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Imagine the media outcry if G.W. Bush had made this mistake.

Friday, February 5th, 2010

By way of Resist Tyranny comes this video:

As RT notes:

The teleprompter apparently displayed the word speled correctly: c-o-r-p-s-m-a-n. But he pronounced it “corpse-man.” Twice. Conclusion? Barack Hussein Obama is militarily illiterate.

This is just another example of how deep our Dear Leader‘s lack of experience runs, and how bad his teleprompter addiction is.

Update: Hot Air makes the probably spot on Ron Burgundy comparison.

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Obama forgot Option #3

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Yup, Option #3 looks like the right one. Charles Krauthammer also nails the utter cluelessness of the democrats in the wake of the recent miracle in Massachusetts.

To recap the video, Mr. Krauthammer states that our Dear Leader left out option #3 when discussing how his term in office will be seen.  His record so far is one of mediocrity at best, and he doesn’t show any indication of improvement.  So, he will probably be a mediocre one term President, with ratings that high only because of a fawning press.

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Jon Stewart rips the democrat “leadership” a new one

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

Jon Stewart gets a bit worked up explaining how the democrats managed to screw the pooch by the numbers in the recent Massachusetts special election, but then he is a liberal democrat. I’m right leaning Libertarian, but as a political junkie, I feel his pain. The democrats did really screw this up. Stewart fails to mention that they completely misread the mood of the voters in the Commonwealth. Much like the Republicans failed to correctly read the mood of the voters when they got their collective asses handed to them in the 2006 & 2008 elections.

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Very funny, very entertaining, reasonably accurate, and still fairly partisan. He did his best to play down Senator Brown, who has a solid resume in the State Senate, with a more solid voting record that a former Illinois State Senator who voted “present” most of the time before being elected to the U.S. Senate. He also has a law degree (the modeling helped pay for law school) and has been in the state National Guard for decades. Senator Brown worked hard during the campaign and managed to pulled ahead of the 30 point lead Martha Coakley had a month before the election (a lead she had just for having a “D” after her name). As Mr. Stewart points out, Senator Brown had some help from Martha Coakley.

Now, I’ve been a resident of the Commonwealth for several decades, and what I have been hearing in the aftermath of this election is interesting. First off, you have to remember that that “unenrolled” or independent voters out number both democrats and republicans in Massachusetts. Independents are the majority party. They tend to vote democrat, unless the democrats really piss them off, which they have. First we have our incompetent governor, Deval Patrick, a good friend of Barack Obama. Add to that several democrat legislators being arrested by federal Law Enforcement agents for blatant and widespread corruption. This is Massachusetts, we expect a certain level of corruption from our democrat politicians, but democrat State Diane Wilkerson, who has attended state senate sessions with an tracking ankle bracelet when she was convicted of massive non-payment of taxes, was arrested by federal agents in sting operation, when she shoved the bribe money she took from them in her bra. Why shove the money in her bra? Well, it seems that her purse was already full of cash she had collected in bribes early in the day.

OK, so the environment wasn’t the best for a big machine democrat party candidate. So what did the democrats nominate? A big machine democrat party candidate.

What was the result of that? Not only did independents in Massachusetts go for Senator Brown, but so did 20% of registered democrats. Let’s review that one again, 20% of the registered democrats in Massachusetts voted for the Republican candidate.

It is very interesting to hear what those democrats who voted for Senator Brown have to say. A lot were simply not happy (to put it mildly) with Martha Coakley. Then there are the elderly voters. The ones who remember John F. Kennedy and voted for him. These voters voted for Senator Scott Brown, because they say he reminds them of the late President Kennedy. One of those voters said that Scott Brown was a Jack Kennedy democrat, not a Ted Kennedy democrat. When it was pointed that Brown was a Republican, the democrat voter responded that Jack Kennedy was strong on national defense and believed in across the board tax cuts to grow the economy, like Scott Brown.

So ya, the democrats, as Jon Stewart pointed out, screwed the pooch by the numbers. The Republicans, unlike their recent performances, manged not to screw up. There were more than capable of dropping the ball the democrats handed them, but Scott Brown worked hard and had a message that sounded really good to a majority of Massachusetts voters. The more the voters learned about him, the more they liked him. The more they learned about Martha Coakley, the less they liked her.

As conservative commentator Ann Coulter said, “They win in the dark; we win in the light.”

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Best Week Ever!

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

Pundit Charles Krauthammer says this has been one of the best weeks for Conservative in a long time.

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Shatner & Palin, together on stage…

Saturday, December 12th, 2009

William Shatner did another jazzy reading from Gov. Palin’s book on the tonight show. Another excellent Shatner performance, which was followed up by Gov. Sarah Palin
appearing to read from Shatner’s latest autobiography, in a similar fashion. Mocking and paying tribute at the same time.

Sarah Palin vs. William Shatner

This video shows what the political hit men on McCain’s campaign team (and senior democrat operatives)  were afraid of.  Gov. Palin is charismatic, smart and willing to take a risk.

Like Shatner’s character James T. Kirk, she beat the the Kobayashi Maru test.

HT to the LA Times Blog.

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SNL’s skit about the Obama “Party Crashers”

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Hmmm…the party held in the ridiculously expensive glass walled monstrosity built on the White House lawn was crashed by a couple of “reality show” wannabes to the embarrassment of the Secret Service.

Don’t worry, the Obama White House responded in it’s typical “the buck doesn’t even slow down here” fashion by invoking ‘separation of powers’ in order to keep their social secretary from being forced to testify before Congress.

With that, Team Lightbringer has officially jumped the shark and gone from absurd to pathetic.

I can’t be surprised by this whole fiasco though.  Barack Hussein Obama claims to be many, unprecedented things, but he doesn’t take credit for one of his main accomplishments, being the first “Oprah” President.  His ride the to the President’s office was partially paid for by daytime TV, so he shouldn’t get upset when it starts to look like an episode of Jerry Springer.

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Sunday Videos

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Here are a few video clips for your Sunday viewing pleasure.

Obama and Biden on troop surges, then and now.

Obama’s AG Holder is “Uttterly Clueless”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews referred to West Point as an “enemy camp.”

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SNL takes on Obama, again.

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

The last time SNL did a skit that wasn’t completely fawning of our Dear Leader, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer actually spent air time “fact checking” the skit.  I wonder if SNL took that under consideration for this skit.  Their facts are spot on.  In all, a much better job of political reporting that you would see on MSNBC during their “prime time” smear shows.

HT to Mr. Reynolds and Hot Air.

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ACORN: The Gift that keeps on Giving, this time in Philadelphia

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

Yet another ACORN sting video! This time from Philadelphia, PA.

Remember that our current President, Barack H. Obama has ties to ACORN that go back to his early days operating in the bed of corruption that is Chicago politics. His connection with ACORN, which is involved in yet another vote fraud scheme, this time in Troy, NY, has continued up to this day.

It will be interesting to see how the leftist weasels over at Media Matters try to spin this one.

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A liberal advisor to BHO speaking honestly about ObamaCare

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

Robert Reich was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor and is an advisor to our Dear Leader.
He is also a very smart fellow. He really is speaking the true and honest words you will never hear from an elected leftist politician about their plans for government controlled socialized medicine.

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