The decline of the democrat party

October 26, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, economy, Politics 

Here is a clear example of a decline in economic literacy to start with.

In the early sixties, you had the head of the democrat party saying things like:

“…an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough jobs or enough profits.” — President John F Kennedy

Here in the early 21st Century, we have a former, and probably future democrat candidate for President spouting nonsense like this:

“Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and business that create jobs.” — Former Obama Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Really, she said that.  What’s worse is the moonbats who actually believe this nonsense.

Let’s go to the video.

It’s not just HRC, back in 2010, another democrat was stumped by the question, “How do you create a job?”

Bill Clinton has a moment of honesty about Obama

October 19, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video 

I’m not surprised by this. Our Dear Leader has been less than honorable with both Bill & Hillary over the years.  While Bill is one of the those people who feel that political enemies are people you can talk into being on your side, you can only greet him with a sharp kick to the groin so many times before he turns that charm and charisma against you.

Bill, unlike Barack Hussein Obama, is really pretty smart.  He can see past the ideology and read the poll numbers.  Barry is hitting the point where he can’t pull out of the nose dive toward defeat, so Bill has no political reason to support him anymore.

After the election, it is Bill Clinton who will be the senior statesman in the democrat party, not Barry.

HT to the Weekly Standard for the video.

Monday Book Pick: Condi vs. Hillary

July 13, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Monday Book Pick, Political Books, Politics 

Condi vs. Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race by Dick Morris

With Drudge running the story that Dr. Rice is on the shortlist for a VP pick by Gov. Romney, I have to go with this 2005 book that details how then Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza Rice could beat then democrat frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Monday Book Pick Archive

Competence was never Barry’s strong point

May 30, 2010 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Some people are starting to notice that our Dear Leader isn’t really living up to their expectations of a mildly competent President.

Let’s get serious people! It has been plain from the beginning that his actual “leadership” experience was limited to a brief stint as a Cub Scout.

The American voters who bothered to go to the polls back in November 2008 elected a man who has never held a private sector job in his life!

He was very good at making promises during the campaign, but not so good at actually keeping them once elected.  Foreign leaders are also not taking Barry very seriously eitherCompetence was not what our Dear Leader ran on. It was pure charisma and hatred against his opponents, including fellow democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton.   What we have gotten has been back room, corrupt Chicago style politics, not leadership, and if you have been paying attention, that shouldn’t have come as a surprise.

Update: Roger Kimball makes the following observation:

But incompetence is only one aspect of Obama’s make up. There are two other attributes along with an under-appreciated, or at least under-commented on, character flaw that we must ponder in order to take the full measure of this post-modern American politician.

The other two attributes are 1) arrogance and 2) ideological animus.

Is Hillary really on BHO’s short list?

April 12, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics 

Selecting Hillary Rodham Clinton for the upcoming vacancy in the Supreme Court has been floated by a few sources.

Jammie Wearing Fool is correct in stating it would be a safe pick. She is in her second term in the Senate and will get support from enough other Senators in both parties (including the Socialist who, no surprise here, caucuses with the democrats) because they will support a member of their oh so exclusive club.  Selecting HRC allows our Dear Leader to claim victory in putting a far left liberal woman on the court with expending any of the little political capital he has left.

Ed Morrissey also correctly notes: “… best of all, Obama would be dispatching the one Democrat who could conceivably win a primary race against him in 2012 if his numbers continue to fall.  Once on the Supreme Court, Hillary would not step down to run for President, and Bill Clinton would be effectively neutralized as well.”

I stand by my advice from last October for Senator Clinton, run for Governor of New York State!

Either way, the President can appoint anybody he wants and can expect the same support from the Senate that previous Presidents have gotten from that body.  The President should keep in mind that both he and Vice-President Biden voted against Supreme Court nominees appointed by President George W. Bush on purely political reasons.

My advice for Hillary Rodham Clinton

October 17, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Politics 

Run baby…Run!

