Not the change you were looking for

January 23, 2010 by
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

As I have pointed out before, our Dear Leader‘s “jobs created or saved” numbers are smoke and mirrors at best.

So how is the Obama White House going to deal with the case of fraud they tried to foist on the American people? Well, based on past behavior, openness and transparency wasn’t anywhere on their list.

Brett Blackledge, of the AP, explains how Team Lightbringer is going to hide their incompetence now.

The White House has abandoned its controversial method of counting jobs under President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus, making it impossible to track the number of jobs saved or created with the $787 billion in recovery money.

Despite mounting a vigorous defense of its earlier count of more than 640,000 jobs credited to the stimulus, even after numerous errors were identified, the Obama administration now is making it easier to give the stimulus credit for hiring. It’s no longer about counting a job as saved or created; now it’s a matter of counting jobs funded by the stimulus.

That means that any stimulus money used to cover payroll will be included in the jobs credited to the program, including pay raises for existing employees and pay for people who never were in jeopardy of losing their positions.

That’s right. The “open and transparent” Obama administration is now going to take credit for “saving or creating” jobs that already exist.

What is clear, is that Obama’s team of Socialists are trying desperately to hide obvious fact that the democrat “porkulus” bill was an utter and complete failure at the stated goal of “stimulating” the economy.  It has been a job killer, not a job creator, and the Team Lightbringer and their co-conspirators in the democrat congressional “leadership” are now trying to make it impossible to accurately track the effect of their pork laden payouts have on the job market, and the economy.


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