Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

No Surprise Here

Monday, September 21st, 2015

According to a recent Gallup poll, 75% of Americans corruption as widespread in federal government.

The Obama regime has been all about the graft, fraud, and corruption. It’s standard Chicago politics transplanted into Washington, D.C.

Just how is that hopey-changey stuff workin’ for ya?

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Catching up

Monday, July 13th, 2015

Catching up on a bunch of stuff that caught my eye on the Interwebs.

Poll data shows that liberals are less patriotic.  No surprise here.

In Obamerica, the DHS considers Americans who believe in the civil rights of the individual more dangerous than Islamofascists that actually kill Americans.

RESEARCHER REAFFIRMS: AT LEAST 760,000 DEFENSIVE GUN USES A YEAR.  “Gun Control” fanatics are in denial of the settled science.

The Obama  White House Says They Will Not Release IRS Documents On Tea Party Targeting…   Y’all know that the whole “most transparent administration ever” thing was just another lie Obama told to get the useful idiots to vote for him.  This is just another example of his flipping off the American people.

What is the difference between fascism and progressive ideology? If you don’t know the answer to this, you can probably blame a public school teacher who identifies as a progressive.  Both “are very hostile to individualism, especially in the field of economics.”

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Communist China hacks the US government

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015


In case you missed extensive main stream media coverage of this story, here is a quick summary: “…the personal data of some four million federal employees who sought security clearances over the past 30 years had been compromised. Now the president of the American Federation of Government Employees, J. David Cox, has informed OPM in a letter that his organization believes “the Central Personnel Data File was the targeted database, and that the hackers are now in possession of all personnel data for every federal employee, every federal retiree, and up to one million former federal employees.””

In other words, the US got pwoned by hackers in the employ of the Communist Chinese government.

The United States is loosing the Cyberwar big time and our Dear Leader really doesn’t seem to care.

Update: The number of Americans who had their personal information stolen from the OPM now at 25.7 million.

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US Border Patrol helicopter forced down by gunfire from Mexico

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection helicopter operating near the Mexican border Texas was forced down after taking gunfire from people firing from Mexico.  An article from Breitbart states that the helicopter was part of a team interdicting a narcotics load and working with the U.S. Border Patrol.  The operation occurred near the headquarters of the Los Zetas drug cartel.

One has to wonder if the Los Zetas were one of the Mexican drug cartels that the Obama regime supplied weapons to.

I am prepared to be underwhelmed by our Dear Leader’s response to this armed attack from a foreign country on US federal agents.  The Mexican drug cartels have declared war the US.  Hopefully the response will be something stronger than supplying them more weapons payed for by the American taxpayer.

Update: CBP now has armored Blackhawks on the Mexican border.

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Round Up Post

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

First off is a case of far left extremist (in this case a “social justice warrior”) putting up “Whites Only” stickers around Austin, TX.  He did to show how conservatives are “racists” and stuff.  All too often, cases of “hate crimes” like this are perpetrated by “progressives” in order to make reality match their extremist agenda.   HT to Leslie Bates for this one.

Next, the “most transparent administration ever” has announced that the IRS isn’t going to release any documents concerning their well documented targeting of conservative political groups.  In Obamamerica, the Freedom of Speech protections of the First Amendment only applies to speech our Dear Leader approves of.

The National Review points out that the Obama administration and Congressional democrats  “are practically praying for a Christian terrorist.”   They keep turning up to be Muslims though…

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Quote of the Day

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

Buck Sexton nailed it shut:

“Netanyahu wins; Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian mullahs, and the [Obama] White House are totally bummed about it.

Let that sink in.”

The implications of that accurate statement are left as an exercise to the reader.

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Let’s look at the numbers again…

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

One of the shining qualities of Creepy Uncle Joe, the current Vice-President, is that he will occasionally let the truth slip from his mouth.

Yup, the past six years have been really, really hard for America.  That is what you get for letting an admitted socialist run the federal executive branch.

Let’s review the numbers.  The last recession ended on July 1, 2009.  We have had at least one single quarter of negative GDP growth since then, but it takes two or more in a row to count as a recession.  That puts America over five and half years into a very lackluster “recovery,” which has often be described as “jobless.”

Historically, recoveries from recessions have been been as strong as the preceding recession was deep.  Except for this current recovery.  Instead of an actual recovery, we have the worst economy in over a half century.

Clearly, the so-called “economic policy” of our Dear Leader and the Congressional democrats have hindered economic growth, which is not a surprise to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention. It’s a tribute to the robustness of the American economic engine that there has been any growth under the Obama regime’s anti-growth policies of massive tax hikes, “wealth distribution”, and record setting levels of crippling federal debt ($18.1 Trillion and climbing).

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Another Four Pinocchios for Obama

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Once again, the Washington Post Fact Checker has given our Dear Leader the highest rating, Four Pinocchios, for out right lying to the American People.

This time it is for spreading leftist propaganda about the Keystone pipeline.

As we have noted before, when the president says “it bypasses the United States,” he leaves out a very important step. The crude oil would travel to the Gulf Coast, where it would be refined into products such as motor gasoline and diesel fuel (known as a distillate fuel in the trade). Current trends suggest that only about half of that refined product would be exported, and it could easily be lower.

Finally, note that Obama said Keystone was just for Canadian oil, and “we should be focusing on American infrastructure for American jobs and American producers.” But actually, Keystone would help U.S. oil producers in North Dakota and Montana. TransCanada, the builder of the pipeline, has signed contracts to move 65,000 barrels a day from the Bakken area –and hopes to build that to 100,000. That’s nearly 10 percent of the region’s production.

So not only is Barry lying, he’s repeating lies.  As the Washington Post article, reports from the State Department show that he is lying.

Previous Four Pinocchio rating for our Dear Leader include lies about President George H.W. Bush’s amnesty program, and lies about his signature Obamacare fiasco.

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A leftist gets mugged by reality

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

I’ve often said that reality is not a strong point of the left.  Their narrative is much more important to them than actual facts.

This refusal to accept reality can produce painful results.  Today’s example (by way of Moe Lane & the Instapundit)

tweet of the day


It was pointed out, repeatedly, by people who actually read the so-called “Affordable Care Act”, that it was a disaster waiting to happen.  People were going to lose coverage, prices would go up, and access to actual affordable health care would decline.

Rather than face these facts that inconveniently disagreed with their socialist narrative, the collective left called those who actually read the bill, “racists,” which was certainly easier than reading the bill for themselves.

Now, not only does this leftist idiot not have health care coverage, she is going to get fined by the government she helped to elect, for not having it.  In addition, she inflicted this disaster of a law on millions of Americans who didn’t want it.

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Quote of the Day

Saturday, February 7th, 2015

“ISIS has declared war on the west – an entire western civilization – and Obama has declared war on Hobby Lobby.”

— Andrea Tantaros

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