Three examples of the left’s base

August 25, 2009 by
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics 

Let’s take a look at three separate incidents that point out just how out of touch with the average American the liberal left, which is the core of the democrat party, is.

First we have Congressman Charles Rangel (democrat – NY), who is “already beset by a series of ethics investigations,” failed to report at $1 Million of additional assets. No wonder Rep. Rangel is always calling for tax hikes, as a noted tax cheat, he probably doesn’t expect to pay them.

Next we have a major fund raiser/donor for both Hillary Rodham Clinton and our Dear Leader has been arrested for fraud.  Yup, shades of Norman Hsu, but this time there was a lot more money involved.

Hassan Nemazee, chairman of Nemazee Capital Corp. and a fundraiser for President Obama and Hillary Clinton, was arrested on charges that he tricked Citigroup Inc. into lending him as much as $74 million using phony documents.

Nemazee got the loan by telling Citibank that he held accounts with hundreds of millions of dollars which could serve as collateral, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said today in a statement. He used fake addresses and phone numbers to mislead the bank, prosecutors said.

The accounts “either never existed or had been closed years before Nemazee submitted the documents referencing those accounts,” Bharara said in the statement.

To wrap up, the Jawa Report lists two left wing extremist bombers.
First, by way of Gateway Pundit, we have this bit of news you won’t see on MSNBC.

A federal search warrant obtained by the Post-Dispatch connects a former Democratic campaign strategist to a Clayton bombing last year that seriously injured an attorney

and then we have these folks who plotted to bomb the Republican National Convention.

A Texas woman faces trial this month in Austin on charges she threatened to kill a government informant who infiltrated an Austin-based group that planned to bomb the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., last fall…

…Crowder and McKay were part of a group of activists that had gone to the Twin Cities to take part in street demonstrations. The FBI had infiltrated the group with Darby. Crowder and McKay built eight of the gasoline firebombs but didn’t use them, a fact law enforcement officials credited to Darby.

Yup, tax cheats, frauds, swindlers and violent criminals. The core of the democrat party base.

Update: Shining example of a leftist number 4.  Maurice Schwenkler was arrested for smashing 11 windows at the Colorado democrat headquarters.  Let us example Schwenkler’s political background.  According to the Denver Post, a Maurice Schwenkler “received $500 from a political 527 committee called Colorado Citizens Coalition for “communications,” according to campaign finance disclosures.

The accountant for the 527 appears to be the same woman who handles the books for many other Democratic-leaning political committees.

A Maurice Schwenkler also signed an online 2005 petition to free anti-war Christian protesters who were captured in Iraq.”

I’m betting that Schwenkler wasn’t with the Soccer Moms at the Tea Party protests.  This is looking like yet another case of leftist violence/vandalism committed so they can blame their political opponents.

HT to Ms. Malkin.


2 Comments on Three examples of the left’s base

  1. Leslie Bates on Wed, 26th Aug 2009 03:19
  2. …and then we have these folks who plotted to bomb the Republican National Convention.

    The alternative to civil discourse is civil war. What the violent portion of the Left refuses to realize is that we are far more knowledgeable and competent when to comes to the application of violence as a means of solving those problems that can only be solved by force, such as the Left.

    When they look at the underside of a sixteen-ton weight they see only the flat surface, they don’t see the mass above that surface.

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