Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

The left’s answer to Free Speech

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

What we can expect from the left. Plans to disrupt Americans exercising their basic Civil Rights as set out in the First Amendment of the Constitution.

As you may know a bunch of redneck traitors are planning a protest on April 15th involving waving around a few tea bags and demonstrating mild irritation at Prez. Obama for making them pay taxes. Here is your chance to do your duty for your president and country and send these fools an unmistakable message.

First of all you can sign up at Huffington Post to become a tea party reporter. It would be a good idea to meet some people to take names and also pictures if possible which should also be forwarded to Janet Napolitano at the DHS.

Next you can join with our comrades at ACORN who have plans afoot to disperse these traitors.

Basically the plan works like this – ACORN has infiltrated the redneck groups that are planning all this. On the 15th at the proper moment a van pulls up with 5 young black women with pro Obama signs. They will be peaceful and respectful. Our infiltrators will verbally attack them with profanity and racial slurs and physically push them around while our camera crew films. In a minute they take off and it is all over.

Doesn’t seem like much till that night when the video gets put on the news and all you see are crazy hillbilly conservatives attacking innocent black counter protesters, shouting racial slurs and pushing them around.

You too can be a part of the glorious moment in history and help keep these traitors in check.

Note how the leftist casually uses racist slurs. The left can not compete in the free market of honest and open debate.

HT to Red State.

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The left’s “Deity”

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

I kid you not. I received the following tweet from a leftist troll today.

I’m a supporter of change the change our great and divine leader president Obama has brought to america

Let’s take a look at that statement through the eyes of a rational adult in a free society.
First off, “great and divine leader”? This leftist troll should move to North Korea, he would fit right in.
Second, note that the troll capitalized the name of his “great and divine leader”, but couldn’t be bothered to capitalize the name of the nation he lives in and provides him the freedoms to decent.

This leftist troll was complaining about American citizens exercising their First Amendment rights.
He claimed that this exercise of the basic Human Right of Free Speech was “treason” against his “great and divine leader.” This leftist troll sets his cult of personality beliefs above that of the Constitution of the United States of America. I would not be surprised if this leftist troll demonstrated the left’s typical lack of basic history by calling those who are exercising their Civil Rights “fascists.”

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Ten Top Reasons to scrap the Tax Code

Sunday, April 12th, 2009 sums it up nicely.

Adam Smith famously noted in the Wealth of Nations that complex tax codes are “more burdensome to the people than they are beneficial to the sovereign.” Our tax code is broken. It’s unfair, complex, inhibits saving, investment and job creation, imposes a heavy burden on families, and undermines the integrity of the democratic process. We should scrap it and rebuild a simple, low, flat, fair, and honest tax code.

Here is the list:

Stop by and read the whole thing.

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“Hope & Change” does not include tolerance.

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

It seems that tolerance, as well as diversity, is not included in the set of “Hope & Change.”

Since Arizona State University made the rational and well thought out decision not grant our Dear Leader an honorary degree because of his overall lack of experience in just about anything, the radical extremist far left that makes up the most rabid of Team Lightbringer’s supporters have reacted true to form.

ASU dared to defy their leftist deity, so they want the heretics burned. I’m not kidding. There have been actual death threats from the “open minded and tolerant” left.

Laurie Chassin co-chairs the ASU Honorary Degree Committee along with Christine Wilkinson, but she is on sabbatical this year and is not involved in this year’s evaluations. According to a source within the administration, she reportedly received death threats after this story hit national news on Thursday. An ASU spokesperson said they started receiving hate-email within minutes after the story was published on Huffington Post.

The President’s friend and advisor, the terrorist William Ayers should be proud.

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Political Books

Friday, April 10th, 2009

A short list of what you should be reading.

The Constitution of the United States of America

Liberal Fascism by David Goldberg

Atlas Shrugged By Ayn Rand

The New Thought Police: Inside the Left’s Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds by Tammy Bruce and Laura C. Schlessinger

The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto by Mark Levin

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Another diplomatic failure from Team Lightbringer

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

The Washington Times reports that the Vatican has “rejected at least three of President Obama’s candidates to serve as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See” because of their pro-abortion stances.

If our Dear Leader hopes to meet Pope Benedict XVI in July, he should have a ambassador in place first. I’m sure the White House would never dream of sending a staunch anti-Communist to meet with the Communist Dictators of Cuba, so this must be some sort of logistical issue. It is likely that in the highly diverse and tolerant liberal democrat administration, there isn’t one person of significant rank (and for an ambassador, that includes anyone who donated a big pile of money during the campaign) who supports the Pro-Life agenda.

HT to The Other McCain

Update: Team Obama continues its foreign policy record of Epic Fail by attempting to make one of his campaign supporters, who is also strongly pro-abortion, to the post of Ambassador to the Vatican. In this case, it’s Princess Caroline of the democrat political Kennedy dynasty. Does the President also plan on attempting to give the Pope a wedgie when they meet?

Of course, the Vatican has rejected this attempt as well. Bill Clinton was experienced and smart enough not to drop the ball on a simple diplomatic appointment like this one. He picked the former Mayor of Boston, democrat and a more observant Roman Catholic than Princess Caroline, whom the Vatican had no problems accepting as the Ambassador of the United States of America.

It seems that a simple task of finding a Pro-Life democrat to appoint to this post is beyond the skill set of Team Lightbringer. The other explanation I put forward may be true. It’s not a simple task, because the “highly diverse and tolerant liberal democrat administration” of our Dear Leader doesn’t include a single democrat who supports a Pro-Life agenda and nobody in their circle of friends/co-workers is a democrat who supports a Pro-Life agenda.

So much for that “big tent” diversity thing. It appears that this simple level of diversity is not part of “Hope & Change.”

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The lefts continuing attack on free speech

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Roger Simon reports that ACORN and agents of the far left extremist Huffington Post are “planning to infiltrate the Tea Parties” organized by American citizens who disagree with the out of control and reckless spending by the President and congressional democrats.

This is another example of the lefts war on the First Amendment when the basic human right of free speech being exercised doesn’t agree with their extremist views.

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Tax Day Tea Party Signs

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Two sources of images for Tax Day Tea Party signs, MarshBaby & Simon Jester.

For those of you who are not SciFi fans, Simon Jester is reference to Robert Heinlein’s classic The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, which was the Monday Book pick on January 26, 2009.

2018 update: Both the sites referenced are no longer valid.

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The Volt won’t “pay the rent”

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

The word from GM (i.e. Government Motors) is that all the car models need to “pay the rent.” It can’t sell at a profit, it’s gone. Hell, even some of the models that sell at a profit are going.

The interesting exception, the Chevy Volt. Officials at GM admit that the Volt probably won’t be putting red ink on the books for the first couple of model years.

I’ve written about the Volt before. It has some interesting technology, but given Chevy’s financial situation, should it be making exceptions to the “pay the rent” rule?

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Well, we got some change…

Monday, April 6th, 2009

Our Dear Leader did bring us “Hope & Change.” I’m hoping for a return to sanity in the 2010 elections and in two months, Americans are now more divided politically than ever.

That’s change we can believe in!

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