Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Quote of the Day

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz Samantha Power and Susan Rice and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove David Axelrod to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income – to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That’s what I’m opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear – I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein Bashar Assad. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He’s a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi Syrian people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam Assad poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi Syrian economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi Syrian military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.

Barack Hussein Obama in 2002, updated to match current events by AoSHQ

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

— Barack Hussein Obama, 2007

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Round Up Post

Monday, August 19th, 2013

Let’s start the fun with the CDC Study Ordered by our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, that Contradicts White House Anti-gun Narrative. Don’t expect reality to get in way of their “progressive” political agenda this time either.

BHO’s former Sec. of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton yelled at a congressman in a briefing just after the Benghazi terror attack for calling it a terror attack.  Again, reality didn’t fit the Obama political agenda, so reality had to be denied.

While Barack Hussein Obama tries to spin away his very real scandals by calling them “phony,” Jim O’Sullivan correctly identifies Obama’s so called “economic recovery” as the real phony.

What isn’t “phony” about the Obama economy is “Slow GDP growth, lagging job creation, constricted free markets, ballooning deficits and debt, growing and counterproductive regulation, crippling taxation, and the penalization of small business…”

On the topic of the Obama economy, the CBO reports that our Dear Leader broke a new record, four years of federal deficit over $1 trillion. That is a trillion dollar plus deficit for each of the first four years of his “occupy the White House” golf tour.  The current US debt is $16.9 Trillion and growing.

Forbes reports that the German Green Energy Bluster Running Out Of Wind.  It seems that unreliable wind produced energy can’t compete without massive government subsidies. Combine that with their policy of shutting down carbon neutral nuclear power plants that deliver steady energy at a lower cost than the very expensive wind turbines, and you have rapidly rising energy costs and cold German winter on the way.

No surprise here, but Hillary Rodham Clinton is throwing Tony Weiner under the bus for his sex scandal.  Mentioning her husband’s sex scandals would be in bad taste, so ya, he had a lot of them.  HRC responded to those by attacking the women who dared bring up her husband’s sexual harassment.  Yup, if it wasn’t for double standards, democrats would have no standards.

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Not good enough to work in the Obama White House

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

The continuous flow of scandals, felonies, lies and cover ups coming from the Obama White House reminded me of this exchange from the TV show Archer.

Cyril Figgis: How do you keep track of all these lies?

Sterling Archer: Practice Cyril. Lying is like 95% of what I do.

Cyril Figgis: In your job.

Sterling Archer: Sure.

Sorry Archer, 95% just isn’t good enough to work in the Obama White administration.

Case in point, White House Spokes Weasel Jay Carney.  He has moved well beyond the typical spin control required in the job and right into Baghdad Bob territory.  Plenty of video evidence of that.

Let’s review:

The Entire Obama White House staff, and numerous members of the Obama executive branch, lied repeatedly, in fact often, on National TV, about the murder of four Americans, including an Ambassador in Benghazi.  That is documented.  Proven over and over again.  Which is why most leftists will claim it’s ‘not a big deal’, since they can’t deny it or blame President G.W. Bush.

The Obama regime lied repeatedly over the IRS multiple violations of the First Amendment rights of Conservative groups.  The Obama cultists’ explanation of this is particularly hypocritical, since they are claiming the Tea Party groups were asking for it by wearing a short skirt, or reading the Constitution. The Cato Daily Podcast, which you should be listening to, interviewed one of the top people at the D.C. branch of the ACLU. This fellow felt this was a big fornicating deal.  It was deliberate targeting of a group practice of free political speech.  A clear felony level violation of the First Amendment. The ACLU is taking the classic Liberal position here, which is the territory of Libertarians these days.  The self identified “progressives” are being true to form, since they never were fans of free speech or the market place of free ideas.

The Obama regime lied, and continues to lie, about their Fast and Furious program in where it supplied semi-automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels.  A program that resulted in the murders of over 300 Mexican nationals and at least one US Federal Agent.  If this was as above board as they claim, why is our Dear Leader‘s top officials stonewalling any attempts to find out the facts?

Bottom line, our Dear Leader promised the “most transparent administration ever”, and instead he has gone into an information blackout and raised the administration’s paranoia well past the levels of the Nixon administration.  Don’t forget his previous War on Inspector Generals.

It is also interesting to watch all the far left extremists Obama cultists back pedal to defend the actions of their Lightbringer that they would have screamed bloody murder and flooded the streets protesting if anybody with a R after their name had done it.

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Quote of the Day

Saturday, May 25th, 2013

“That, it seems to us, is the central story of our time. The left-liberal elite that attained cultural dominance between the 1960s and the 1980s–and that since 2008 has seen itself as being on the cusp of political dominance as well–is undergoing a crisis of authority, and its defenses are increasingly ferocious and unprincipled. Journalists lie or ignore important but politically uncongenial storiesScientists suppress alternative hypothesesPolitical organizations bully apolitical charitiesThe Internal Revenue Service persecutes dissenters. And campus censorship goes on still.”

James Taranto

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Sweet, sweet Schadenfreude….

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

Michael Graham writes the following about our Dear Leader’s Press Secretary:

It was one of the tastiest servings of schadenfreude I’ve sampled in a long time.  Watching Carney lie is boring. Watching him lie while he knows everyone watching knows he’s lying is a delight.

