sweetheart” government handout.  More of the tax payers funding our Dear Leader‘s campaign payoffs.

Moving the so-called “Occupy” criminal trespass groups, it is very clear that Orwell got it right, and some pigs are more equal than others.  No tents for the “leaders”, but $700 a night hotels.  Paid for by the rank and file who sleep in tents.  Yup, Lenin was right as well, when he called them “useful idiots.”

Let’s move to the world of bought and paid for “science”, and its poster child, James Hansen.

As Mr. Hinderaker points out, “…James Hansen, one of the two or three most prominent global warming alarmists on whose work the IPCC reports rest, “forgot” to report $1.6 million in outside income, as required by his government contracts. ”

Finally, let’s not forget the source of the ever so useful phrase, “Follow the Money.”

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Monday Book Pick

Monday, November 21st, 2011

Obama: The Greatest President in the History of Everything by Frank J. Fleming

Hat Tip to my friend John on this one. A very funny parody of how hard core leftists view our Dear Leader. The scary thing is that isn’t a parody for some of the seriously hardcore moonbats we have here in the Peoples’ Commmonwealth.

Monday Book Pick Archive

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It’s a safe bet that their houses won’t have leftist “OWS” protesters

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Meet the “1%”, uber-rich Obama bundlers.

The Obama re-election campaign quietly released the list of their elite deep-pocketed donors who bundled at least $20 million each.

Ms. Malkin has the the full list.

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Obama’s EPA will shut down 28 GW of American Electrical Production

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

Can you say “rolling brown outs” boys and girls?

Our Dear Leader is once again keeping one of his campaign promises and shutting down electrical power plants that use abundant domestic fuel sources (i.e. coal).

Don’t worry though, as our Dear Leader also promised, there will be plenty of alternative energy brought on line by technological breakthroughs that will more than make up for the 28 GigaWatts being removed from the American electrical grid.

Oh, what’s that?  President Obama isn’t keeping that promise?  Well, at least he tried. OK, wasting a half billion of Tax Payer dollars on the predicted failure of Solyndra doesn’t really count as “trying”, but it did funnel that money in to the hands of big Obama donors!

Use that thought to keep you warm as your electricity cuts out on regular basis because your local power grid can’t sustain a base load.


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A reminder to the OWS folks

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

You can’t spell “Goldman-Sachs” without the O.

Yup, look up who Wall Street poured money to in the 2008 elections.  The bailouts you are protesting against were political payback by a corrupt product of the Chicago democrat political machine.


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OWS Astroturf Roots

Monday, October 10th, 2011

You remember those so-called “grass roots” activists making a political statement by hanging out at Wall Street, disrupting businesses and generally carrying on cranky.

Well, it seems that they have deep roots in our friend ACORN, that’s right, the organization that helps out pimps, has been convicted of of massive vote fraud in multiple states, and deep and long term connections to our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama.

Let us go to the video for the proof.

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Obama’s Kagen Coverup

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Investor’s Business Daily reports:

“Eric Holder’s Justice Department has rebuffed numerous Freedom of Information Act requests to get to the bottom of Kagan’s role as solicitor general in the successful Obama political strategy to get health reform enacted. But internal communications that are already public themselves make for a smoking gun.

How about this Jan. 8, 2010, email featuring the subject line “Re: Health Care Defense” from former Deputy Solicitor General/now-acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal to Associate Attorney General Brian Hauck: “Brian, Elena would definitely like OSG (Office of Solicitor General) to be involved in this set of issues … we will bring in Elena as needed.”

In another email that same day, Hauck asked Katyal about putting together a group “to defend against inevitable challenges” to ObamaCare. Ketel replies, “Absolutely right on. Let’s crush them. I’ll speak with Elena and designate someone.”

It look like the kindest thing you could say about Elena Kagan’s  Supreme Court nomination testimony, and the statements of Obama administration officials were “deceitful” when they repeatedly stated that she was not involved in getting Obama-Care passed.

Justice Kagan needs to announce immediately that she will recuse  herself from any and all Supreme Court cases involving Obamacare.

If she does not, the House Judiciary Committee, and bipartisan group such as Judicial Watch,  should step up their investigation in to her involvement  in passing Obamacare.

The question remains, why is the Obama White House actively involved in a cover up of Elena Kagan’s involvement in the President’s signature legislation? What did Obama know and when did he know it?

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