Monday Book Pick: 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi

September 11, 2018 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: History, Monday Book Pick 

13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi by Mitchell Zuckoff and the Annex Security Team
Since today is 9/11, six years after the terrorist attacks against Americans in Benghazi (killing four American, including the US Ambassador to Libya), I’m repeating my pick from May 2, 2016
Mitchell is a journalism professor at Boston University. This is not a political book. It is a detailed account of what happened on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi. It details what the security arrangement were, including the use of local militia groups, who was where during each of the multiple attacks, who died, who was wounded, and what the responses by the State Department, and the rest of the US government, were at the time.

Monday Book Pick Archive

A former leftist joins reality and makes amends.

May 11, 2009 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: Politics 

From the American Thinker, a Letter of Amends from a Recovering Berkeley leftist.
Here are some of the highlights.

To my cousin Joe for calling you a traitor when you became an MBA, started holding a real job (as opposed to most of us Berkeley types who are psychotherapists, massage therapists and aromatherapists), and became a conservative, my bad.

To my goddaughter whom I told when she was l0 years old that Republicans were bad, Democrats were good (yes I really did say this), and who got confused and tearful because she lives in a suburb where most people are Republicans, kid, what in the world was I thinking?

To my leftist friends, with whom I agreed that 9/ll was the US’s fault, you and I were all such jerks.

To those potential friends whom I dumped when I found out you were conservative, your gain is my loss.

In February of 2008, I saw a new client, a bright and sensitive young woman who came in looking like she just escaped a war zone. In some ways she had; she had innocently shared with others at her job that she voted for Hillary rather than Obama. Immediately she was being targeted for abuse that put her in fear for not only her job, but her life.

We both suddenly became aware that something had grown really dark in the Democratic Party. I started hearing about many other incidents where loyal Democrats were being physically and emotionally threatened for supporting Hillary. A woman in Berkeley had her front window broken because it displayed a poster of Hillary.

When Geraldine Ferraro ran for Vice President, there was no debasement of her character, no sexual threats. But with Palin, a full scale “wilding” ensued that chillingly reminded me of the random sexual attacks on women by gangs of men in New York. She was called every vile name in the book by both male and female liberals.

Actress Sarah Bernhardt hoped a gang of black males would rape her. When Palin’s church was torched with children inside, the press was missing in action (somehow I imagine the press would have been all over this if Obama’s church were torched). Not only was the misogyny disgusting, but the classism was abhorrent. The Democrats, by ridiculing Palin’s voice and her education, were acting like arrogant snobs. The party had changed, I had changed, and the differences looked irreconcilable.

The peace and love and flower power of the old left was dead and gone (if it even existed to begin with except in my imagination). The Democrats had morphed into a power hungry Thought Police, and I was done with them. My new motto in life: don’t PC on me.

To use an old phrase, this classic liberal got mugged by the reality of where the far left has taken his party. He didn’t leave the democrat party, the democrat party left him as it moved to the extreme far left.

Dangerously Incompetent

One week ago today, a low flying 747, being followed by an Air Force F-16, buzzed lower Manhattan.
Residents of New York City remember all too well the results of low flying passenger jets from the morning of September 11, 2001. That is a date burning into the memory of most Americans.

Most, not all. There are those, who unlike the majority of Americans, live in a 9/10/2001 world. People who think there is no real terrorist threat and that a strong military will incite America’s enemies to violence.

Let’s get back to that low flying jumbo jet being followed by an Air Force F-16 over lower Manhattan. It wasn’t another terrorist attack. It was one of the 747 aircraft used by the US Air Force to transport the President. Why was it flying low, unannounced over lower Manhattan? Well, an idiot by the name of Louis Caldera, hired by our Dear Leader decided that some new publicity photos of Air Force One were needed. Caldera, the current head of the White House Military Office, is a finance guy with a history of overseeing companies currently under investigation for fraud.

How did the residents of New York City respond to a low flying jumbo jet buzzing the site of the 9/11/02 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center Towers? Predictably, there was panic and buildings were evacuated. NYC Mayor Bloomberg, who was not notified of the event, had the following to say about it:

“First thing is I’m annoyed – furious is a better word – that I wasn’t told. “Why the Defense Department wanted to do a photo op right around the site of the World Trade Center catastrophe defies imagination. Poor judgment would be a nice ways to phrase.”

“Had I known about it I would have called them right away and asked them not to. The good news is it was nothing more than an ill considered, badly conceived, insensitive photo op – with the taxpayers’ money.”

Wait! It gets better! The White House Military Office decided that it would better if nobody knew about this! When the FAA contacted the NYPD and other city officials, they were specifically warned not to tell anyone about the planned buzzing of Ground Zero.

The list of people not to be told apparently included White House Clown, official title: Press Secretary, Gibbs.

Let’s get the heart of the matter here. Team Lightbringer clearly lives in a 9/10/2001 world. No sane American would have authorized a large passenger jet to buzz Ground Zero after the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The only people who have live in a fantasy world that believes what Michael Moore tells them.

We have team running the executive branch of the United States government who deny the reality of serious threat not only to the United States of America, but western civilization as well. The Islamofascist terrorists who attacked the United States on 9/11/01 (and many other attacks around the world prior to and after that date) are not just protesting US policy in the Middle East, they are attacking us because of our other policies as well. These are our policies of not stoning homosexuals to death, for not beating women who wear clothes that show more than their eyes in public, and our policy of not committing genocide against Jews worldwide.

Having people in such serious denial over reality in charge of our nation’s foreign policy and our military could have dire effects. Remember that next time you go to vote.

Update: It’s estimated that it cost the taxpayers $328,835 to terrorize the resident of New York City and now Team Lightbringer isn’t going to release the photographs.
You remember the photographs, that was the reason Obama appointee Louis Caldera had a large passenger jet fly low over Ground Zero unannounced.

Don Surber points out that our Dear Leader won’t release photographs of his administration terrorizing Americans, but it will release photographs of “alleged abuse by US personnel of war on terror detainees during the Bush administration…” So remember kids, no matter how badly BHO screws up, the democrats will try to spin it as “Bush’s fault!”

Update: Michelle Malkin has more on Team Lightbringer’s “lack of transparency” and how he is just following democrat tradition.