The Left’s Deceptive Narrative

August 25, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Politics 

Bill Whittle of PJTV shows the history of the modern left’s conscious decision to avoid the facts and the truth in order to get their message across.  It goes back to the early 2oth century, with its roots firmly planted in writings of Karl Marx.  Marx, who never had a real job in his life, predicted what the “workers of the world” would do, and not surprisingly, got it completely wrong.

So the Marxists stopped calling themselves Marxists, at least in public, and came up with a way to attack their philosophical enemies.  This method, called “Critical Theory”,  allows the Marxists to attack their foes on very narrow grounds, while avoiding any historical evidence to the contrary and not providing any solutions of their own.

The Marxists, going under the code name “the Frankfurt School” have been very successful in pushing their false narrative in popular culture.  As Mr. Whittle points out, the so-called “journalists” at MSNBC spout it without even knowning it.