Lefties are all worked up over the strangest things…
Ya, I know, not much a surprise. Reality really isn’t one of their strong points, so they don’t respond to the same stimuli as sane people.
One common trait amount so called “progressives” is that nothing is ever their fault. For example, I saw a moonbat on Facebook arguing that it was the Republicans who were trying to kill the US Post Service. The USPS is in dire financial straits because the majority of their employees are members of a public service union and they are supposed to operate as a P&L. Those two are mutually exclusive! Here is a news flash, it wasn’t the Republicans, or even moderate democrats who inflicted public service unions on the American tax payer. Hell, even FDR, the uber-progressive, said they were a bad idea. Will any leftist admit that the USPS is royally screwed because their policies have inflicted ruin? Of course not! They can never admit fault! So it must be the fault of the “evil Republicans” for not wanting to flush more tax payer dollars down the toilet created by leftist “progressive” policies.
Yet another example of the “tolerant and opened minded liberal” going hyper-partisan at Warp Speed. The only thing going for the Republicans in these attack is that there isn’t a clear Republican leader they can go all Alinsky on. Nobody to destroy personally in order to get their base of low information voters all lathered up in a series of two minute hates. They need their Emmanuel Goldstein. They have tried their racist attacks on Rubio and Cruz because they fear popular conservatives with a minority background. So they want to punish them for straying off the plantation. So far, the left’s pathetic attempts have resulted in a major fund raiser for Rubio.
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