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Obama blocks clean, safe & plentiful electrical power

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

The American Thinker reports that our Dear Leader is planning on killing any new Nuclear Power Plants by cutting funding for storage of what should be reusable fuel.

This is a clear indication that our Dear Leader feels that pandering to the watermelon moonbats that make up his base is more important than rebuilding the American economy and energy independence. Personally, I’m not surprised.

New political comic

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

I added the one panel comic Diversity Lane: A liberal family saga to my list of political comics. The main sites provides all the background, but the strip is updated in this blog.

A good sign of were Obama’s loyalities lie

Friday, May 8th, 2009

By way of Michelle Malkin, Philip Klein at the American Spectator points out a very telling item in the very small number of actual budget cuts our Dear Leader has made.

…buried in the budget documents released by the White House today is a 9 percent cut in the unit of the Department of Labor that is in charge of regulating unions.
Under the leadership of Elaine Chao during the Bush administration, the Labor Department’s Office of Labor-Management Standards took its job of policing unions seriously. Its actions led to 929 convictions of corrupt union officials and to the recovery of more than $93 million on behalf of union members. Yet the Obama administration has proposed slashing its budget from $45 million in 2009 to $41 million in 2010, citing an insufficient “workload” for the office.
Instead of using the money to make sure unions play by the rules, the Obama administration proposes shifting resources to the department’s Wage and Hour Division, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration — all areas of the agency focused on regulating businesses.

What’s clear here is that this is another political payback for massive campaign donations to the democrat party and BHO.
Given more tax payer money for “regulation” of business by the federal government is just another anti-economy bonus for Team Lightbringer.

What is Gov Patrick thinking?

Friday, May 8th, 2009

What is it with the Peoples Commonwealth and bat shit crazy democrat governors?
First it was that certifiable idiot Michael Dukakis, who decided that letting convicted murders out on furlough so they could rape and kill innocent people while still technically serving their sentence for another murder.

Now we have our Dear Leader‘s good buddy democrat governor Deval Patrick, who while cutting state aid to towns and cities, resulting in pink slips for police, fire fighters & teachers, is spending state taxpayer dollars on free cars for people on welfare.

Really, I can’t make this shit up. Not just free cars, but free insurance, repairs and AAA membership. The taxpayers are even paying the inspection fees and excise tax for these cars.

House Minority Leader Brad Jones (R-North Reading) nails it. “I just don’t see this as a core function of government.” One small issue with Mr. Jone’s statement, take out the word “core.”

This is just a waste of taxpayer money, plain and simple.

democrat fund raiser back in the News

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

Norman Hsu, former fundraiser for Hillary Clinton and other democrats, has plead guilty to 10 counts of wire and mail fraud

The 58-year-old Hsu (CHOO’) was indicted in 2007 on charges of cheating investors of at least $20 million in what prosecutors say was a huge Ponzi scheme. He had been scheduled to go on trial Monday.

The government also says he made illegal donations to politicians including Hillary Clinton. Her Senate campaign later returned money linked to him.

Fresh Sig Quotes

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Recently updated

Page 16 of political sig quotes

You preach tolerance, but you hate me for being a conservative when you don’t have a clue!
Che was KGB trained and a pure sociopathic criminal.
The left’s approach to debate: ignore facts and repeat false talking points.

Page 3 of SciFi sig quotes

“History does not always repeat itself. Sometimes it just yells, “Can’t you remember anything I told you?” and lets fly with a club.” — John W. Campbell
“In a society of criminals, the innocent man goes to jail.” — Phillip K. Dick, Solar Lottery (1955)
“Sometimes a giant energy cannon is your best friend.” — Deck Gibson: Far Reach Commander!

Page 5 of Clinton sig quotes

“One thing we know about the Clintons–they didn’t destroy us economically and don’t hate this country. Yeah, I’ll take that.” — Tammy Bruce

Barack Hussein Obama sig quotes

Obama is not the Messiah… he’s the Angel of Debt.
A twenty year old today will pay 114,000 dollars to the Federal Government just to pay the interest on Obama’s spending bill.

Page 9 of general sig quotes

“It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.” — Albert Einstein
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” — Bill Cosby
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” — Thomas A. Edison
“The secret of success is constancy of purpose.” — Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
“The greatest conspiracy on the planet is stupidity.” — Robert Anton Wilson

Plenty more were those came from.

Green Politics

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

The politics of environmentalism, and that of watermelons, is getting some press.

First, our Dear Leader is having problems getting his own party, with a controlling majority in both houses of Congress, to buy into his Cap and Tax scheme.

The president invited 36 House Democrats to the White House Tuesday morning to discuss a path forward on the bill in an effort to bridge divides that threaten to torpedo one of the touchstones of Obama’s young presidency.

All of these democrats have an eye on the calendar. BHO knows he needs to shove the worst of his socialist agenda down the throats of Americans while his party has the majority. So he wants to get as much done before the 2010 elections as possible.
Congressional democrats, especially those in the House are also looking at the 2010 elections. They are going to be up for reelection then, not Barry. If their districts get slammed economically for what the congressional Republicans are accurately calling “…a declaration of economic war on the midwest by liberals on Capitol Hill,” those Congressional democrats could loose their next election.

