Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Obama’s attack on a “Woman’s Right to Choose”

Friday, July 24th, 2009

A “Woman’s Right to Choose” is the liberal code word for abortion, which as a Libertarian, I view as none of my damn business. Liberals however, see the government’s role as making sure that 14 year old girls who can’t get their ears pierced without parental consent can have a living fetus removed from their body and killed without mom and dad ever knowing about. They take this pretty damn seriously. You would be hard pressed to find a “Pro-Life” supporter in democrat leadership, while you can find both “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” folks under the Republican banner.

Given the left’s focus on this subject, I find it odd, and a bit disturbing, to find one of our Dear Leader‘s Czars strongly against a “woman’s right to choose.” What is even more disturbing is that BHO’s “Science Czar” doesn’t want to take away a woman’s choice to have an abortion, he wants to take away her choice to have a child.

President Obama’s “science czar,” John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, “compulsory sterilization,” and the creation of a “Planetary Regime” that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet — controversial ideas his critics say should have been brought up in his Senate confirmation hearings.

[Holdren’s] plans include forcing single women to abort their babies or put them up for adoption; implanting sterilizing capsules in people when they reach puberty; and spiking water reserves and staple foods with a chemical that would make people sterile.

Damn! Not only does our Dear Leader want to decide who lives and dies by taking control of Health Care, he wants to control who gets to reproduce through forced abortions and mandatory sterilization.

Is this the “change” liberals were hoping for when they voted for Barry. I hope to God that it isn’t.

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Obama’s broken promise on Transparency

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Remember the left going completely and utterly batshit over the “closed meetings” VP Cheney had on energy policy? Remember how Candidate Obama was going to have his Presidency be “transparent”, so such evil would not occur again? Well, that was just a line of bullshit he feed the gullible, and useful, idiots who voted for him. I found this illustrative bit of information on tumblr that shows use how in some ways our Dear Leader is just G.W. Bush on steroids:

Cheney Obama refuses to release visitor logs showing which energy health care company executives visited the White House.

Late Update: It’s an especially painful continuation of Bush policies since candidate Obama promised to let CSPAN in to cover the creation of a health care bill and his campaign website still promises transparency in meetings between White House staff and outside interests.

That’s right suckers, you got bamboozled! Obamaboozled to be precise and it’s not the first time, and it’s not not going to be the last. I wonder how many lefty moonbats are aware that our Dear Leader‘s “Science Czar” is against a “woman’s right to choose”?

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Obama administration plans to destroy the $100 Billion Space Station

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Our Dear Leader’s appointees at NASA use the more PC term, “De-Orbit”, which means letting the incredibly expensive International Space Station drop out of orbit and burn. Any large leftover chunks are supposed to fall into the Pacific Ocean.

The station has cost $100 billion to put into orbit, build and maintain, so far. No plans to replace it with something useful that I’m aware of.

Hopefully, for $100 Billion, it will provide a decent lightshow for US tax payers on the way down.

Look at this way, $100 Billion is only double what the US tax payers got stuck with for BHO’s failed mortgage foreclosure scheme (it was supposed to prevent more foreclosures, instead, the numbers have shot upwards), and it’s only 20% of what Barry claims he can same in fraud and waste in the part of the American health care system that the government already runs. Personally, I’d have more faith in his scheme to inflict a socialist medical system on the American people if he cleaned up the fraud and waste in the current government run system first.

There is actual, real science being done on the ISS, so why is our Dear Leader looking to scrap it? Could it be that there isn’t enough pork for his democrat cronies in Congress to skim off it? As far as I can tell, there are no plans to replace it, even though it is a lot cheaper to go to the Moon from Earth orbit than it is to go from the bottom of Earth’s gravity well to the Moon, or Mars, or…

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Update on Obama’s War on Inspector Generals

Monday, July 20th, 2009

As I’ve wrote about before, Our Dear Leader has a disturbing pattern of firing Inspector Generals, the people who are charged with uncovering corruption and waste of tax payer money.

Byron York reports that Gerald Walpin, the AmeriCorps inspector general who dared to uncover corruption by Obama political appointees and friends of Empress Michelle, is suing the federal government for an “unlawful” firing.

The Obama administration’s case was incredibly feeble and libelous to begin with. This will be an interesting case to watch.

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Obama’s Dismal Failure

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

The democrat’s “stimulus” bill has been proven to be what it was labeled when it was rammed through congress and down the throats of the American people, a “porkulus” bill. It was supposed to boost the economy, but has had the predictable, opposite effect.

House Republicans, attempting to regain the mantel of fiscal responsibility after screwing that pooch, point out the failure of the democrats porkulus sceme

“The report we got from the Department of Transportation is dated July 3rd,” said Mica at the Capitol Hill press conference. “It indicates how much money of the $48 billion [allocated to the Transportation Department] they have control over has gone out — that’s $523 million – 1 percent, approximately 1 percent. And the top 10 states of unemployment, our leading states, including the District of Columbia, only $83 million has gone out to those states.”

“This stimulus package was sold to the country as being an infrastructure bill,” said Rep. John ‘Jimmy’ Duncan (R-Tenn.), “and yet only somewhere between 7 and 8 percent of it was aimed at or provided for infrastructure in the first place.”

“Remember, the stimulus promised 3.5 million jobs was being created, and yet 2 million jobs – additional lost jobs – have been lost. Dismal failure.”

