Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

75% of Obamacare Costs Will Fall on Backs of Those Making Less Than $120K a Year

Monday, July 2nd, 2012


Stephen Moore, Senior Economics Writer with the Wall Street Journal explains the reality of socialist “medical care.”

If you are confused over the whole Obamacare/Obamatax thing, just keep these two things in mind.

1.  It contains no provisions to provide any additional doctors or nurses.  It does contain funding for 16,000 new IRS agents in order to fund Obamacare.

2. Massachusetts elected a Republican to the Senate and his primary election promise was to oppose Obamacare.

HT to Gateway Pundit

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Round Up Post

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

If you have been following the massive wildfires in Colorado, you probably didn’t hear about this on CNN/MSNBC/ABC/PBS/CBS “News”:

Washington-based Human Events magazine reported in September of 2011 that nearly half of the federal government’s air tankers sat idle at a California airport, as wildfires ripped through national forests throughout California, Texas, New Mexico, and other states. It turns out the Obama administration ended a long-standing contract, leaving the Forest Service with only 11 tankers to battle 50 wildfires that were burning nationwide. A decade ago, the Forest Service had 40 firefighting tankers.

Three hours after the Supreme Court ruled on Arizona’s immigration laws, the Obama regime revoked Arizona’s 287 G “privileges.’  This means that Arizona has been denied the use of the Federal database set up specifically for state governments to identify illegal aliens.

There is bi-partisan support for contempt vote against Obama AG Holder.

Federal Judge Refuses To Halt Florida’s Clean Up Of Voter Rolls.

Drew over at AoSHQ nails it shut:

Illegal voters, Democrats and Eric Holder hit hardest.

While everyone was focused on Arizona, the EPA is getting set to cause the economy to nose dive.

In Which We Learn that ABC News is Literally In Bed With the Obama Campaign…

Team Obama Prepping Thousands of Lawyers for November Election

They want to make sure their traditional voter base, the dead, have their vote counted.

MSNBC 9/11 Troofer host smacked down by College Republican

Obama doesn’t know the difference between outsourcing and offshoring.

Mia Love of Utah Hopes to Become the First Black Republican Woman in Congress

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A Leftist sees through the hype and understands Obama

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Matt Stoller is yet another leftist democrat who has buyer’s remorse over our Dear Leader. Here are the money quotes

 …[Obama’s] career in the Illinois state Senate was based on working for billionaire developers to destroy poor neighborhoods. Few really gets who he is, at his core, and almost no one is willing to publicly point it out. There are some who went to law school with him, who saw his enormous grasping social climbing tendencies, his eager corporate good old boy persona, his narcissistic calculations.


The truth is that he’s a narcissistic sociopath dressed up as a cool corporate brand. The real Obama parody is an Obama who wears an Air Force One fleece over an Obama t-shirt, who says to a reporter “Now hang on, let me finish, speaking slowly and avoiding your question, which is, by the way excellent.” He’s President, and if you’re upset with him, don’t worry, look at that beautiful photo of Obama smiling and pointing.

Bottom line, America elected an empty suit who doesn’t have the experience or temperament for the job.

He is loosing support in his base, for failing to deliver fast enough on wealth distribution.  He is also losing support from the independents who voted for him in 2004.

As more people find out more about our Dear Leader, the less popular he becomes.  Hyper-partisan leftists are responding to the results of Reality meeting Obama with desperate fear mongering attacks against anybody who dares to oppose their leader.  What else can they do? They certainly can’t defend Obama’s record as President.

HT to Jim Geraghty of the National Review for the link to Matt Stoller’s article.

Update: One of the trends we’re seeing more of is democrats running for reelection who are distancing themselves from our Dear Leader.   Add to the list, Missouri democrat Claire McCaskill.  She will not be attending the national democrat party convention this year.

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Quote of the Day

Monday, June 25th, 2012

“…if you think Bush using his Constitutional authority to replace U.S. Attorneys is a giant scandal, but shrug your shoulders at the federal government sending guns to Mexico, where drug cartels use them to kill a U.S. Border Patrol agent, then you are a hopeless partisan hack who is literally willing to overlook murder to advance your political agenda.”

— Jim Geraghty, Morning Jolt, June 25, 2012

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Leftist talking points vs. Reality

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

The following has been passed around actively by leftist recently:

Basically, the Republican strategy for the past three years has been this:

1. Do everything humanly possible to prevent the economy from recovering.

2. Wait for 2012.

3. Run a campaign focused on the fact that the economy is lousy.

This post shows a high degree of partisanship, and an appalling low knowledge of how the federal government works and basic economic theory.

