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What does the left have against Free Speech?

April 10, 2010 – 12:22 | by admin

The modern American left has a long, and sad, history of attacks on the First Amendment.

A history they are obviously willing to continue.  Now the left is once again adding racist attacks to their resume.

“Oreos,” “traitors,” and “Uncle Toms“ are just a few of the ugly names that black conservatives have been called for having the audacity to oppose the nation’s first black president. According to AP writer Valerie Bauman, Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the conservative Frederick Douglass Foundation, has been called much worse. “I’ve been told I’m a spook at the door,” reports Johnson. “I’ve been told I hate myself.”

The great irony, of course, is that the need for blacks to fall in line rather than think for themselves is the worst kind of racial stereotyping—self policing. It is precisely this kind of ugly mob tactics that Democrats claim to find so abhorrent.

Then we have a member of Code Pink attempting physical assault on Karl Rove, and attacking his First Amendment Rights.  To make this story even more disgusting, Jodie Evans is a top “bundler” for the Obama administration, bringing huge amounts of cash for direct access with our Dear Leader.  Clearly Evans’ attacks against Mr. Rove are politically motivated.  Unlike other protesters who have convictions that know no political boundaries.

The left is nowhere done with their continued assault on the First Amendment.  With the Tax Day Tea Party protests coming up, there is an organized effort to disrupt them and to falsely portray the protesters as what the left is trying to paint them as. Respected polling organizations have shown that the majority of the Tea Party protesters are a cross section of America.  Not only does the left want to deny the Tea Party movement their rights of Free Speech and Assembly, they have to lie in order to try and get their twisted view of reality out where MSNBC can air their lies as “news.”

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