Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

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Quote of the Day

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

Ann Coulter makes a very insightful observation:

“If it were true that conservatives were racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, stupid, inflexible, angry, and self-righteous, shouldn’t their arguments be easy to deconstruct? Someone who is making a point out of anger, ideology, inflexibility, or resentment would presumably construct a flimsy argument. So why can’t the argument itself be dismembered rather than the speaker’s personal style or hidden motives? Why the evasions?”

Pay attention to how the leftists are framing their “arguments” and “debates” currently. They are short on actual facts and the truth. The focus is on dehumanizing their opponents.

Translating Obamaspeak, Part 2

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

The second installment in Translating Obamaspeak.

“Cap and Trade” means “Cap and Tax” in English.

“Hope and Change” means “Dope and Fail” in English.

And remember kids, “We have always been at war with Eastasia.”

The Global Warming Crisis is officially over.

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

Oprah, a major supporter of our Dear Leader and all the politically correct celebrity causes that are popular this week gave this advice to the graduating class of Duke University,

“It’s great to have a private jet. Anyone that tells you that having your own private jet isn’t great is lying to you.”

She is clearly not concerned about the “SUV-years” per mile of carbon produced by her private jet or its effect on the environment.

But then, neither are other rich folks who fly private jets all over the place, such as Al Gore or Laurie David or the rest of the “Gulfstream Liberals.” At least Oprah is honest about it.

Quote of the Day

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Jim Treacher nails it concerning our Dear Leader.

“Voting for Obama because you don’t like politics is like eating 3 cheesecakes a day because you don’t like being fat.”

A former leftist joins reality and makes amends.

Monday, May 11th, 2009

From the American Thinker, a Letter of Amends from a Recovering Berkeley leftist.
Here are some of the highlights.

To my cousin Joe for calling you a traitor when you became an MBA, started holding a real job (as opposed to most of us Berkeley types who are psychotherapists, massage therapists and aromatherapists), and became a conservative, my bad.

To my goddaughter whom I told when she was l0 years old that Republicans were bad, Democrats were good (yes I really did say this), and who got confused and tearful because she lives in a suburb where most people are Republicans, kid, what in the world was I thinking?

To my leftist friends, with whom I agreed that 9/ll was the US’s fault, you and I were all such jerks.

To those potential friends whom I dumped when I found out you were conservative, your gain is my loss.

In February of 2008, I saw a new client, a bright and sensitive young woman who came in looking like she just escaped a war zone. In some ways she had; she had innocently shared with others at her job that she voted for Hillary rather than Obama. Immediately she was being targeted for abuse that put her in fear for not only her job, but her life.

We both suddenly became aware that something had grown really dark in the Democratic Party. I started hearing about many other incidents where loyal Democrats were being physically and emotionally threatened for supporting Hillary. A woman in Berkeley had her front window broken because it displayed a poster of Hillary.

When Geraldine Ferraro ran for Vice President, there was no debasement of her character, no sexual threats. But with Palin, a full scale “wilding” ensued that chillingly reminded me of the random sexual attacks on women by gangs of men in New York. She was called every vile name in the book by both male and female liberals.

Actress Sarah Bernhardt hoped a gang of black males would rape her. When Palin’s church was torched with children inside, the press was missing in action (somehow I imagine the press would have been all over this if Obama’s church were torched). Not only was the misogyny disgusting, but the classism was abhorrent. The Democrats, by ridiculing Palin’s voice and her education, were acting like arrogant snobs. The party had changed, I had changed, and the differences looked irreconcilable.

The peace and love and flower power of the old left was dead and gone (if it even existed to begin with except in my imagination). The Democrats had morphed into a power hungry Thought Police, and I was done with them. My new motto in life: don’t PC on me.

To use an old phrase, this classic liberal got mugged by the reality of where the far left has taken his party. He didn’t leave the democrat party, the democrat party left him as it moved to the extreme far left.

Monday Book Pick: Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy by Gwyneth Cravens

An environmentalist opposed to Nuclear Energy did some honest research and came to the conclusion that only Nuclear Power can provide the base load of clean electricity needed. Actual science trumps rhetoric.

Monday Book Pick Archive

Monday Morning News

Monday, May 11th, 2009

First item, an armed home invasion/robbery/rape/probably homicide was stopped because one of the victims decided not be a victim and used his firearm to drive off the attackers.

A group of college students said they are lucky to be alive and they’re thanking the quick-thinking of one of their own. Police said a fellow student shot and killed one of two masked men who burst into an apartment.

HT to Stephen Kruiser. I searched for this story on CNN and couldn’t find it. If the criminals had carried out their plan of robbery, rape and murder, the story would have been at the top of the news cycle.

Next, is this AP story that show that the early “stimulus” funds for road repair isn’t going where it is needed most.

Counties suffering the most from job losses stand to receive the least help from President Barack Obama’s plan to spend billions of stimulus dollars on roads and bridges, an Associated Press analysis has found.

In the really bad news front, prices for coffee and sugar ‘could “explode” due to supply shortages,’ according to the Financial Times.

Not surprising is the news that Team Lightbringer is planning another $60 Billion in new taxes.

On the WTF front, Fannie Mae is hitting the government up for more taxpayer money after losing $23.2 Billion dollars. Why did the executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac get millions in bonuses? What it because they are supported by democrat members of Congress?

ACORN insiders speak out

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

The ACORN 8 speak out on the Glenn Beck Show

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Why aren’t we seeing this on CNN?

So much for Transparency

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Our Dear Leader clearly doesn’t want the American public informed on his planned changes to the 2010 Census.

Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke came to Denver on Wednesday to meet with the group charged with raising public awareness about the upcoming census and closed the session to the public and media.

I can see why he doesn’t want any more news about the far left extremist group ACORN, already charged with massive voter fraud, being hired to “count” citizens for the census.

The Silence of the Left

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Dissenting Justice points out that our Dear Leader has adopted many of President George W. Bush’s policies that he and the far left attacked GWB for.

The silence from the left concerning our Dear Leader enacting the same policies is deafening and very, very predictable.