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Archive for the ‘Our Dear Leader’ Category

Round Up Post

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

First, let’s take a look at our Dear Leader’s former city of residence, Chicago.  This is where he made his mark as a “community organizer”, found religion at Rev. Wright’s weekly sermons laced with hate speech, became a state senator, met and married his beard, and where the two daughters were born.  In that tribute to over fifty years of straight democrat reign, more than 40 people were shot last weekend.  That included four dead. One of which was an eleven year old girl at sleep over.  In case you didn’t know this fact already, Chicago has some of the strictest “gun control” laws in the country.  This illustrates why they are more accurately called “victim disarmament” laws.

We have learned that congressional subpoenas cause IRS hard drives to crash. The IRS’ refusal to supply information under subpoena has gotten so blatant, that even Lanny Davis, former Clinton spokes weasel, says it is time for special prosecutor.  The count of IRS hard drives that crashed due to subpoena as seven.  It just almost tripled.

It should not be a surprise to anyone paying attention, but the Obama White House knew of the upcoming flood of illegal aliens crossing the boarder well in advance.  They didn’t do anything to avoid it. Remember their motto, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Another Clinton spokes weasel, David Axelrod, made tweet that pointed out the Mitt Romney as right, and Barry was, once again, completely and utterly wrong.

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Quote of the Day

Saturday, July 19th, 2014

“The only way Putin is in danger from Obama, is if Putin is blocking the door to a fundraiser Obama’s late to get to.”

Kimberly Guifoyle

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Time to review some numbers

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Let’s start with the BLS unemployment numbers.

The U3 number for June 2014 was 6.1%. Now if you were paying attention, you would know that there was a net gain of over 200,000 jobs in June.  Which is generally a good thing, since it was about double what is needed to just offset population growth.  Anemic growth by other recovery standards, but pretty damn good in the Obama economy.  If you were paying attention to the details, you wouldn’t be popping the corks on the bubbly yet.  Those 200,000 new jobs were part of the 700,000 new part time jobs, offset by a loss of 500,000 full time jobs.  Yup, in the Obama economy, full time work with benefits is out, and wearing a name tag and asking, “Would you like fries with that?” is in.

It gets worse for minorities.  They key democrat voting blocks of blacks, hispanics, and the ‘youth vote’ have gotten the nasty end of the shafting in the Obama economy.  These are the official government June unemployment numbers from the BLS.  Look ’em up if you don’t believe ’em.

Hispanics: 7.8%

Blacks: 10.7%

Aged 16-19: 21.0%

You know that the overall 6.1% number is only so low because the feds have stopping counting more and more of the long term unemployed. “Not in the labor” force is at 92.2 million and still climbing.  If they were added back in, that number would be comfortably in the double digits.  So inflate the minority numbers by the same factor and you have 2 out of ten black Americans out of work.

Compare and contrast to the Reagan Recovery, where unemployment for minorities when down and their net income went up. To be honest, unemployment was down and net income was up for everyone.  That is what you get when you have an economic policy geared for growth, rather than ‘income distribution.”

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Is this change you were hoping for?

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

While there still are deranged cultists out there who blindly support any action by our Dear Leader, the shine is off the Rose for a growing number of Americans who are getting tired of having their collective noses rubbed in Barry’s incompetence.

This can been seen in a recent Quinnipiac University survey that listed Barack Hussein Obama as the worst President since WWII. While this is good news for Jimmy Carter, it is not good news for America, or its citizens.  Just to dig the knife of reality a little deeper into the moonbats, Ronald Reagan as listed as the best president since WWII. The poll also showed that move voters  feel that GOP nominee Mitt Romney would have been a better choice in 2012.  A fact that was clear to anyone paying attention during the 2012 election cycle.

Pollster John Zogby sums it up well, ““In short, we see a president in full salvage mode. He is not only racing for his legacy but for his relevancy.”

At least one newspaper has retracted their 2008 endorsement of our Dear Leader.  Hat tip to Mr. Reynolds, who nails it shut in his commentary, “The wave of enthusiasm for an inexperienced ideologue with backing from the corrupt Chicago machine was a species of mass hysteria. It’s nice to see it wearing off, and reality being confronted.”

Forbes Magazine explains Obama’s Secret Neo-Con Agenda.

Our Dear Leader’s policies have lead to what the Washington Examiner correctly calls a “Dangerous precedent.”

Gallup reported this week that Americans now have more confidence in the police and the military than they do in the three branches of the U.S. government — which is not exactly a healthy place to be in a constitutional republic.

The Washington Post reports that the Male-female pay gap remains entrenched at White House.

Meanwhile, in the southern border states, Obama’s ‘Brown Shirts’ are actively silencing medical personnel who are dealing with the flood of illegal aliens on the Texas-Mexico border. Medical personnel are under threat of arrest if they talk, but some are talking anyway.

Just how is that hopey-changey thing workin’ for ya?