First off, for most of the past three years, the congressional Republicans haven’t been in a position to do much of anything.  A position they primarily put themselves in.  They didn’t control the White House, were the minority in the House of Representatives, and didn’t have enough seats in the Senate to even threaten a filibuster.

For the better part of two of those three years, the democrats ran the show.  They set and implement policy, they decided where the money was coming from and how it was going to get spent. For the rest of the three years in question, they still controlled the White House and the Senate, which let them effectively block any changes the House Republicans might want to make.

The democrats, lead by Barack Obama own this economy, i.e. the most lackluster recovery on record.  They are the ones who promised unemployment under 6% by now if they got enact their grand Keynesian economic plan, which they did.  The results, unemployment at 8.2% (which be over 10% if the labor force participation  was at the same level it was when Obama took office) and a real unemployment rate of 14.8% (according to the Dept. of Labor)

Faced with this record, the democrats want to double down of failure and continue the policies that have resulted in high unemployment and economic growth that in a good quarter breaks 2%.

There are a great deal of things you blame the congressional Republicans for.  The current lack of significant growth in the economy isn’t one of them.  Even Barack Obama has correctly stated that the economy was his issue and if he didn’t have it fixed in three years, he didn’t deserve a second term.

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Round up post

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

A high school administration in Montana banned a Hollywood producer from speaking at their graduation ceremony because he was a “right wing conservative.” There was concern that he might offend some of the parents and students with his speech. Gerald Molen is a veteran of the United States Marines Corps, and won an Oscar for producing Schindler’s List.

More 2009 e-mails show extent of drug industry’s involvement the push for Obamacare. It seems that the big pharmaceutical companies may have benefited more from Obamacare than the American people did.

The left’s attack on Free Speech is getting more aggressive, with the SWATting and legal attacks against conservative bloggers for daring to mention a left wing operative’s terrorist background.

Florida Voter Purge Reveals Noncitizens Who Voted

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Quote of the Day

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

“President Obama wanted to go to Wisconsin, but he just didn’t have time. He’s been doing so many campaign fundraisers lately he barely has time to play golf. ”

Ann Coulter

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Graph of the Day

Thursday, June 7th, 2012
Reality vs. Obamanonics

Reality vs. Obamanonics

According to our Dear Leader’s Keynesian fantasies, unemployment should be under 6% and falling.

Instead, reality got in the way, and his massive deficit spending  has resulted in unemployment at 8.2% and real unemployment over 14%.

This is just one reason he and his allies are desperate to talk about anything besides his record.

Just to make sure you’re getting this, let’s look at another version of this graph.

Reality vs. Obamanonics II

This is the Obama economy.

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Why is the left against fighting vote fraud?

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

One would think that our federal government would all for protecting the basic civil rights of American citizens by aggressively fighting voter fraud.

This is not under the Obama regime.  Let us review several examples.

First, our Dear Leader’s so-called “Justice Department” has stopped the state of Florida from removing dead people from the voter rolls.  Really. You can’t make this stuff up.  Investors Business Daily has an article on the topic that sums the problem nicely.

Washington has ordered Florida to end its effort to remove ineligible voters from the state’s voter rolls. This is breathtaking. It couldn’t be clearer that the government is actively promoting voter fraud.

Somehow, the DOJ has determined that purging illegal voters — felons, noncitizens, the deceased — from the rolls is a violation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act as well as the 1993 National Voter Registration Act. According to the Miami Herald, the department’s lead civil rights attorney, T. Christian Herren Jr., sent the state “a detailed two-page letter” on Thursday demanding that Florida’s elections division shut down its pursuit.

What’s missing from Herren’s complaint is the fact that no one is actually moved off the rolls until they are found to be ineligible. Simply sending names to county elections supervisors to confirm eligibility, which is what Florida officials are doing, discriminates against no one. Either the person is eligible to vote or not.

No one is harassed or summarily tossed off the voter rolls. There is no poll tax or literacy test.

Why is the Obama administration afraid of purging the dead from the active voter rolls?

RightGirl points out that when actually shown evidence of how easy voter fraud is, the Obama administration’s so called “Justice Department” ignores the problem.

Oh, we have found one case where democrats are not calling a requirement to show a photo ID in order to vote. Their own state party convention in Massachusetts.

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Bumper Sticker of the Day

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

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