What is it that the democrats are afraid to show the American People?

January 5, 2010 by
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics 

House and Senate democrat “leaders” are planning on keeping deliberations secret as they work out the compromise “heath care” bill behind closed doors.

C-Span is calling for the congressional democrats to do what our Dear Leader called for, have the debate open and available for the American People to see.

Openness and transparency in the political process. That is what the democrats ran on, but are refusing to implement.

The reality is the the democrats really don’t want any honest and open debate. If that happens, the American people could see exactly what they are trying to shove down their throats without their knowledge.

A wise woman spoke the truth when she said, “They win in the dark; we win in the light.”

The last thing the democrats want is the ObamaCare bill to be brought out of the cover of darkness and into the cleansing light of the public.


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