Two US Air Force airmen killed. Murderer yelled out “Allahu akbar”

March 2, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Global War on Islamofascism, US Military 

That’s according to the New York Times.  The killer made an effort to determine who in the crowd were US Military personnel before opening fire.

No mention of the killer’s religion or the shout in the sanitized CNN story.  Hardly a surprise.

The shooting occurred at the Frankfurt airport.  So much for Germany’s strict gun control laws.

Alert Citizens work better than government bureaucracy

An al-Qaida operative tried to ignite an explosive device on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was know to have terrorist ties, and managed to walk through the security system at a major European airport with an explosive device.

When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian native and a Muslim, attempted to ignite the device, it was the passengers who noticed that something was wrong, and did something about it.

Mark Steyn nails it:

On September 11th 2001, the government’s (1970s) security procedures all failed, and the only good news of the day came from self-reliant citizens (on Flight 93) using their own wits and a willingness to act.

On December 25th 2009, the government’s (post-9/11) security procedures all failed, and the only good news came once again from alert individuals.

While our Dear Leader and the democrats may have forgotten 9/11, the American people have not.

Update: Our Dear Leader‘s DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano was out quickly to provide the Obama administration spin on this foiled terrorist attack.  Ms. Napolitano’s response shows that she is either a bold faced liar or dangerously incompetent.  Neither one of those options are good for America.

DHS Secretary Napolitano kept repeating the the administration’s spin, “the system worked.”  As I pointed out, that obviously is not the case.  Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was know to have terrorist ties, and managed to walk through the security system at a major European airport with an explosive device.

Ms Malkin points out:

If the “system” had “worked,” the U.S. consular officials who granted Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab a short-term visa last June would have revoked it immediately upon being informed by his father that he was a Muslim radical with al Qaeda ties.

If the “system” had “worked,” U.S. consular officials would have never granted Abdulmutallab — a rootless, young, single male — a visa in the first place in compliance with State Department visa regulation 214(b):

If the “system” had “worked,” Abdulmutallab would have been barred from the U.S. like he had been barred from Britain.

Epic Fail for Napolitano.

“Hope & Change” does not include tolerance.

April 11, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics 

It seems that tolerance, as well as diversity, is not included in the set of “Hope & Change.”

Since Arizona State University made the rational and well thought out decision not grant our Dear Leader an honorary degree because of his overall lack of experience in just about anything, the radical extremist far left that makes up the most rabid of Team Lightbringer’s supporters have reacted true to form.

ASU dared to defy their leftist deity, so they want the heretics burned. I’m not kidding. There have been actual death threats from the “open minded and tolerant” left.

Laurie Chassin co-chairs the ASU Honorary Degree Committee along with Christine Wilkinson, but she is on sabbatical this year and is not involved in this year’s evaluations. According to a source within the administration, she reportedly received death threats after this story hit national news on Thursday. An ASU spokesperson said they started receiving hate-email within minutes after the story was published on Huffington Post.

The President’s friend and advisor, the terrorist William Ayers should be proud.