Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Obama’s spirital advisor of 20 years blames the Jews

Thursday, June 11th, 2009

Ok, when I heard that an elderly anti-Semitic bigot who blames the US for 9/11 just shot up the Holocaust Museum, Rev. Wright did spring to mind. (wait for it…)

Well, Rev. Wright, who is a anti-Semite of long standing, who blames the US Government for the 9/11/2001 attacks and believes that the US Government created AIDS to kill black people, has been in the News lately. He has been quoted in the Daily Press as saying “Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me.” The him he is referring to is none other than our Dear Leader, who attended Wright’s racist and anti-Semitic church for twenty years.

HT to Hot Air.

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BHO does not trust US Military Officers

Thursday, June 11th, 2009

Graduating Midshipmen of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis will not be allowed to wear their swords, which are part of the official dress uniform, in presence of our Dear Leader.
According to the Washington Times, nothing resembling a weapon is to be allowed in the presence of the one described by a hard core leftist as “our great and divine leader.”

Let’s get this one straight, these are graduating Midship from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, who are about to become active duty officers of the U.S. Navy, swearing an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and Barack Hussein Obama is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Yet these young men and women, who are about to put their lives on the line to implement our Dear Leader‘s foreign policy can not wear a sheathed ceremony sword in the same room as the President of the United States of America, who will be guarded by multiple Secret Service agents carrying semi-automatic handguns, fully automatic SMGs, and quite probably a few more weapons more modern and dangerous than a meter long length of steel that may or may not even have a decent edge on it.

Just which one of our Dear Leader’s handlers decided on this bit of policy that can be described as absurd, paranoid and insulting in the extreme to the men and women of United States military?

Sadly, I can’t say I’m surprised by this action, it does fit the mindset of our Dear Leader and his leftist policies.

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Government Transparency, Obama Style!

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

Just how the porkulus money is being spent is something the Obama administration can’t tell us.

Posting “highly confidential safeguards sensitive” documents listing all the civilian nuclear sites and their activities in the United States on the Internet is apparently no problem.

I wish I was making this shit up. The official story is that this was an “accident“.

It would be comforting to think this was just another example of the incompetence that has been the norm for the Obama administration. However, given the mindset of the Obama political appointees who blocked the Justice Department staff lawyers from bringing charges of voter intimidation against the NBPP and by overruling the orders of two federal courts, stopped the State of Georgia from removing non-US citizens form their voter registration rolls, I can see one of those statist political appointee deciding that this is information that should be made available to the public. The actual threat to safety of American Citizens clearly isn’t part of their criteria.

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Two interesting bits of energy news

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

First, the price of oil is going up. It’s over $66 a barrel and show signs of continuing to go up.
Ace thinks that our Dear Leader is going to loose some of his popularity as gas prices climb over $3 a galleon and shoot toward $4 a galleon.
Quite possibly, but then a lot of his supporters, like our Dear Leader, want gas prices over $4 a galleon. They want to kill the SUV and the suburban mom’s best buddy, the minivan. They want solar and wind power generation stations built, but not in their neighborhood.
The GOP should make the most of rising energy costs, and energy costs will rise due to the Cap & Tax scheme going through the democrat controlled congress, by pointing out how our Dear Leader and the democrats are blocking access domestic sources sources like oil, natural gas and coal. They are also blocking the choice of many serious environmentalists, Nuclear Power.
Ace may have a point, since unemployment is continuing to rise, and increased inflation is pretty much a sure thing.

The other bit of energy news comes from Planetizen. It seems that domestic underused natural gas capacity could almost completely replace our current coal-generated electrical energy. Natural gas burns much cleaner than coal and can be used to power motor vehicles as well. Coal can be converted to a liquid fuel, but it is generally less clean than using natural gas.

Bottom line, the spike in energy prices doesn’t have to happen, or at least it doesn’t need to be as bad. The spike will occur because Barack Hussein Obama and the democrats in Congress want higher energy prices to drive their political agenda. If the GOP can’t build a message around that, they are political incompetents who deserve to lose. The only problem with that that American people will pay the price of the democrat’s political agenda with a longer and deeper recession and a declining dollar as inflation climbs.

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No recession at the White House, Part II

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

Part I was our Dear Leader’s wife venturing out casually wearing $540 French designer sneakers.