Let’s be honest here, our Dear Leader gave HRC one raw fornicating deal when he made here Secretary of State. He undermined her position from day one.  First, he said that idiot Joe Biden was his “go to guy” for foreign policy.  Let’s be real here, Joe Biden is the Dan Quayle of the early 21st Century.  He’s better than a bullet proof vest for BHO.  Then our Dear Leader made the Ambassador to the UN a direct report to him.  A position that has traditionally reported to the Secretary of State.   Sorry Hillary, you just don’t matter that much to our Dear Leader and it’s clear that there are members of his inner circle that view you as a threat and will do whatever they can to sabotage you.

The governor’s seat in the state of New York is coming up and I think it could be yours if you really wanted it.  The current governor is not in that strong a position and there isn’t anybody else in the state democrat party that has your name recognition or can put together as strong a political organization as you can.

Ya, Barack Hussein Obama won’t like it, but just what has he done for you lately?  A year or so in the governor seat will give you solid executive experience in a major state, and a key state needed for a Presidential win. Ya, I said Presidential.  Let’s be honest here, SNL got it right.  BHO’s major accomplishments so far are Jack and Squat. Both William Jefferson Clinton and George W. Bush had several major bipartisan initiatives passed (i.e. successfully passed in both houses of Congress and signed into law) by their eighth month in office.  Our Dear Leader is out to make that disaster called Carter Presidency look good and he’s going to take the democrat party, not to mention the rest of the country, with down with him. You can have the 2012 nomination, but you need to get out from under the Obama wet blanket and start rebuilding your credit with America.

Now, was my readers will note, I have never been a supporter of either Hillary Rodham Clinton or husband,  but in the eight years that HRC and WJC occupied the White House, they didn’t do as much damage to America as Barack Hussein Obama has managed to do in eight months.

Update: New York Magazine cites a Gallup poll that says HRC is now more popular than our Dear Leader!

Morning Round Up.

NYC Mayor Bloomberg is pissed at both Hillary Rodham Clinton and our Dear Leader. While breaking his campaign promise and jacking the taxes of Americans through the roof, HRC, likely acting on orders from BHO, exempted foreign diplomats from paying property taxes that have been in place since 1873. This will cost NYC, which is having budget problems like most Americans & American businesses, $260 million. This is on top of the $66 million the State Department owes NYC for providing police security for United Nations missions. I’d feel bad over this, but NYC voted overwhelmingly for both HRC as a carpetbagging Senator and for our Dear Leader. The residents of NYC are getting what they asked for, good and hard.

It also appears that our Dear Leader is getting tired of having to answer pesky questions from the American people, like “Why did you screw the pooch on the economy?” He canceled a “Town Hall” style meeting, that would have included questions from the American people and replaced it with a teleprompter driven speech with no questions. No pesky citizens either, since the venue for the speech is closed to the public. No Sunshine here.

House democrats are seeking a $540 Billion Tax increase in order to pay for what idiots on the left are calling “free health care.” The policies of congressional democrats and our Dear Leader have driven a bad economy even worse, and now they want to put a crippling tax on the American people. Hardly surprising, this latest bit of idiotic behavior is being driven by tax cheat Charles Rangel.

While the government is under the control of democrats, the federal deficit has reached a new record, $1 Trillion dollars. Given that most of our Dear Leader‘s staff doesn’t pay taxes, it’s up to you to foot that bill. Oh, and expect that to go much higher. They are out to radically change the American government, and they really don’t care what it costs.

I’ve been writing about the President’s war on Inspector Generals, the people who’s job is to find corruption and waste in the federal government. That story isn’t going away as fast as our Dear Leader and the MSM would like it too.

democrat fund raiser back in the News

May 7, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics 

Norman Hsu, former fundraiser for Hillary Clinton and other democrats, has plead guilty to 10 counts of wire and mail fraud

The 58-year-old Hsu (CHOO’) was indicted in 2007 on charges of cheating investors of at least $20 million in what prosecutors say was a huge Ponzi scheme. He had been scheduled to go on trial Monday.

The government also says he made illegal donations to politicians including Hillary Clinton. Her Senate campaign later returned money linked to him.

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