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Quick twitter roundup

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Some good stuff I’ve seen on Twitter:

“Bill Clinton coming to MA for Martha Coakley & the SEIU is paying for attack ads for Martha against Scott Brown. Sexual predators & thugs for Martha!” — Kathleen Beaulieu

I wonder if the commedians in Massachusetts are making any jokes about Martha Coakley’s slutty flight attendent look?

Martha Coakley can’t get enough money from the traditional Dem establishment to match you, so she is going to SEIU for a 700k ad buy. — Patrick Ruffini

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Mass Republican candidate for Senate raises $1 Million in one day!

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

Scott Brown, the Republican running for uber-democrat Ted Kennedy’s old seat, raised $1 Million dollars in just one day.

That is truly amazing in the oh-so liberal People’s Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Or perhaps not. We residents of the Commonwealth got a sneak preview of ObamaAmerica with our own worthless Governor, Deval “Together We Can” Patrick. Patrick had zero executive experience when he took over the Governor’s office and his socialist policies, along with his kowtowing to the state employee unions and raising taxes while the state hemorrhages high tech jobs, have given us a unique perspective of what allowing our Dear Leader to implement his socialist policies will do to the country.

Update: Three Massachusetts news papers have endorsed Scott Brown. The Worcester Telegram & Gazette, the Boston Herald and the Lowell Sun. The Boston Globe is so deep in the DNC’s pocket, they would endorse a convicted felon as long as the felon was running as a democrat.

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