Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

An Honest Look at democrat talking points on tax hikes

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Let’s be honest here, the “tax increase on the richest Americans” that the democrats keep repeating their talking points on, won’t effect the “richest Americans” one damn bit.

Take my senior Senator for example, based on his income as a Senator alone, he should be paying federal tax at a rate in the mid thirties.  In addition to his tax payer funded income, he personally is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, plus he married a woman who inherited billions of dollars from her late husband.  His federal tax rate is 14%.

The tax hike the democrats are so hot for won’t effect his tax rate one damn bit.  So the democrat’s rhetoric about having the richest Americans pair their fair share of taxes is a flat out lie.

One of good ideas of the President’s deficit reduction panel was to drastically simplify the tax code and reduce the highest tax rate to 25%.  That will reduce the 30% plus overhead of the IRS and get uber-rich democrats, like my senior Senator, to actually pay their fair share of the taxes paid by almost every other working American.

Don’t expect democrats to embrace this idea though.  It goes against their core values, like waging class warfare.

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

“Liberals” are so open minded and tolerant they think they know how everyone else should live their life.

And if you disagree, you’re a racist ignorant close minded bigot.

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Greg Gutfeld points out yet another example of leftist hypocrisy

Sunday, October 24th, 2010

Greg Gutfeld points out yet another example of leftist hypocrisy.

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Quote of the Day

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

“[Juan Williams] firing has backfired, handing FOX a victory and making Williams a symbol of liberal intolerance — on the very day NPR announced a grant from George Soros that it never should have accepted.”

Howard Kurtz

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Pointing out leftist hypocrisy

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Two conservative women point out the hypocrisy of the sexist liberal bed wetters over at Newsweek.

Lori Ziganto is first, with this delicious bit of snark,

They don’t comprehend that as strong and confident conservative women, lacking an ounce of our liberal counterparts’ perpetual victim hood, we embrace all aspects of our gender. As such, we have no problem looking pretty whilst vivisecting you verbally in an argument. We aren’t simpletons; we can multi-task! And we know that if one appreciates how you look, it doesn’t preclude them from also appreciating your mind and your political discourse. Well, at least it shouldn’t. Evidently, that isn’t possible on the left.

Then Dana Loesch joins in.

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A double shot of dishonesty & ignorance from the left

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

I saw a recent post from someone who is smart enough to know better, that managed to squeeze Godwin’s Law and the intellectually dishonest “Race Card” into a single package.

They were ranting about the recent Arizona law that allows law enforcement officials to check immigration status in course of standard police investigation.

Attempting to claim this is a “show your papers” law is a clear case of either willful ignorace of the law or clear case of spouting leftist propaganda. Neither of those reflect positively on the poster.  Let us get some facts straight that the leftists want left in the dark.  First, “illegal” is not a race, so claiming ‘racism’ is a false argument from the start. Then keep in mind that this law is massively popular in Arizona, with 70% of the citizens supporting it.  If you think that 70% doesn’t include a big chunk of Americans of Mexican decent (and legal immigrants from Mexico), you need to get out of your local Starbucks and visit the American southwest.

The typical leftist argument ignores the economic and violence issues associated with this issue.  The cost of illegal immigrants (and I’m just going to include the ones who are trying to make a better life for them and their families here, God bless ’em and damn the corrupt and incompetent government of Mexico that can’t provide basic safety for its citizens) is driving the border states bankrupt.  Even one of the far left liberals who recently ran for the California Governor’s seat admitted this.  There is an immigration problem, that the federal government, in a rare fit of bipartisanship, refuses to address, leading Arizona to have to deal with the problem at a state level.

Then there is the violence issue.  Legal (and many illegal) immigrants from Mexico came to America to get away from the violent narco-Civil War that is killing more Mexican civilians than the Islamo-insurgents in Iraq are!  They don’t like the fact that violent criminals have followed them to America! Mexican Drug Cartels have made Phoenix, AZ the U.S. Kidnap Capital! Add to that, the recent case of a Central Arizonan Sheriff was shot in the stomach with an AK-47 round by a drug trafficking Mexican on U.S. soil!

The case here is much more complex than the knee jerk, and poorly thought out, hate filled arguments the leftists are throwing out.

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Quote of the Day

Friday, April 30th, 2010

Roger Simon:

“The real reason liberals accuse Tea Partiers of racism is that contemporary American-style liberalism is in rigor mortis. Liberals have nothing else to say or do. Accusations of racism are their last resort.”

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What does the left have against Free Speech?

Saturday, April 10th, 2010

The modern American left has a long, and sad, history of attacks on the First Amendment.

A history they are obviously willing to continue.  Now the left is once again adding racist attacks to their resume.

“Oreos,” “traitors,” and “Uncle Toms“ are just a few of the ugly names that black conservatives have been called for having the audacity to oppose the nation’s first black president. According to AP writer Valerie Bauman, Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the conservative Frederick Douglass Foundation, has been called much worse. “I’ve been told I’m a spook at the door,” reports Johnson. “I’ve been told I hate myself.”

The great irony, of course, is that the need for blacks to fall in line rather than think for themselves is the worst kind of racial stereotyping—self policing. It is precisely this kind of ugly mob tactics that Democrats claim to find so abhorrent.

Then we have a member of Code Pink attempting physical assault on Karl Rove, and attacking his First Amendment Rights.  To make this story even more disgusting, Jodie Evans is a top “bundler” for the Obama administration, bringing huge amounts of cash for direct access with our Dear Leader.  Clearly Evans’ attacks against Mr. Rove are politically motivated.  Unlike other protesters who have convictions that know no political boundaries.

The left is nowhere done with their continued assault on the First Amendment.  With the Tax Day Tea Party protests coming up, there is an organized effort to disrupt them and to falsely portray the protesters as what the left is trying to paint them as. Respected polling organizations have shown that the majority of the Tea Party protesters are a cross section of America.  Not only does the left want to deny the Tea Party movement their rights of Free Speech and Assembly, they have to lie in order to try and get their twisted view of reality out where MSNBC can air their lies as “news.”

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Monica Crowley:

During President George W. Bush’s two terms, you couldn’t drive far without seeing a particular bumper sticker: “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” Now that Democrats control the White House and Congress, the left treats dissent as the lowest form of treason.

Plus this bonus QotD:

Greg Gutfeld:

Look, this debate is basic: it’s small government vs. big government. So how cowardly do folks like Blood and Frank Rich have to be that they can’t man up and defend their love for collectivism? The only reason they scream race, is because that debate scares them. They know a racial accusation prevents dialogue, because such a harmful charge far outweighs any benefits of winning an argument.

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Liberal democrats in Hawaii kill same sex marriage bill

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

That democrats threw their homosexual supporters under the bus is not suprising to those who pay attention. As I pointed out before.

Here is a dirty little secret that many good liberals either don’t know or won’t admit. There are several traditional core democrat constituent groups that are more than just a little bit “social conservative” and are strongly opposed to same sex marriage. These constituent groups include Roman Catholics, the elderly and blacks.

The left won’t address this issue in their own ranks. Instead, they will engage in hate speech and mean spirited attacks against their traditional “Emmanuel Goldsteins.”

If the proponents of same sex marriage were really and truly serious about their cause, they would first start to address their opponents in their own liberal house hold and then reach out to those are in agreement with their cause

That the almost exclusively democrat Hawaiian legislature killed a same sex marriage bill is getting surprising little press from the so-called “mainstream” media. That’s because there is no Republican they can blame this on.

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