Actual Science Alert!

April 26, 2009 by
Filed under: Environment, Politics 

A warning to AGW cultists, actual science is used in video below to dispute Al Gore’s fear mongering.

Remember kids, Al Gore founded a company that sells “Carbon Credits.” Those are modern plenary indulgence payments to the AGW Cult the gullible make. Even the New York Times calls the practice a scam. If you are wondering why someone like Al Gore, former Senator and former Vice-President of the United States of America, is participating in an obvious scam based on junk science, I suggest you follow the advice of the man who wrote the screen play.

“Follow the money.”

Update: Al Gore Lies to Congress. What else did he lie about?


One Comment on Actual Science Alert!

  1. Lying Liars and ClimateGate : Urbin Report on Thu, 10th Dec 2009 10:20
  2. […] 10, 2009 by Mark UrbinFiled under: Barking Moonbats, Environment, Politics  First up, AGW cultist prophet in chief, Al […]

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