Lying Liars and ClimateGate

December 10, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Environment, Politics 

First up, AGW cultist prophet in chief, Al Gore.

Michelle Malkin points out that the ManBearPig is flat out lying about the ClimateGate email scandal.

He talked with Slate magazine’s John Dickerson and repeatedly pooh-poohed the scandalous ClimateGate e-mails as “more than 10 years old,” “over 10-year-old e-mails,” and “an e-mail exchange more than 10 years ago.”

Er, the e-mails are from as recently as November 2009 — and as Anthony Watts documents and reminds folks on Planet Earth, “[a]nd there are dozens to hundreds more within the last month, the last year, and the last 10 years.”

Then there are those “1,700 scientists” who signed a “defending the “professional integrity” of global warming research.” Well, it seems that this was about as honest as the ClimateGate so called “research.”

By way of Ace, comes this news report on the matter:

Britain’s Met Office has embarked on an urgent exercise to bolster the reputation of climate-change science after the furor over leaked e-mails, referred to as “Climate-gate.”

More than 1,700 scientists have agreed to sign a statement defending the “professional integrity” of global warming research. They were responding to a round-robin request from the Met Office, which has spent four days collecting signatures. The initiative is a sign of how worried it is that e-mails stolen from the University of East Anglia are fueling skepticism about man-made global warming at a critical moment in talks on carbon emissions.

One scientist said that he felt under pressure to sign the circular or risk losing work. The Met Office admitted that many of the signatories did not work on climate change.

One scientist told The Times of London he felt pressure to sign. “The Met Office is a major employer of scientists and has long had a policy of only appointing and working with those who subscribe to their views on man-made global warming,” he said.

So, is it about the science or the funding? As the man who wrote the screenplay said, “Follow the Money”

About that Global Warming Thing

April 19, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Environment 

AGW Cultists will tell you that the ice caps are melting/shrinking. Too bad actual real science shows the opposite.

Australia Antarctic Division glaciology program head Ian Allison said sea ice losses in west Antarctica over the past 30 years had been more than offset by increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica.

“Sea ice conditions have remained stable in Antarctica generally,” Allison said.

Ice core drilling in the fast ice off Australia’s Davis Station in East Antarctica by the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Co-Operative Research Center shows that last year, the ice had a maximum thickness of 1.89m, its densest in 10 years.

A paper to be published soon by the British Antarctic Survey in the journal Geophysical Research Letters is expected to confirm that over the past 30 years, the area of sea ice around the continent has expanded.

A national Rasmussen poll shows that less Americans are buying to Al Gore’s scam to line is pockets.

Just one-out-of-three voters (34%) now believe global warming is caused by human activity,

Forty-eight percent (48%) of all likely voters attribute climate change to long-term planetary trends, while seven percent (7%) blame some other reason. Eleven percent (11%) aren’t sure.
These numbers reflect a reversal from a year ago when 47% blamed human activity while 34% said long-term planetary trends.