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Liberal Minds: A Walking Contradiction

July 6, 2011 – 08:04 | by admin

A liberal….

worships President Franklin D Roosevelt, who carpet bombed German cities and executed an American-born spy captured on US soil after a secret military trial—but screams that Bush was guilty of war crimes;

is crazy about Michael Moore—but against childhood obesity;

tapes over a sign that said “Too Many Jews At Harvard” with a sign that said “Ethnic Quotas This Way”;

is enraged with Karl Rove for releasing the name of a CIA paper-pusher (which he didn’t do)—-but are excited with WikiLeaks putting thousands of classified national security documents on the Internet;

categorically opposes the death penalty for convicted murderers—but screams it’s a ‘constitutional right’ to kill innocent, unborn babies;

hysterically opposed taking out Saddam Hussein, a mass murderer who gassed his own people and presided over ‘rape rooms’—but weepily demands we intervene in Rwanda and Lybia for humantarian reasons;

claims to be pro-children—but supports public schools and refuses to support charter schools;

champions women and gay rights—but ignores the brutal treatment of women and gays by Muslims;

claims it was a vicious slander to be called a communist in the fifties—-but didn’t see anything wrong with actually being a communist in the fifties;

advocates unfettered scientific research and debate—but  then, with no evidence, simply declares discussions about global warming closed;

yelps for clean alternative energy—bit violently opposes nuclear power;

supports sustainable energy sources like offshore wind farms—-unless the offshore wind farm obscures their view from Cape Cod;

decries stereotyping—but when a black conservative comes along, denounces that person as ‘unqualified’, ‘stupid’, a ‘house nigga’, an ‘Uncle Tom’ or ‘window dressing’;

believes Tea Partiers are terrorists—but Islamic Jihadists are victims.

HT to TalkStraight

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