Monday Book Pick – Special Double Volume Edition: To Your Scattered Bodies Go & The Fabulous Riverboat

February 21, 2011 by
Filed under: Monday Book Pick, Science Fiction 

To Your Scattered Bodies Go & The Fabulous Riverboat by Philip Jose Farmer

A double hit by one of my favorite authors. The first two books in his Riverworld series are back in print in a single volume. To Where Your Scatter Bodies Go was my book pick way back on 9/7/09, but I saw that it was back in print today. It’s worth the repeat, especially combined with The Fabulous Riverboat. This is one of the grand epics of Science Fiction and certainly worth the read to any student of the genre.

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One Comment on Monday Book Pick – Special Double Volume Edition: To Your Scattered Bodies Go & The Fabulous Riverboat

    […] The third book in his epic Riverworld Series. […]

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