Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Unemployment is on the rise again

Friday, September 4th, 2009

The Obama Economy is operating as predicted, with employment hitting a 26 year high of 9.7%.

Let us review what our Dear Lader and the congressional democrats told us when they rammed the porkulus bill down America’s throat.  If the massive spending program (that doesn’t even start to spend two thirds of the money until after 2010) wasn’t passed, unemployment would hit 9% and if it was passed, it wouldn’t go over 8%.

Geoff has a nice chart that compares the Team Lightbringer fantasy with reality.  Let me sum up the chart for you, the so called democrat “leadership” who came up with that Charlie Foxtrot are either incompetent or liars.  Either one of those solutions is not very comforting to the American people.

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Obama adds $2 Trillion to the National Deficit

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

As that Supra-Genius Joey Biden said, “We have to spend in order to avoid bankruptcy.”

Well, his boss, our Dear Leader has put his ideological goals ahead of the well being of the nation and implemented his personal spending habits (which put him $300,000 in debt with an annual house hold income of over a half million dollars) as the President of the United States of America.

So, right before slipping out of D.C. to head to Martha’s Vineyard on vacation, the White House quietly announced that it is raising its projection for the national deficit to $9 trillion from $7.108 trillion.  The CBO has been saying $9 Trillion for a while, and most of DNC membership has been in denial.  Well folks, facts are stubborn things, and reality even catches up with our Dear Leader every now and then.

HT to Ace.

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No Recession at the Obama White House, Part III

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Our Dear Leader will take a break from trying to destroy the US economy by vacationing in a $20 Million dollar rental home on 28 acres of prime Martha’s Vineyard real estate..

Nothing is too good for our Dear Leader while his misguided policies force unemployment toward 10% and beyond!

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We the People Stimulus Package

Friday, July 17th, 2009


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Obama’s Dismal Failure

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

The democrat’s “stimulus” bill has been proven to be what it was labeled when it was rammed through congress and down the throats of the American people, a “porkulus” bill. It was supposed to boost the economy, but has had the predictable, opposite effect.

House Republicans, attempting to regain the mantel of fiscal responsibility after screwing that pooch, point out the failure of the democrats porkulus sceme

“The report we got from the Department of Transportation is dated July 3rd,” said Mica at the Capitol Hill press conference. “It indicates how much money of the $48 billion [allocated to the Transportation Department] they have control over has gone out — that’s $523 million – 1 percent, approximately 1 percent. And the top 10 states of unemployment, our leading states, including the District of Columbia, only $83 million has gone out to those states.”

“This stimulus package was sold to the country as being an infrastructure bill,” said Rep. John ‘Jimmy’ Duncan (R-Tenn.), “and yet only somewhere between 7 and 8 percent of it was aimed at or provided for infrastructure in the first place.”

“Remember, the stimulus promised 3.5 million jobs was being created, and yet 2 million jobs – additional lost jobs – have been lost. Dismal failure.”

“The stimulus promised,” said Diaz-Balart, “and we were told that in the budget committee and we were told that publicly by the administration, that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if that stimulus passed. Look at the numbers now.”

Of course the democrat’s porkulus bill isn’t helping the economy. That isn’t what it was intended to do. The goal of the Obama administration is not to fix the economy, but to fundamentally change the role of government in the United States of America.

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Evaluating the Stimulus effect

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Our Dear Leader and his democrat cronies are backpedaling and trying to lower expectations on their massive porkulus program funded by skyrocketing massive federal debt.

The fact that the pork ladened democrat driven stimulus bill is not stimulating the economy or creating jobs shouldn’t be a surprised.

Harvard economics professor Greg Mankiw pointed out back in January that almost two thirds of the stimulus money is not scheduled to be spent until after 2010. For Americans suffering under the Obama Economy, that is not good news. It is clearly designed to delay economic benefit until the beginning of the 2012 election cycle.

It isn’t helping the economy now, because only 8% of the one trillion dollar porkulus program is scheduled to be spent in 2009! We are now learning that the money is being spent much more slowly than planned, and appears to be directly funded to areas and organizations that were strong supporters of our Dear Leader. Yup, hardly surprising that there is more than whiff of corruption associated with the democrats porkulus program.

It’s interesting to look back at what the Congressional Budget Office had to say about the economy back in February. They projected an unemployment peak of 9.2% hitting in early 2010. That was if the federal government kept its mitts off the economy. Given the liberal democrat meddling, we hit 9.5% at least six months early. The CBO predicted that the economy would be on the mend by late 2009. So it is clear that our Dear Leader‘s meddling has made things worse for the American people.

The important thing to remember is that Obama’s goal is not to fix the economy, but to fundamentally change the role of government in the United States of America.

Update: Keith Hennessey has an excellent fisking of our Dear Leader’s statement on the economy.

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Obama blocks clean, safe & plentiful electrical power

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

The American Thinker reports that our Dear Leader is planning on killing any new Nuclear Power Plants by cutting funding for storage of what should be reusable fuel.

This is a clear indication that our Dear Leader feels that pandering to the watermelon moonbats that make up his base is more important than rebuilding the American economy and energy independence. Personally, I’m not surprised.

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No recession at the White House

Friday, May 1st, 2009

Our Dear Leader & his wife are not feeling any pinch due to the current economic downturn (Thank you very much Barney Frank).

This is made quite clear by our Dear Leader‘s wife venturing out casually wearing $540 sneakers.
Way to show that our so called “leaders” are completely out of touch with the problems of everyday Americans.

Update:Smell the hypocrisy as we recall the left’s ranting over Senator McCain’s shoes, and complete lack of outrage from the DNC/MSM over our Dear Leader‘s wife wearing $540 designer sneakers from a Paris line. The only sound from the leftist media is the fawning over her ‘fashion sense.

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BHO’s slap in the face to America

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Hundreds of thousands of Americans protested against massive government spending and the crushing federal debt, and our Dear Leader responded by getting his entire cabinet to cut about half of what BHO spend on his inauguration.

Let’s put this in perspective. This is the equivalent of a family with an annual income of $60,000 cutting $6 out of their budget.

The Spin Meter points out a few examples of just how small the President’s gesture is:

$100 million amounts to:

–Less than one-quarter of the budget increase that Congress awarded to itself.

–Less than half the cost of one F-22 fighter plane.

–7 percent of the federal subsidy for the money-losing Amtrak passenger rail system.

–1/10,000th of the government’s operating budgets for Cabinet agencies, excluding the Iraq and Afghan wars and the stimulus bill.

Oh, and if you thought he was asking for new cuts, guess again.

Many of the savings he asked them to achieve are already under way and are included in the calculation.

So what we have is an empty promise and a massive government spending spree, unparalleled in American History, and a crushing debt our grandchildren will still be paying off.

Is this the “Hope & Change” you were expecting?

Update: While our Dear Leader makes empty gestures at “cutting costs”, he’s printing up more money to spend outside the US. In this case $100 Billion for the International Monetary Fund. You remember the IMF, that’s the organization that reimbursed tax cheat and Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner for taxes he never planned on paying.

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