Congressional democrats say NO to B.H. Obama!

Both the democrat controlled House and the Senate voted against providing funds our Dear Leader wanted in order to close Camp X-Ray at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and move the Islamofascist terrorists there to other facilities in the US and abroad.

This is important for several reasons. For one, we found something that a majority of Congress isn’t willing to spend money on. That is a marked difference to the spendthrift ways Congress has demonstrated for too many years.

It also illustrates the point that Congressional democrats have to worry about reelection before our Dear Leader does. One can draw the conclusion that National Security still is in the mind of voters, especially centrist swing voters who may not be happy with the current administration’s handling of such vital matters.

It would be very entertaining to see Code Pink holding protests outside the offices of the Congressional democrat leaders for keeping Camp X-Ray open, but I’m not holding my breath for it. Code Pinko has shown itself to be a hyper-partisan far leftist organization instead a principled peace movement.