“The stimulus promised,” said Diaz-Balart, “and we were told that in the budget committee and we were told that publicly by the administration, that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if that stimulus passed. Look at the numbers now.”

Of course the democrat’s porkulus bill isn’t helping the economy. That isn’t what it was intended to do. The goal of the Obama administration is not to fix the economy, but to fundamentally change the role of government in the United States of America.

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Evaluating the Stimulus effect

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Our Dear Leader and his democrat cronies are backpedaling and trying to lower expectations on their massive porkulus program funded by skyrocketing massive federal debt.

The fact that the pork ladened democrat driven stimulus bill is not stimulating the economy or creating jobs shouldn’t be a surprised.

Harvard economics professor Greg Mankiw pointed out back in January that almost two thirds of the stimulus money is not scheduled to be spent until after 2010. For Americans suffering under the Obama Economy, that is not good news. It is clearly designed to delay economic benefit until the beginning of the 2012 election cycle.

It isn’t helping the economy now, because only 8% of the one trillion dollar porkulus program is scheduled to be spent in 2009! We are now learning that the money is being spent much more slowly than planned, and appears to be directly funded to areas and organizations that were strong supporters of our Dear Leader. Yup, hardly surprising that there is more than whiff of corruption associated with the democrats porkulus program.

It’s interesting to look back at what the Congressional Budget Office had to say about the economy back in February. They projected an unemployment peak of 9.2% hitting in early 2010. That was if the federal government kept its mitts off the economy. Given the liberal democrat meddling, we hit 9.5% at least six months early. The CBO predicted that the economy would be on the mend by late 2009. So it is clear that our Dear Leader‘s meddling has made things worse for the American people.

The important thing to remember is that Obama’s goal is not to fix the economy, but to fundamentally change the role of government in the United States of America.

Update: Keith Hennessey has an excellent fisking of our Dear Leader’s statement on the economy.

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Death of Transparency at the Obama White House

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Remember how our Dear Leader promised more “transparency” and “sunlight” to government? Well, that was just smoke and mirrors (a polite term for Bullshit) to get the rubes to vote for him.

Here is the reality of the Obama regime. “A few weeks ago, the Obama Administration officially abandoned the President’s “Sunlight before Signing” campaign pledge that the White House would post all legislation passed by Congress for at least five days before the President would sign it.”

Jim Harper, of the Cato Institute points out, nine new pieces of legislation have been signed into law by the President and yet, as of Friday July 10, 2009, not one had been posted on the White House web site.

Yup, the stench of hypocrisy in the Obama White House is getting pretty thick.

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Cold reception in Russia

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Our Dear Leader is not getting a warm reception in Russia. Very different than his campaign stop in Berlin, but then there was a free concert and free beer to draw the crowds there.

The Russian news agency Pravda had this to say about Barack Hussein Obama,

Obama: Deceiver, cheat, swindler, liar, fraudster, con-artist.

For once, Pravda is living up to its name.

If you have any doubts about how the Russian government feels about our Dear Leader, take a look at how Russian President Dmitry Medvedev greats the, ahem, so-called “Leader of the Free World.”

Russia gives Obama the cold shoulder

Russia gives Obama the cold shoulder

Clearly, the Russian government feels that Barry is a bigger chump than Jimmy Carter. They will be able to pretty much whatever they damn well please for the next three and half years, safe in the knowledge that BHO won’t lift a finger to stop them. In fact, they are counting on him rolling over and spreading for them when ever they snap their fingers.

Sadly, they are probably right.

Update: Chuck Norris sees a Obama/Carter connection as well. He isn’t as happy about it as the Russians are.

Further proof: During our Dear Leader‘s visit, Putin went out of his way to praise the hospitality and openness of former US President George W. Bush. Just his little way of pointing out that he doesn’t think very much of the current US President, Barack Hussein Obama.

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Obama’s continuing war on Inspector Generals

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Our Dear Leader has a disturbing pattern of firing Inspector Generals, the people who are charged with uncovering corruption and waste of tax payer money.

He is still at it, this time it is Amtrak inspector general Fred Weiderhold. He was investing the federally supported company’s “meddling in financial audits and probes.”

Michelle Malkin has all the dirty details of this tail of corruption and cronyism.
All of the usual suspects are involved, Empress Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, and a cast of Obama political appointees who don’t care one wit about the Rule of Law in the service to the Lightbringer.

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Constitution in Obama’s way

Sunday, July 5th, 2009

By way of Hot Air is this Jack Tapper story about our Dear Leader wanting to ignore the Rule of Law and bypass the Constitution.

With the clock running out on a new US-Russian arms treaty before the previous Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, expires on December 5, a senior White House official said Sunday said that the difficulty of the task might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate’s constitutional role in ratifying treaties by enforcing certain aspects of a new deal on an executive levels and a “provisional basis” until the Senate ratifies the treaty.

Bypass the Constitution? Well, Team Lightgiver doesn’t like the thing anyway, with it’s pesky concepts like limiting the power of government and ensuring the rights of individuals.
As Ed Morrissey points out, the democrats hold sixty seats in the Senate. Getting this passed should be no problem. Unless our Dear Leader thinks he can’t get a majority of his own party to approve this Charlie Fox of a treaty, which is why he is considering violating the Rule of Law. Not that he’s losing much sleep over that, probably because the MSM, with the exception of ABC’s Jake Tapper, not covering the story about the President of the United States, who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, is publicly discussing violating Article 2, Section 2, of the Constitution.

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