More death threats against politicans

February 2, 2011 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics, When democrats attack 

A Massachusetts “political activist”, a supporter of non-enforcement of illegal immigration laws, was arrested for making a death threat to Rep. William Snyder, a Florida Republican.

The text of the message read:

“To the Honorable William D. Snyder; You better just stop that ridiculous law if you value you rand your familie’s lives ashole.”

The “political activist”, Manuel Pintado, attends the University of Massachusetts.  The University has been silent on his spelling and grammar mistakes.

Good to see the left is maintaining a civil discussion of the issues and not falling into a rhetoric of hate…or not…

HT to Mr Reynolds

Update: Ms. Malkin correctly identifies this as part of the Progressive Climate of Hate.

The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010

January 11, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, When democrats attack 

Michelle Malkin, who has been the target of a lot of vile, racist hate speech delivered by “tolerant and open minded liberals”, brings you:

The progressive climate of hate: A comprehensive illustrated primer in 8 parts:

V. LEFT-WING MOB HATE — campus, anti-war radicals, ACORN, eco-extremists, & unions
VIII. HATE: CRIMES — the ever-growing Unhinged Mugshot Collection

It’s an excellent resource to counter the non-factual talking point leftists spout about “most of the hate coming from the right.”

Note the repeated use of violent imagery, including firearms. An integral part of anti-Bush assassination chic.

Don’t skip over the section of leftist hate and threatened violence targeted at women.

This is yet another example proving “here’s nobody more intolerant and narrow-minded than an tolerant and open-minded liberal.”

Violence from the left

October 29, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics, When democrats attack 

Let us remember that the vast majority of violence in the political arena comes from the left.

Evil Teabagger has a short list:

This is not new behavior. Here is a quick review of some their violent attacks in the 2008 election.

When democrats Attack!

August 26, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, When democrats attack 

Time for another exciting chapter of “When democrats Attack!”

Let us start with a bit of “blue on blue” action.

Rep. Carnahan, democrat from Missouri, had his office firebombed.  Of course, the open minded and tolerant liberals blamed someone from the “Tea Party,” despite there being absolutely no history of violence from that group.

So, who actually firebombed the offices of the democrat from Missouri? Well, it turns out that it was one of his own staffers, a liberal democrat by the name of Chris Powers.

Let’s follow that up with a NYC leftist stabbing a Muslim cabdriver in the neck for…wait for it…being a Muslim!

Big HT to Gateway Pundit for these stories the DNC/MSM won’t carry.

Just to round out the Hat Trick, here is another GP story about an open minded and tolerant leftist who verbally attacked an 82 year old Holocaust survivor.  The  open minded and tolerant leftist said that the 82 year old Holocaust survivor “obviously didn’t learn his lesson.”

A Public Service Announcement

July 22, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, When democrats attack 

Remember that SEIU members attacking a black man attending a Tea Party protest is the only racial violence seen at a Tea Party protest.

More violent attacks on the 1st Amendment by the left.

July 20, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Free Speech, Politics, When democrats attack 

Brietbart TV has the Video of a Union thug attacking a citizen exercising his First Amendment rights.

HT to Gateway Pundit

This is not an isolated incident.

Update on the attacker from Moe Lane.

democrat Congressman reminds us of how he views the common rabble…

June 14, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, When democrats attack 

He obviously has a low view of serfs daring to ask him questions. He forgets that here in America, the “serfs” are free citizens, and he bloody well is answerable to them.  Hopefully, November will bring some change to North Carolina and this clown will be looking for a new job.

Tea Party members: A cross section of America

April 5, 2010 by · 5 Comments
Filed under: Media Bias, Politics, Tea Party, When democrats attack 

If you listen to CNN/MSNBC/etc, you would think the people who attend Tea Party protests are a bunch of racist, violent militia members. The MSM is desperately trying to portray them as an “out of touch” fringe element.

Well, the actual truth is quite a bit different. According to this recent poll, Tea Party members are a pretty fair representation of America.

The national breakdown of the Tea Party composition is 57 percent Republican, 28 percent Independent and 13 percent Democratic, according to three national polls by the Winston Group, a Republican-leaning firm that conducted the surveys on behalf of an education advocacy group. Two-thirds of the group call themselves conservative, 26 are moderate and 8 percent say they are liberal.

The group is united around two issues – the economy/jobs and reducing the deficit. They believe that cutting spending is the key to job creation and favor tax cuts as the best way to stimulate the economy. That said 61 percent of Tea Party members believe infrastructure spending creates jobs. Moreover, given the choice Tea Party members favor 63-32 reducing unemployment to 5 percent over balancing the budget.