What we’ve known from the beginning–and the folks at ABC News are just starting to figure outis that the White House knew within 24 hours--48 max–that the Benghazi consulate was destroyed by a pre-planned, organized attack on the anniversary of 9/11 by Al Qaeda. Which means every time Hillary Clinton said “video” at Chris Stevens funeral or President Obama said it at the UN or Susan Rice said it on TV–they were lying.

They were lying because the CIA, the State Department and the Libyan government has all told them the truth within a day of the attack.

Bottom line, Carney is moving into Baghdad Bob territory every time he opens his mouth about Benghazi.

Of course, the Obama cultists “don’t care” about the President and his staff lying repeatedly to the American people, as long as it is their “lightbringer” doing the lying.


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Quote of the Day

Friday, May 10th, 2013

“ I’ve come to realize after the Sandy Hook shooting that the reason we can’t have a rational gun debate is because the anti-gun side pre-supposes that their pro-gun opponents must first accept that guns are bad in order to have a discussion about guns in the first place. Before we even start the conversation, we’re the bad guys and we have to admit it. Without accepting that guns are bad and supplicating themselves to the anti-gunner, the pro-gunner can’t get a word in edgewise, and is quickly reduced to being called a murderer, or a low, immoral and horrible human being. You might think that’s hyperbole too, but I’ve experienced it personally from people I considered friends until recently. . . . How can we ‘gun people’ honestly be expected to come to the table with anti-gunners when anti-gunners are willfully stupid about guns, and openly hate, despise and ridicule those of us who own them? There must first be respect and trust — even just a little — before there can be even the beginnings of legitimate discussion of the issue.”

Barry Snell

HT to Mr Reynolds, who points out, “As with most lefty causes, the key driver is a craving for moral superiority, usually driven by oikophobia.”

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Quote of the Day

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

Why is it so important for the liberals to push out the only reporter who covered Benghazi?

“Ghettoization.” If the “neutral media” — actually liberal as hell — can present a unified party line on stories, always supporting one another and never showing a crack in the wall, they can sneer at stories they don’t like by saying “Only Fox claims that.”

This becomes unhelpful to the liberals for the same reason it’s helpful to conservatives. Conservatives always say “Wow, now it’s on CBS!” We call that vindication — that it’s gotten out of the ghetto to the liberal media. That even the liberal media was forced to cover that.


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Sunday Round Up

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Here is collection of interesting items I put in my “blog about” file but didn’t get to.

Let’s lead off with some Blue on Blue media attacks.  George Soros’ bought and paid for thugs at Media Matters attacked the uber-liberal reporters at NPR for committing an act of Journalism.  Chana Joffe-Walt did a story on that covered the fraud and corruption in the federal disability program on Chicago’s Public Radio This American Life and National Public Radio’s (NPR) All Things Considered.  Ms. Joffe-Walt apparently forgot about the memo that said that all news stories must praise our Dear Leader and blame Republicans.

Jon Stewart, a fairly reliable talking head for the extreme far hard left agenda, ripped in our Dear Leader for basic incompetence on his handling of the obscenely long backlog at the Veterans Administration. Gee, it’s almost as if Obama sees US military veterans as his enemy and is trying to kill them off.

Obamacare’s PR Problem: Not Just a Flesh Wound

Megan McCardle points out an annoying fact that leftists don’t like: The Aaron Sorkin Model of Political Discourse Doesn’t Actually Work

Democrat congressman Stephen Lynch on Benghazi Talking Points: ‘It Was Scrubbed … It Was False Information. There’s No Excuse For That.’  Yup, the Obama regime flat out lied the American people for the purpose of  “damage control” prior to the election.  This really does call for hearings.

Chicago Law Prof on Obama: “The Professors Hated Him because he was Lazy, Unqualified & Never Attended any of the Faculty Meetings” Hmmm…doesn’t sound like his work habits changed much.


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The Hypocrisy of the Left Knows No Bounds

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

I saw a leftist ranting on Facebook ranting because a firearm retailer was raffling off a semi-automatic rifle.

Now he called this popular firearm an “assault rifle.” The leftist in question is actually fairly intelligent and well educated. Calling a semi-automatic rifle an “assault rifle” is a sign of ignorance or a deliberate lie committed to create confusion in order to promote an extremist anti-civil rights political agenda. I’ll let you draw your own conclusion in this case.

The same leftist is still ranting about the murders committed in Newtown, committed by a mentally ill adult who violated multiple existing laws in order to obtain firearms he couldn’t obtain legally. When asked about the over three hundred Mexicans killed by semi-automatic rifles supplied to Mexican drug cartels by President Obama’s “Fast & Furious” illegal gun running program, he responded that he “didn’t care.” He also doesn’t care that as many children are killed in drug gang related firearm violence in Chicago every year as were slain in Newtown. Is it because the children in Newtown were mostly White, while the three hundred Mexicans were mostly had brown colored skin and the children in Chicago had mostly black colored skin? Given the left’s history of institutional racism, it would not be surprising. It could also be that his so called “outrage” is politically motivated. Over three hundred Mexicans murdered by Obama’s illegal gun running program or dozens of children killed in Obama’s home town of Chicago doesn’t promote his far left extremist agenda. So he ignores them and repeats leftist talking points instead of engaging in rational debate. I’ll let you draw your own conclusion in this case.

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