Latest iPad rumors
Get your hot iPad2 rumors here.
Some of the highlights:
- Thinner
- Slightly smaller
- better speakers
- Camera
Originally posted at Urbin Technology
iPad apps
I have been looking at iPad apps for usability issues for the past few weeks. Here is a quick list of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The good: IMDB, Scifi Wire, Adobe Touch
The bad: The buggy WordPress app
The Ugly: AP News
About the iPad itself, very slick, very cool/fun to use. On the down side, no SD slot, no USB, and Apple’s “walled garden.”
Originally posted at Urbin Technology
iPads hitting the streets this week
It’s a nifty & shiny gadget and here is a post I made about it over at Urbin Technology.
I was discussing tech stuff with a buddy and made the following comment.
The Apple iPad really isn’t a new product trying to break into the market, it’s an expansion on an existing product line with a rabidly fanatical user base.
It’s not the magic device that many had hoped for, but it’s magic in a business sense that is pure Steve Jobs. It’s certainly good enough.
I used to carry a better phone than my iPhone, and a better PDA, and an MP3 player with more storage, and better camera. My iPhone does all those functions, not as well, but good enough, that I only carry one device all the time, instead of four.
Ya, the Kindle is probably a better e-text reader due it’s E-ink screen, but is it good enough to spend an additional $260 for when your $500 tablet, that does a bunch of other stuff as well, is a good enough e-text reader?
As for that “bunch of other stuff,” just look at the itunes store. Not just the apps, but the movies and TV shows. The iPad is handier than my notebook, has a better screen than my netbook, and with the rumored Hulu app, I’ll be able to stream Red Eye and watch TV shows as well as video bought or rented through iTunes. That isn’t even counting the apps being written now to take advantage of the new features of the bloody thing.
My prediction is that it’s going to sell and sell well. It’s popularity will drive sales for other tablet platforms, such as the Adam. The beauty of is that is a typical Apple product in that there is nothing really ground breaking about it. It’s a collection of well known and existing technology put together into a really well designed package.
Hulu app for the iPad?
By way of Apple Insider, is this TechCrunch post about Hulu getting around the lack of flash support on the iPad/iPhone/iTouch by creating a dedicated app.
One rumor I’ve heard from an industry insider is that Hulu is working on an iPad-friendly version of its site that should be ready by the time the iPad hits the market. Hulu itself is still vague about its plans.
Hulu is a major source of online videos direct from the content providers (i.e. quality streaming videos instead of hacked, malware ridden stuff), so having it on the iPad will provide a lot of added value. I still hold that the apps customized to take advantage of the iPad will be a major factor in driving sales.
Originally published at Urbin Technology.
iPad is bringing new life to the e-book debates
With Apple’s announcement of the iPad and the Apple iBook store, people have been noticing the ongoing debate about e-books, e-readers and the ugly concept of DRM, which assumes that paying customers are thieves.
Joining the fray, is is Stephen Green, also known as the Vodkapundit.
Originally published at Urbin Technology.
Quote of the Day
“I’m betting the Apple product announcement today will have a more positive effect on the economy than Obama’s attempt to rebrand himself on national TV tonight.”
Source: Me.
It’s called the iPad and Apple is announcing their own bookstore, in direct competition with Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Update: Here are some details on the iPad. Pundits were wrong on the pricing. They were talking $1000.
The intro price is $499. That’s for 16 Gig and WiFi. The iPad comes in two basic flavors: WiFi & WiFi+3G.
Both models comes in 16, 32 and 64 Gig models. So here is the pricing
WiFi only: 16: $499 32: $599 64: $699
WiFi+3G: 16: $629 32: $729 64: $829
The announcement said that the iPad will run iPhone/iTouch apps, so you can load the Amazon Kindle app and read books from Amazon, as well as e-reader apps like Stanza and Bookshelf.
So it looks like that the tech rumor that there will be a lot of Kindles on e-Bay once these start shipping is probably on target.
The iPad won’t start shipping for 60 days, another 30 days after that for the 3G models.
More details at Urbin Technology.
Bringing another over to the Dark Side
My brother liked my iPhone more than his smartphone, so he bought himself one yesterday.
More details over at Urbin Technology.
Bad move by Apple
Apple barred the new Google Talk App from the iTunes App Store.
The initial claim was that the app duplicated core services of the iPhone.
To get around Apple’s monopolitics ban, point your iPhone browwer to
There has been other fallout from Apple’s ban, besides pissed off customers, the FCC is asking questions and Google CEO Eric Schmidt resigned from Apple’s Board of Directors.
Then there is also the added buzz about Google Talk this has generated. Perhaps it would have been better for Apple just to have allowed the app in the iTunes app store.
Originally posted at Urbin Technology
New iPhone hardware rumors
Apple has changed the rules for the Rev 2, 3G iPhone sales. Customers can buy “unlimited quantities” without the AT&T contract that subsides the price. This is the same tactic Apple used to clear out Rev 1 hardware before they announced the 3G iPhone.
The Apple Developers Conference, June 8-12, would be a good place announce a new rev of the iPhone hardware that will use the new firmware to the best advantage. Apple could use a new iPhone to offset the Palm Pre and new Android phones.