Green Politics

May 6, 2009 by
Filed under: energy, Environment, Politics 

The politics of environmentalism, and that of watermelons, is getting some press.

First, our Dear Leader is having problems getting his own party, with a controlling majority in both houses of Congress, to buy into his Cap and Tax scheme.

The president invited 36 House Democrats to the White House Tuesday morning to discuss a path forward on the bill in an effort to bridge divides that threaten to torpedo one of the touchstones of Obama’s young presidency.

All of these democrats have an eye on the calendar. BHO knows he needs to shove the worst of his socialist agenda down the throats of Americans while his party has the majority. So he wants to get as much done before the 2010 elections as possible.
Congressional democrats, especially those in the House are also looking at the 2010 elections. They are going to be up for reelection then, not Barry. If their districts get slammed economically for what the congressional Republicans are accurately calling “…a declaration of economic war on the midwest by liberals on Capitol Hill,” those Congressional democrats could loose their next election.

To make it worse, the White House is still backing ethanol, a clear sign they are in the pockets of the Corn lobby. Most Americans have figured out that using food crops to make fuel don’t make sense on economic or environmental reasons. If Team Lightbringer had the guts to cut corn based fuel from their plan, and focus on switchgrass or wood chips, they would have more creditability, but that would mean having to give up the corn lobby money.

Then you have the “environmentalists” fighting against clean energy sources.

Some environmentalists, who have successfully fought a wind farm on the border of Oregon and Washington, are trying to block a massive solar plant in the Mojave desert. And now an Oregon county is considering a ban on wind power in the foothills of the blue mountains.

Sound familiar? Remember it was liberal democrat Senators Kerry & Kennedy who blocked a wind farm because it would effect the view from their Mansions.

As much as most environmentalists down play “dissension in the ranks”, it’s there.
That is because there are groups with very different goals hiding the “green.”
There are actual Environmentalists who really do care about what is best for the planet and humanity, and then there are the watermelons, who show a thin green skin to world, but are Red to the core. Their goal is the promotion of a socialist agenda and as one of the founders of Greenpeace has pointed out, they have hijacked his movement in order to do so.

Then there are the ones that George Carlin correctly identified, they are just looking for a clean place to park their Volvo.

Update: Michelle Malkin has more data on how democrat Waxman is trying to bypass debate and shove our Dear Leader‘s Cap & Tax scheme through the House. She also has a list of democrat congressmen who are feeling the heat from outraged voters.


3 Comments on Green Politics

  1. HTRN on Sat, 16th May 2009 16:19
  2. Windfarms and solar plants, as they stand right now, are basically a complicated tax dodge(among other things, wind farms get 1.9c/Kwh through the Federal Production Tax Credit) perpetrated on the people of the United States of America.

    I can tell you that the locals living next to the Bear Creek Wind Farm in the Poconos hate the damn things – they emit a low frequency hum that can be heard as far as a mile away, and has driven down property values enough that simply selling and moving isn’t really possible.

  3. MarkUrbin on Sat, 16th May 2009 20:31
  4. Wind and solar are interesting, but have several problems for widespread use. One, they can’t provide a constant amount of power to bear the load needed. The other is that you have so-called “greens” protesting that they don’t want solar or wind power anywhere near where they live.

    […] mom’s best buddy, the minivan. They want solar and wind power generation stations built, but not in their neighborhood. The GOP should make the most of rising energy costs, and energy costs will rise due to the Cap […]

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