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Six Things

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

George Will nails the illegal political targeting by the IRS.

We can no more expect Mr. Holder to investigate this White House than we could have expected John Mitchell to investigate the Nixon White House.

Here’s — we know six things, Chris. We know first the targeting occurred. 

Therefore, second, we know that this is worse than article two of the Nixon impeachment count, which said Nixon endeavored to use the IRS. The IRS back then resisted.

Third, we know that this became public in an act of deceit when Lois Lerner planted a question with a friend in an audience to try and get this out on her own terms. 

Fourth, we know that she has taken the Fifth Amendment because she has a right to do this when she has a reasonable suspicion that there might be criminal activity involved.

Fifth, we know that from the timeline you put up today, that there has been 13 months of stonewalling on this.

And sixth, now we know that not only her hard drive, but six other people intimately involved in this suddenly crashed in an amazing miraculous coincidence. Religions have been founded on less, ten days after the investigation started.

That’s why we need a special prosecutor.

Of course, to the Obama cultists, this is a so called “phony scandal.”  They have their collective panties in a knot over really serious political scandals, like traffic jams in New Jersey.  I wonder how many of these all wee-weed up far left extremists have ever been on the Jersey Turnpike in rush hour?

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We’re well past the limit for “enemy action.”

Saturday, June 21st, 2014

Let’s revue the Obama IRS department’s attack on the First Amendment.

Gateway Pundit has a good list of the organizations illegally targeted by the IRS

Not only has Lois “I plead the Fifth” Lerner’s computer “crashed”, taking all email out with it.  The computers of six other IRS employees involved in this criminal activity by the Obama administration have “crashed”, taking all email out with them.

Investor’s Business Daily notes the following about those six:

One of the seven people, including Lois Lerner who lost emails from the period of Tea Party targeting by the IRS, served as chief of staff to former IRS head Steven Miller. She also made 35 visits to the White House.

It seems six more IRS officials have lost critical emails from that period, a seeming statistical impossibility that shouts out a conspiracy to obstruct justice, and more violations of the Federal Records Act, which requires paper copies of these emails to be printed and stored just in case of computer problems.
One of those officials who received Lerner emails and also lost them was Nikole Flax, chief of staff to former IRS Commissioner Steven Miller. Miller, who was fired in the wake of the targeting scandal, visited the White House more than most Cabinet members.
Flax, as the Daily Caller reports, “made 31 visits to the White House between July 12, 2010, and May 8, 2013, according to White House visitor logs.”

The visits started just as the IRS’ targeting of the Tea Party began; the last occurred two days before the scandal broke in May 2013. On the day of her last visit, according to the Daily Caller, Flax got an email from Lerner seeking advice on a plan to coordinate with the Justice Department to criminally prosecute conservative activists.

Responding to this email, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request filed by Judicial Watch, Flax gave the green light to Lerner’s plan to coordinate criminal prosecutions with DOJ, a suggestion that had been made by Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.

We also know that Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings’ staff was in contact with Lerner about the conservative group True the Vote.

That’s right kids.  Members of congress, all democrats, were in contact with IRS, requesting criminal prosecution of conservative groups, for exercising their First Amendment rights.

If this is what escaped the information shutdown by Obama administration, what was in those “lost” emails that the IRS doesn’t want the American people to see, must be pretty damning.

According the Moscow rules, we (as in the American people) are well past the count for “enemy action” in the IRS’ destruction of evidence.

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Round Up Post

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

George Will responds to senators on his sexual assault column

From Wired, The Nightmare on Connected Home Street.  A look at how the future could be if we are not careful.

Obama Even Worse Than We Thought

Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed Confidential Tax Information, Database to FBI For Investigation Ahead of 2010 Midterms

Back in April, Judicial Watch released documents showing IRS officials, including former head of tax exempt groups Lois Lerner, discussing the possibility of bringing criminal charges against tea party groups for engaging in “political activity.” In fact, the documents showed Lerner wanted to make an example out of someone with charges in order to chill all of the groups in the tea party movement.

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

“If you’re a Republican who’s a threat to the Democrats, of course you’re a racist. That’s the definition of a racist, nowadays…”

Glenn Reynolds

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Top Three Obamacare lies told by Obama

Sunday, May 25th, 2014

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.”

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

“We will lower your premiums by $2,500 per family, per year.”

All three of those statements have been proven to be lies.

All three of those statements, at the time they were made, were identified as not being what the actual Obamacare law would allow, by people who actually read the bill.

Those people were called “racists” by people who didn’t read the bill.

I’m not expecting any apologies to the people wrongly attacked for having actually read the so called “Affordable Care Act.”

I am expecting the people who attacked them with slanderous lies to apologize for the man who lied to them and to continue their baseless, partisan attacks on any one who dares to speak the truth.


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Quote of the Day

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

“Every business guy I know in the country is frightened of Barack Obama and the way he thinks.”

— Steve Wynn

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