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Constitution in Obama’s way

Sunday, July 5th, 2009

By way of Hot Air is this Jack Tapper story about our Dear Leader wanting to ignore the Rule of Law and bypass the Constitution.

With the clock running out on a new US-Russian arms treaty before the previous Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, expires on December 5, a senior White House official said Sunday said that the difficulty of the task might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate’s constitutional role in ratifying treaties by enforcing certain aspects of a new deal on an executive levels and a “provisional basis” until the Senate ratifies the treaty.

Bypass the Constitution? Well, Team Lightgiver doesn’t like the thing anyway, with it’s pesky concepts like limiting the power of government and ensuring the rights of individuals.
As Ed Morrissey points out, the democrats hold sixty seats in the Senate. Getting this passed should be no problem. Unless our Dear Leader thinks he can’t get a majority of his own party to approve this Charlie Fox of a treaty, which is why he is considering violating the Rule of Law. Not that he’s losing much sleep over that, probably because the MSM, with the exception of ABC’s Jake Tapper, not covering the story about the President of the United States, who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, is publicly discussing violating Article 2, Section 2, of the Constitution.

Monday Book Pick: Eye of the Storm

Monday, June 29th, 2009

Eye of the Storm by John Ringo

The latest by best selling author John Ringo. It’s the next book in his Legacy of the Aldenata series. “Iron Mike” O’Neil is back, and boy is he pissed!

Monday Book Pick Archive

Friday B-Movie – Trekkies

Friday, June 26th, 2009


A way funny documentary of rabid Star Trek fans. I’m talking serious fans. Worse than me, and I own a Bat’leth. Great movie if you are into Star Trek.

Friday B-Movie Archive

Friday B-Movie Pick: My Man Godfrey

Friday, June 12th, 2009

My Man Godfrey, one of my favorites from the classic B&W era of Hollywood. A classic “Screwball Comedy” starring William Powell and Carole Lombard.

The Friday B-Movie Pick Archive.

BHO fires an IG for daring to investigate one of his political appointees

Friday, June 12th, 2009

Our Dear Leader has removed a federal inspector general for daring to investigate the head of AmeriCorps.

The current head of of AmeriCorps is Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson. An Obama supporter and former NBA basketball star appointed to the position by our Dear Leader.

Gateway Pundit notes that Obama signed legislation in April to vastly increase the size of Americorps from 70,000 to 250,000. in March the Senate voted to allow ACORN funding in this same bill.

How is that money being spent? Well, IG Gerald Walpin discovered that “millions of dollars in AmeriCorps funds that were wasted or misspent”, accord to the AP, and that Kevin Johnson was using AmeriCorps funds to have students work on “political activities, run personal errands for Johnson and even wash his car.”

The claim is that “Mr. Walpin’s allegations were meritless and clearly motivated by matters beyond an honest assessment of our program.” AmeriCorps does have repay over $400,000 it received in donations though. Whoops.

Byron York correctly identifies the bottom line in this matter.

The AmeriCorps IG accuses prominent Obama supporter of misusing AmeriCorps grant money. Prominent Obama supporter has to pay back more than $400,000 of that grant money. Obama fires AmeriCorps IG.

It’s that simple. A clear case of political corruption by a loyal supporter of our Dear Leader, and Obama responds by firing the government employee doing their job by reporting the corruption. This is what passes for “transparency” in the reign of democrat Barack Hussein Obama.

Update: Michelle Malkin has more, including the ACORN & Michelle Obama connections.

Justice Clarence Thomas – One cool guy

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

From NBC-Washington, by way of Hot Air, is this story about a Supreme Court Justice who was flying coach and connected to two young football players, who asked that he be invited to give the keynote speech at their high school graduation.

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This Supreme Court Justice was flying coach. Think about that. Does any member of your congressional delegation fly coach? My two Senators certainly don’t. They fly private jets when they aren’t flying in Air Force jets designated for “VIP” use.

The Obama Justice Department’s disturbing record on Civil Rights

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

The Justice Department dismissed the lawsuit against several members of the New Black Panther Party in what appears to be a clear case of voter intimidation in Philadelphia during the 2008 election.

Just in case you missed this one, here is a video replay.

Ms. Malkin has a followup post on the subject with links to Election Journal and the Washington Times.

If this is what we can expect from the Obama administration in the way the Justice Department handles Civil Rights cases, it is only going to get uglier. Seriously ugly, like Janet Reno ugly.

History is repeating once again

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Stephen F. Hayes at the Weekly Standard asks “Is Obama Trying to Kill the CIA?”

He makes some interesting points, but let us review the history of the democrat party.

“[I will] totally dismantle every intelligence agency in this country piece by piece, nail by nail, brick by brick” — Ron Dellums, D-Calif, 1993, after House Democratic Caucus elected Dellums chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

This behavior is nothing new. The last democrat President who saw National Security as a priority was John F. Kennedy.

A quick “climate change” roundup

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

First off, Communist China isn’t planning on changing its behavior of building filthy dirty coal fired power plants at the rate of one a month and subsidizing gas prices to promote the habit of driving cars and trucks.

Next, I remember some of my leftist friends expressing joy over our Dear Leader appointing a scientist to the position of Energy Secretary. Well, now this scientist is proposing painting house roofs white and “lighting” road surfaces in order to reduce “global warming.” Can somebody please point out to this scientist that the global temperature has been actually been decreasing for the past decade.

To wrap things up, 25 Global Warming Debunking Videos Al Gore Doesn’t Want You To See.

A disturbing fact about Obama Supreme Court pick Sotomayor

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

According to the American Bar Association, Judge Sotomayor is a member of the National Council of La Raza.

Let us review what “La Raza” is. First thing, lets translate “La Raza” from Spanish to English. It means “The Race.” It is a Hispanic supremacy group with a fairly nasty history.

Sotomayor is very likely to be appointed to the supreme court. Our Dear Leader has a lot of political capital and his party has a very strong majority in Congress. That doesn’t mean that the Republican minority should roll over and rubber stamp her nomination.

Her legal history and rulings as a judge should be addressed and she should have to answer serious questions about them.