Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Why does the left have to lie?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Frank Rich has been caught telling an easy to verify lie about Sarah Palin in the pages of the New York Times:

“This is about the people,” as Palin repeatedly put it last weekend while pocketing $100,000 of the Tea Partiers’ money.

Mr. Reynolds points out that if Mr. Rich had spend even the slight effort at “real journalism”, he would have found out that Gov. Palin did exactly what she said she would do with the money, “she donated it back.”  So Mr. Rich, writing in the NY Times, is either lying, because the “layers of fact checkers and editors” at the Gray Lady did their jobs, found out the actual truth, and let the lie run, or that same “layers of fact checkers and editors” didn’t bother doing the jobs and let the lie run in the “Newspaper of record.”  Either answer doesn’t look very good for the so-called “journalists” at the New York Times.

As I’ve noted before, the left isn’t exactly “rational” in regards to their hatred for Gov. Palin, nor have they let actual facts get in the way of their, ahem, “view of reality.”

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Shatner & Palin, together on stage…

Saturday, December 12th, 2009

William Shatner did another jazzy reading from Gov. Palin’s book on the tonight show. Another excellent Shatner performance, which was followed up by Gov. Sarah Palin
appearing to read from Shatner’s latest autobiography, in a similar fashion. Mocking and paying tribute at the same time.

Sarah Palin vs. William Shatner

This video shows what the political hit men on McCain’s campaign team (and senior democrat operatives)  were afraid of.  Gov. Palin is charismatic, smart and willing to take a risk.

Like Shatner’s character James T. Kirk, she beat the the Kobayashi Maru test.

HT to the LA Times Blog.

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Facts don’t matter to the haters

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Ask most people on the right on why they don’t like our Dear Leader and most will be able to articulate specific policy issues they disagree with. OK, often they sum it up with “He’s a Socialist,” but when pressed, they can cite actual policies and give details.

Ask a typical hater of Gov. Sarah Palin why they don’t like her, and most can, at best, deliver quotes made by Tina Fey, and try to attribute them to Gov. Palin. If you press them for details, they tend to get angry and often blame you for attempting to insert reality into their irrational hatred that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy.

Proud ignorance is sadly a common feature of Obama supporters.

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Monday Book Pick: Going Rogue

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Going Rogue by Gov. Sarah Palin

It’s coming out tomorrow and has been a best seller for weeks. The Associated Press has managed to get an advanced copy, or so they claim, and has eleven so-called “reporters” doing opposition research on it already.

That is more vetting by the, ahem, media than Barack Obama got during the entire 2008 campaign season! It makes you wonder why the folks who were so infatuated with BHO are so afraid of this Alaskan Hockey Mom with actual government executive experience.

Monday Book Pick Archive

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What America is reading

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

Number 1 top seller at Amazon, Gov. Sarah Palin’s book, Going Rogue, which isn’t coming out until November! I’m betting it outsells any of our Dear Leader’s books.

Number 3 is Glenn Beck’s Arguing with Idiots.

If  you like these books, here are some more you may like.

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Palin Bullies: Exposed And Whining

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Here is the video that the left doesn’t want you to see.

I’m not kidding. They are attacking Bob Parks and working hard to pull this video off YouTube whenever it goes up.

The left is flat out afraid of the truth and doesn’t want the American People to be exposed to the truth.

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“Investigator” harassing Gov. Palin tied to democrat party

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

Color me not surprised. The so-called “Ethics Investigator” who has initiated a string of harassing “investigations”, 15 of which have been dismissed as having no merit, against Gov. Palin “is a major donor to the Democratic Party as well as a partner in a law firm that represented Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.”

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The left’s attack on basic Civil Rights

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

The right to Legal Council and the Right to Self-Defense are basic Civil Rights. To deny any American citizen those basic Civil Rights is an attack on the Constitution and the founding principle of the United States of America.

Color me not surprised that far left extremists are doing just that. James Taranto takes a look at the latest attack on retiring Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Gov. Palin has been subject to numerous “ethics charges”, which require her and the state of Alaska to expend funds to defend against. Fifteen of those charges have been dismissed. As in charges brought against her had absolutely no merit. The charges of “ethics violations” have been a clear and simple case of harassment by her political enemies.

Like many politicians before her, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Gov. Palin set up a legal defense fund. The purpose of the legal defense fund was to obtain legal council in order to defend herself from these frivolous and harassing “ethics violations” charges. In order words, Gov. Palin was exercising her basic Civil Rights as an American Citizen.

Mr. Taranto notes that the latest “ethics violations” charge is that is Gov. Palin’s exercising her basic Civil Rights.

That’s right. The “personal gain” that is being objected to, is defending herself against the previous “ethical violations” that have been dismissed as having no merit.

