OWS Protester Defecates on NYPD Vehicle

October 8, 2011 by
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics 

By way of JammieWearingFool comes this photo that tells you everything you need to know about the so-called “Occupy movement”:

Yup, that is one of the “socially conscious”, open minded and tolerant liberal protesters literally shitting a New York City Police Car.


One Comment on OWS Protester Defecates on NYPD Vehicle

  1. OWS Astroturf Roots : Urbin Report on Mon, 10th Oct 2011 07:26
  2. […] Our Dear Leader, Politics  You remember those so-called “grass roots” activists making a political statement by hanging out at Wall Street, disrupting businesses and generally carrying on […]

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