The Culture of Corruption is still going strong
Two shining examples of the democrats Culture of Corruption for your reading pleasure.
First, former Senator John Edwards. You remember Edwards, served less than one term in the Senate before he quit going to work (but he still collected his taxpayer funded paycheck) to mount a failed run for the President’s office. That resulted in him being picked by the admitted war criminal, Senator John Kerry, as his VP running mate. After helping Kerry lose that election, Edwards ran for President again. He lost early and by wide margins that time as well.
During that second run, Edwards, who often ran with with Cancer Stricken wife Elizabeth by his side, also picked up a mistress and a kid.
Now his marriage and his mistress really isn’t much of a political story. After Billy Jeff Clinton and Jesse Jackson, a mistress or two is almost required for a serious democrat. Not a corruption story, but one of moral failing.
Where the corruption comes in is if Edwards spent campaign money to Rielle Hunter to keep her quiet about their relationship. Well, the feds are now investigating the matter.
Culture of Corruption, Part 2, involves democrat congressman John Murtha. Yes, Murtha of Pork Spending fame. According the the Washington Post, a company owned by Murtha’s nephew received “$4 million in Pentagon work, all of it without competition…” Isn’t that just special.
HT to Michelle Malkin about this latest bit of Murtha Pork.