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Archive for the ‘Barking Moonbats’ Category

The Schadenfreude keeps on rolling in…

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

By way of the VodkaPundit, comes this tale of progressive Obama-cultist woe.

A self-described Obamacare “cheerleader” is upset that she actually has to pay for health care.

“I’ve been a cheerleader for the Affordable Care Act since I heard about it and I assumed that it was designed for people in my situation,” she told KOIN. “I was planning on using the Affordable Care Act and I had done the online calculator in advance to make sure I was going to be able to afford it.”

Her husband works for a non-profit organization that pays for his health care, but the couple is unable to afford to have her and their son covered under his plan. And she’s been told their combined income is too much to qualify for a subsidized health care plan under Cover Oregon.

“It wasn’t until I started the process and got an agent that I started hearing from them I wasn’t going to qualify for subsidies because I qualify on my husband’s insurance,” she told KOIN.

Mr Green sums up this tale of angst and woe:

In other words, Miss Anonymous supported ObamaCare when she thought you were going to pay for it.

Scratch a prog, find a greedy, grubby thief.

One of the comments to the post gets to the heart of the matter:

…the article says the combined income disqualified them from subsidies (in addition to her being eligible for her husband’s plan, I assume). I believe that’s over $94,200. Cost of living aside, that’s decent money.

Now here’s what happened: Husband previously insured everyone on his plan. Obamacare came along and they decided they would drop the wife and child from his policy during open enrollment. The expectation was that, according to the online calculator, they’d be able to get insured free or close to free. This saving the family ~$125 a month. So he dropped them with the expectation that they would have coverage on January 1. Unfortunately for them, the agent actually appeared to do his job and confirmed that their income was too high and she had qualified for her husband’s plan. Now it’s too late to add them back to his policy.

Basically, it’s not that they CAN’T afford it, it’s that they don’t WANT to pay for it – at our expense. I feel sorry for the child. It has to be raised by a couple on unprincipled degenerates.


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Why is the media suppressing facts about the latest school shooting?

Monday, December 30th, 2013

Here is what you probably know, kid brings a shotgun to school (a “gun free zone”) and shoots another student before killing himself.  The student he shot later died from her wounds inflicted by the kid who ignored the numerous victim disarmament laws in place.

Here is something you probably haven’t heard, because it doesn’t fit the media narrative.  One of the law flaunting murder’s fellow students described him as “a very opinionated Socialist.”  He also was, like our Dear Leader, a Keynesian.

He was also a strong proponent of so-called “gun control” laws.  Yet, he decided to advance his political views through the barrel of a gun.  Guess that makes him a good progressive.

Which is the message the “traditional” main stream media doesn’t want getting out.

Now imagine how they would have handled this story if this murderer had political leans anywhere to the right of center.


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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

“That eugenics was part of the progressive agenda is one of the most heavily-airbrushed features of history.”

Arnold Kling

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

Replace “racism” with “communism” and I defy you to tell the difference between MSNBC and a 1958 John Birch Society newsletter.

David Burge

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Some Obamacare Highlights

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

Well, to be fair, Obamacare is running as smoothly as expected with a “community organizer” with no actual real world, let alone executive, experience running the bloody thing.

Let’s review some of the highlights.  Including many predictable ones.  The fact that users would be handing their private, personal information, including their social security number and financial data, to “navigators” that were not subject to any sort of background checks, was a legitimate cause of concern.  Of course the Obama cultists said those rational and reasonable people were “racists.”  The result? Well, to start, those official Obamacare navigators advised callers to commit fraud.

Fortunately for those stuck with implementing our Dear Leader’s socialist nightmare, government Obamacare officials are not held to the same standard the government holds private companies.

Students at Bowie College, who are mostly black, are dismayed that their $600 a year health insurance is being cancelled by Obamacare, and being replaced by $3000 a year Obamacare policies.

Most of these students admit they voted for Obama.  They probably had harsh words for anyone who actually read the ACA and spoke the truth about it.

I have to say, this is a fairly delicious bit of schadenfreude. Especially since it has been known since 2009 that Obama’s often repeated promise that “you can keep your health insurance” was a lie.

Update: A cancer patient, who  liked his insurance, but lost it because of Obamacare, is being subjected to a deep, probing audit by the IRS.  Given our Dear Leader‘s history of attacking whistle blowers, and using the IRS to attack those who question his reign, this is hardly a surprise.

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Quote of the Day

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

“The plan, this thing is going to work, it’s going to be extremely popular, and it’s going to wreak havoc with conservative ideology.”

— Far Left Wing Extremist Paul Krugman, getting it completely and utterly wrong in his July 2013 NY Times article, Obamacare is the Right’s Worst Nightmare

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What happened to the meme of the Republicans committing suicide?

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013
Bet you haven’t heard that one in a while.  Probably something to do with Obamacare, which no Republican voted for, being an epic clusterfuck of massive proportions.
A massive failure that was described in detail years ago, only to have those people speaking the truth (because they actually read the so-called “Affordable Care Act”), vilified as racists for daring to commit double plus unhood bad think against our Dear Leader’s Socialist dream.
Or as one pundit put it, Fox News is changing their byline from “Fair and Balanced” to “I told you so.”
Remember how democrats were calling Ted Cruz a “terrorist” for wanting to stop Obamacare? The same democrats that won’t refer to Major Hassan’s attack on US soldiers at Fort Hood as a terrorist attack.  Now we have hardcore, far left extremist democrats, most of which happen to be up for reelection in 2014 (like Al Franken. who only won his election after bags of ballots were mysteriously found), calling for delays in further implementation of Obamacare, at least until after their next election.  If liberal logic actually made any sense, they would be branded terrorists too.  Don’t hold your breath on that though, MSNBC is too busy committing hate crimes against women to admit they were Goebbels  level propagandists for our Dear Leader and his plan to fundamentally transform America.
Here is something that should have been a warning for the so called “centrists” and “moderates” that listened to  the “dog whistle” leftists and voted for the guy who wasn’t even a successful community organizer.  You don’t try and “fundamentally transform” something you like.

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Quote of the day

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

“Social liberalism is the foremost, predominant, and in many instances sole impulse for zealous regulation in this country, particularly in big cities. I love it when liberals complain about a ridiculous bit of PC nanny-statism coming out of New York, L.A., Chicago, D.C., Seattle, etc. — “What will they do next?”

Uh, sorry to tell you, but you are “they.” Outside of a Law and Order script — or an equally implausible MSNBC diatribe about who ruined Detroit — conservatives have as much influence on big-city liberalism as the Knights of Malta do.”

Jonah Goldberg

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A key difference between Republican and democrat voters

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

If Republican congresscritters vote against their base, their base stops voting for them.

When democrat congresscritters vote for laws that hurt their base, the democrat base puts some makeup on their collective black eye, and mutter, “But he loves me,” and then votes for their serial abuser over and over again.

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The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Kudos to CSPAN and YouTube, which brings us the words of Senate democrat “leader” Harry Reid from 2006.

Yup, Harry Reid is calling raising the federal limit to $ 9 trillion is the last thing we should do, because it will weaken the country, and hurt the economy.

Was Harry Reid telling the truth or engaging in hyper-partisan political demagoguery because there was a Republican in the White House at the time.   Given his record, if Harry Reid was telling the truth, it was purely by accident.

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