Now it’s a tax payer funded “date night” trip to New York City on Air Force One our Dear Leader and his wife, while unemployment is climbing to Carter Era levels and Government Motors is expected to file for bankruptcy on Monday.

Our Dear Leader was “ready to rule on day one“, what he wasn’t ready for was to be the President of the United States of America.

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The Obama Justice Department’s disturbing record on Civil Rights

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

The Justice Department dismissed the lawsuit against several members of the New Black Panther Party in what appears to be a clear case of voter intimidation in Philadelphia during the 2008 election.

Just in case you missed this one, here is a video replay.

Ms. Malkin has a followup post on the subject with links to Election Journal and the Washington Times.

If this is what we can expect from the Obama administration in the way the Justice Department handles Civil Rights cases, it is only going to get uglier. Seriously ugly, like Janet Reno ugly.

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History is repeating once again

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Stephen F. Hayes at the Weekly Standard asks “Is Obama Trying to Kill the CIA?”

He makes some interesting points, but let us review the history of the democrat party.

“[I will] totally dismantle every intelligence agency in this country piece by piece, nail by nail, brick by brick” — Ron Dellums, D-Calif, 1993, after House Democratic Caucus elected Dellums chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

This behavior is nothing new. The last democrat President who saw National Security as a priority was John F. Kennedy.

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A disturbing fact about Obama Supreme Court pick Sotomayor

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

According to the American Bar Association, Judge Sotomayor is a member of the National Council of La Raza.

Let us review what “La Raza” is. First thing, lets translate “La Raza” from Spanish to English. It means “The Race.” It is a Hispanic supremacy group with a fairly nasty history.

Sotomayor is very likely to be appointed to the supreme court. Our Dear Leader has a lot of political capital and his party has a very strong majority in Congress. That doesn’t mean that the Republican minority should roll over and rubber stamp her nomination.

Her legal history and rulings as a judge should be addressed and she should have to answer serious questions about them.

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Biden got one thing right

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

Besides the secret location of the Vice-Presidential safe room, which he told members of the press about over dinner.

Back in October 2008, Joey Biden told reporters the following about our Dear Leader:

“Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”
“I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,”

We can add to the existing list of Iranian saber rattling against Israel and an ever more aggressive Communist Chinese navy, North Korea reasserting itself as a nuclear power.

The insane, show tune singing dictator of Communist North Korea apparently feels that the world’s remaining superpower is no long much a threat to him. He’s betting that Barry is more concerned with spending billions on his buddies at ACORN, millions on hookers, and spending the USA into the poor house to worry about little old Kim Il Jong. Sadly, he may be right.

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Barry gets it wrong again

Friday, May 22nd, 2009

In his reaction speech to former VP Cheney yesterday, our Dear Leader said,

‘We are not going to release anyone if it would endanger our national security, nor will we release detainees within the United States who endanger the American people. As we make these decisions, bear in mind the following fact; nobody has ever escaped from one of our federal “supermax” prisons, which hold hundreds of convicted terrorists.”

This statement is a wonderful example of Clintonian word selection. It is a prime example of doubleplus good duckspeak. The Harvard Law School should be proud.

While nobody has ever escaped from a federal Supermax prison, our Dear Leader leaves out the very important fact that they are full to capacity.

Whoops! There I go again, injecting a dose of reality into a feel good BHO speech again!

By way of Ms. Malkin is this article from the Denver Post

Supermax’s approximately 480 concrete cells already are jammed with the likes of Oklahoma City bombing co-conspirator Terry Nichols, Atlanta Olympics bomber Eric Rudolph and other notorious domestic criminals. There also are 33 international terrorists, including Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, 1993 World Trade Center bombing mastermind Ramzi Yousef and failed airline shoe bomber Richard Reid.
Only one bed was not filled Thursday at Supermax, U.S. Bureau of Prisons spokeswoman Tracy Billingsley said.

Details like this are important, and one would hope that the President was aware of it. Which leads us the conclusion that the didn’t want the American people to know that he’s trying to pull another fast one.

Our Dear Leader is under pressure from his far left extremist base to close Camp Delta at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. Unlike his far left extremist supporters, BHO has to deal with the actual reality of the situation, however distasteful that may be to him.

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