Gallup conducted another poll that shows similar results.

Tea Party supporters skew right politically; but demographically, they are generally representative of the public at large. That’s the finding of a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted March 26-28, in which 28% of U.S. adults call themselves supporters of the Tea Party movement.

Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income.

In several other respects, however — their age, educational background, employment status, and race — Tea Partiers are quite representative of the public at large.

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air points out “The educational background of Tea Party followers almost exactly matches that of the general population.  Among age demos, the differences between the two are no more than two points for any of the four categories used by Gallup.  The same is true of employment profiles, although ironically Tea Party followers tend slightly more to be employed full-time than not.”  He continues on to note that Fox News is gaining viewers, while the left leaning MSNBC & CNN, who have been bashing the Tea party members non-stop, are loosing views at an accelerated rate.  Could this trend have something to do with those left leaning “news” organizations demonizing the people who watch them?

Since  we are looking at polls, let us review the results of this  Rasmussen poll.

On major issues, 48% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is closer to their views than President Barack Obama. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 44% hold the opposite view and believe the president’s views are closer to their own.
Not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelmingly feel closer to the Tea Party and most Democrats say that their views are more like Obama’s. Among voters not affiliated with either major political party, 50% say they’re closer to the Tea Party while 38% side with the President.

That’s right, more people agree with the Tea Party movement than our Dear Leader.  There is literally enough on the liberal media bias on this subject to fill a book. Even given all these facts, I don’t expect MSNBC, CNN, ABC News or CBS News to discontinue their efforts to dehumanize members of the Tea Party movement.  Their goals, and the goals of most of America, just don’t match up anymore.

Update: Compare and contrast: Tea Party protest and leftist protest.  At the Tea Party, you have a peaceful demonstration with a multi-racial crowd calling for a return to the principles of the Founding Fathers.  At the leftist demonstration, you have  racists calling for violence against minorities, people holding up signs supporting murdering communist thugs and 9/11 Troofers. Which one do you thing better represents most Americans?

Update: The left’s astroturf response is pretty quick on this topic. I’ve already gotten two identical comments on this, from the same IP address, with two different identifying email addresses. The comment is what you would expect from the left, completely free of any facts and repeats the left’s hate filled talking points multiple times.  Here is one of the facts the left doesn’t want you to know. The only violence at a tea party was four white democrats, wearing purple SEIU t-shirts, attacked a Tea Party protester, who is Black, and beat him so badly he ended up in the hospital. The “liberal” attackers didn’t miss out on using racial slurs while attacking Mr. Gladney.

I’m not kidding about the leftist astroturfing. I’ve found the identical comment in at least six different blog comment streams.

Update: CNN sends a reporter without a political ax to grind to a Tea Party, and finds that they really are Mainstream Americans and are not violent racists!  Shannon Travis, the CNN reporter in question, does repeats the debunked “n-word” and spitting claims against Tea Party members. Andrew Breitbart has upped the bounty to $100,000 to the United Negro College Fund to anybody who can provide a video proving that Tea Party members used racial slur against democrat Georgia Rep. John Lewis.  Given that videos show his staffers had their cell phones out and were taking videos when he walked through the Tea Party crowd (instead of taking the underground tunnel that members of Congress typically use) they shouldn’t have a problem collecting $100,000 for the United Negro College Fund if there was any truth to their claims.

democrats against the First Amendment

Yet another case of democrat‘s utter contempt for a Free Press (at least when it isn’t acting in their benefit).

Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack tried to question democrat Martha Coakley out side a fund raiser in Washington, D.C. (Coakley is  running for the Senate in Massachusetts, where her Republican opponent has no problem raising funds) and was “roughed upfor daring to exercise his First Amendment rights.

Don’t expect this type of behavior from democrat Martha Coakley if she gets elected to the US Senate.

More at Frugal Cafe, Hot Air & Michelle Malkin’s site.

Update: Coakley aide Michael Meehan admits he shoved Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack to the ground.

Facts don’t matter to the haters

November 18, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics, When democrats attack 

Ask most people on the right on why they don’t like our Dear Leader and most will be able to articulate specific policy issues they disagree with. OK, often they sum it up with “He’s a Socialist,” but when pressed, they can cite actual policies and give details.

Ask a typical hater of Gov. Sarah Palin why they don’t like her, and most can, at best, deliver quotes made by Tina Fey, and try to attribute them to Gov. Palin. If you press them for details, they tend to get angry and often blame you for attempting to insert reality into their irrational hatred that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy.

Proud ignorance is sadly a common feature of Obama supporters.

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