Friday, July 4th, 2014
1776 and An American Carol
It’s an Independence Day double header. I’m going once again go with the 1972 film version of the Broadway musical 1776. Based on the Broadway play, it tells the tale of getting the resolution on Independence passed through the Continental Congress in the summer of 1776. William Daniels is quite good as John Adams, but it is Howard Da Silva as Benjamin Franklin who steals the show. The second film was the 4th of July weekend pick for 2009. It is the story of Crocumentary filmmaker Michael Malone (name slightly changed so you will be sure which fat communist bastard it is supposed to be), who wants to ban the “4th of July” and is visited by the Ghost of John F. Kennedy, who tells that he will be visited by three spirits. Very funny, and a great cast, and of course the ghost of General Patton slaps the fat bastard!
Friday B-Movie Pick Archive
Posted in American History, History, Movies | 2 Comments »
Thursday, July 3rd, 2014
While there still are deranged cultists out there who blindly support any action by our Dear Leader, the shine is off the Rose for a growing number of Americans who are getting tired of having their collective noses rubbed in Barry’s incompetence.
This can been seen in a recent Quinnipiac University survey that listed Barack Hussein Obama as the worst President since WWII. While this is good news for Jimmy Carter, it is not good news for America, or its citizens. Just to dig the knife of reality a little deeper into the moonbats, Ronald Reagan as listed as the best president since WWII. The poll also showed that move voters feel that GOP nominee Mitt Romney would have been a better choice in 2012. A fact that was clear to anyone paying attention during the 2012 election cycle.
Pollster John Zogby sums it up well, ““In short, we see a president in full salvage mode. He is not only racing for his legacy but for his relevancy.”
At least one newspaper has retracted their 2008 endorsement of our Dear Leader. Hat tip to Mr. Reynolds, who nails it shut in his commentary, “The wave of enthusiasm for an inexperienced ideologue with backing from the corrupt Chicago machine was a species of mass hysteria. It’s nice to see it wearing off, and reality being confronted.”
Forbes Magazine explains Obama’s Secret Neo-Con Agenda.
Our Dear Leader’s policies have lead to what the Washington Examiner correctly calls a “Dangerous precedent.”
Gallup reported this week that Americans now have more confidence in the police and the military than they do in the three branches of the U.S. government — which is not exactly a healthy place to be in a constitutional republic.
The Washington Post reports that the Male-female pay gap remains entrenched at White House.
Meanwhile, in the southern border states, Obama’s ‘Brown Shirts’ are actively silencing medical personnel who are dealing with the flood of illegal aliens on the Texas-Mexico border. Medical personnel are under threat of arrest if they talk, but some are talking anyway.
Just how is that hopey-changey thing workin’ for ya?
Posted in Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Romney | No Comments »