“Your Papers Please!”

May 5, 2010 by
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Nope, not talking about Arizona, but what congressional Democrats and our Dear Leader want for all Americans.

A national ID card with embedded biometric information that all Americans will be required to carry and show.

Yup, this is going to truly annoy Libertarians and classic Liberals (the folks who’s party got hijacked by socialists).

When Obama said he wanted to be a “uniter”, I don’t think this is what most of the “useful idiots” who voted for him had in mind.


One Comment on “Your Papers Please!”

    […] Papers Please!” Part 2 May 23, 2010 by Mark UrbinFiled under: Our Dear Leader, Politics  As in Part 1, we are not talking about the Arizona law that has wide support among Arizonian […]

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