To make it worse, the White House is still backing ethanol, a clear sign they are in the pockets of the Corn lobby. Most Americans have figured out that using food crops to make fuel don’t make sense on economic or environmental reasons. If Team Lightbringer had the guts to cut corn based fuel from their plan, and focus on switchgrass or wood chips, they would have more creditability, but that would mean having to give up the corn lobby money.

Then you have the “environmentalists” fighting against clean energy sources.

Some environmentalists, who have successfully fought a wind farm on the border of Oregon and Washington, are trying to block a massive solar plant in the Mojave desert. And now an Oregon county is considering a ban on wind power in the foothills of the blue mountains.

Sound familiar? Remember it was liberal democrat Senators Kerry & Kennedy who blocked a wind farm because it would effect the view from their Mansions.

As much as most environmentalists down play “dissension in the ranks”, it’s there.
That is because there are groups with very different goals hiding the “green.”
There are actual Environmentalists who really do care about what is best for the planet and humanity, and then there are the watermelons, who show a thin green skin to world, but are Red to the core. Their goal is the promotion of a socialist agenda and as one of the founders of Greenpeace has pointed out, they have hijacked his movement in order to do so.

Then there are the ones that George Carlin correctly identified, they are just looking for a clean place to park their Volvo.

Update: Michelle Malkin has more data on how democrat Waxman is trying to bypass debate and shove our Dear Leader‘s Cap & Tax scheme through the House. She also has a list of democrat congressmen who are feeling the heat from outraged voters.

The Culture of Corruption is still going strong

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

Two shining examples of the democrats Culture of Corruption for your reading pleasure.

First, former Senator John Edwards. You remember Edwards, served less than one term in the Senate before he quit going to work (but he still collected his taxpayer funded paycheck) to mount a failed run for the President’s office. That resulted in him being picked by the admitted war criminal, Senator John Kerry, as his VP running mate. After helping Kerry lose that election, Edwards ran for President again. He lost early and by wide margins that time as well.

During that second run, Edwards, who often ran with with Cancer Stricken wife Elizabeth by his side, also picked up a mistress and a kid.

Now his marriage and his mistress really isn’t much of a political story. After Billy Jeff Clinton and Jesse Jackson, a mistress or two is almost required for a serious democrat. Not a corruption story, but one of moral failing.

Where the corruption comes in is if Edwards spent campaign money to Rielle Hunter to keep her quiet about their relationship. Well, the feds are now investigating the matter.

Culture of Corruption, Part 2, involves democrat congressman John Murtha. Yes, Murtha of Pork Spending fame. According the the Washington Post, a company owned by Murtha’s nephew received “$4 million in Pentagon work, all of it without competition…” Isn’t that just special.

HT to Michelle Malkin about this latest bit of Murtha Pork.

ACORN = Voter Fraud

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

ACORN, the leftist group that our Dear Leader wants “counting” people in the census is in the news again. This time, like most times, it’s for voter fraud. ACORN in Nevada was paying bonuses for voter registrations, including fraudulent ones.

Update: From Gateway Pundit, news video on the charges.

19,000 fraudulent voter registration forms submitted by ACORN in Nevada alone. How many more didn’t get detected? Remember that this is the same group that the White House wants counting heads in the census. Do you really want a far left extremist group known for widespread voter fraud determining the number of congressional seats and electoral college votes a state will receive?

Gateway Pundit also has details on the close association between ACORN and our Dear Leader.

About that Swine Flu thing…

Monday, May 4th, 2009

I’ve been seeing bit of grumbling about how the government is hyping the swine flu outbreak in order to grow the size of government and take over health care.

Dudes, they don’t need swine flu as an excuse. The current administration stated flat out that growing the size of government and nationalizing health care was their goal long before swine flu made its way into the news.

Health care professionals in the infectious disease field have been worried that the human population is due for a serious flu pandemic for a number of years. John Ringo has a New York Times Bestseller on the market that uses a nasty global flu pandemic as a major plot point.

Even if swine flu turns out to be a not so bothersome strain in the global pandemic sense, it is providing damn good practice for the US CDC (Center for Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization). It is reasonable and prudent for health organizations to treat this new strain as a possible pandemic until proven otherwise. If they catch heat for it, just image what kind of justifiable grief they would get if it was, and they didn’t treat is such early on.

Now, as regular readers may have noticed, I’m not much of a fan of our Dear Leader, but the advice he gave really is the simplest and best techniques to use to avoid infectious diseases like the flu and the common Cold. Wash your hands. Really. Wash your hands often and well. That means warm to hot water, and actively scrubbing with soap for at least 10 to 20 seconds.

The most common way to catch a flu virus is through the moist tissues in your eyes. Think about everything you have touched since the last time you washed your hands next time you catch yourself rubbing your eyes.

The masks are mainly to keep you from spreading germs when you exhale, cough or sneeze. Barry is actually spot on accurate about the hand washing. Get a good nights sleep, eat healthy and really, no government conspiracy here, wash your hands.