Even lefties at CNN are waking up to Obama’s lies

January 8, 2010 by
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video 

This is just a short step from “I’m as mad as Hell and I’m not taking it anymore!”

Update: A big old “Hi ya!” to all the folks arriving here from some email thread. I’m waiting for it hit my inbox. 🙂


2 Comments on Even lefties at CNN are waking up to Obama’s lies

  1. Bob Freitas on Fri, 5th Feb 2010 01:24
  2. It’s about time!

  3. Natalie Williams on Thu, 11th Feb 2010 20:23
  4. It is about time you folks opened up your eyes and mouths and started seeing what Obama is doing or shall I say, not doing. We may start watching CNN again. Whoa.

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