This is the ugly truth of the far left. If they target you, an American Citizen, as an enemy, you have no Civil Rights as far as they are concerned. You have no right to self-defense, you have no right to a fair and impartial trial by jury, you are guilty of “thought crime” and need to be destroyed.

Where are these frivolous and harassing attacks against Gov. Palin coming from? Well, in the words of the man who wrote the screenplay, “Follow the Money.”

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Gov. Palin to fundraise for Conservatives, democrat & Republican

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

The Washington Times has the scoop on this one.

Brushing aside the criticisms of pundits and politicos, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she plans to jump immediately back into the national political fray — stumping for conservative issues and even Democrats

The former Republican vice-presidential nominee and heroine to much of the GOP’s base said in an interview she views the electorate as embattled and fatigued by nonstop partisanship, and she is eager to campaign for Republicans, independents and even Democrats who share her values on limited government, strong defense and “energy independence.”

Bingo! It’s fiscal conservative values that will save this country! Better a Blue Dog democrat who is a strong fiscal conservative and supports RKBA than a leftist, anti-Civil Rights, big government Republican.

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Honesty from the Press, after the deed was done

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Via Newsbusters, White House reporter Carl Cannon, admits that the majority of the MSM was hostile toward Gov. Sarah Palin and “seriously failed to scrutinize Joe Biden, especially his fact-mangling and odd statements in the vice presidential debate.”

In the 2008 election, we took sides, straight and simple, particularly with regard to the vice presidential race. I don’t know that we played a decisive role in that campaign, and I’m not saying the better side lost. What I am saying is that we simply didn’t hold Joe Biden to the same standard as Sarah Palin, and for me, the real loser in this sordid tale is my chosen profession.

First off, thanks for admitting the glaringly obvious. Secondly, it’s pretty cowardly of Cannon to come out with this nine months after the election. Saying this publicly back in October 2008 would have show real guts and journalistic integrity. Cannon goes on to point out just how much of a free ride the press give Joey Biden, the Gaffe Master.

Sen. Biden, however, was in a place by himself when it came to bogus claims, absurd contentions, and flights of rhetorical fancy. He threw out several assertions that were so preposterous that – had Palin made them – they would have prompted immediate calls for McCain to dump her from the ticket.

The good senator from Delaware warmed up slowly, erroneously claiming that McCain voted with Obama on a budget resolution, and asserting wrongly that Obama wanted to return to the Reagan-era marginal income tax rates. He also embarked on an appallingly wrongheaded monologue about the constitutional history of the vice presidency. But when the talk turned to national security, presumably Biden’s purported area of expertise, he went completely off the grid.

To me Biden’s most discordant claims concerned his Animal House-like history lecture about the office of the vice president. It came while Biden was dressing down Dick Cheney, who was not present, for supposedly being unfamiliar with the Constitution. “The idea (that) he doesn’t realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States – that’s the executive branch – he works in the executive branch,” Biden said. “He should understand that. Everyone should understand that. And the primary role of the vice president of the United States is to support the president of the United States of America, give that president his or her best judgment when sought, and, as vice president, to preside over the Senate, only in a time when in fact there’s a tie vote. The Constitution is explicit….He has no authority relative to the Congress. The idea he’s part of the legislative branch is a bizarre notion invented by Cheney to aggrandize the power of a unitary executive, and look where it has gotten us.”

Lord, would Tina Fey have had fun with this jumble of misinformation – if only Palin had said it! Article I defines the legislative, not executive, branch. The vice president is, indeed, mentioned there. What Biden finds “explicit,” hasn’t been so to previous vice presidents or to most constitutional scholars. Prior to the 20th century, vice presidents didn’t even have offices at the White House compound – they were housed in the Capitol. The notion that a veep’s constitutional authority is to provide advice to a president springs from Biden’s brow; it certainly isn’t mentioned, or even contemplated, in the Constitution, which doesn’t even say whether the vice president should receive a salary.

Should Joe Biden have known this stuff? Since he chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee, you’d hope so. But even if he didn’t, you’d think it would be news when he unleashed a veritable fount of misinformation to impugn Palin’s knowledge of the federal system while attacking a sitting vice president. It barely rated a mention in the collective mainstream media.

This isn’t “news” to anybody paying attention, but it is interesting to see a member of the DNC/MSM out his profession for blatant unprofessionalism. Of course, he is doing nine months after the election, and well before the next election cycle. Either way, I don’t think readers of the New York Times will ever know of Cannon’s confession.

Here is an impression of Gov. Palin from “Saturday Night Live” senior producer Marci Klein, that is more accurate than any mocking satire from Tina Fey, “This is the most confident person I’ve ever met.”

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