Quote of the Day
Charges of imperialism would be more believable if the US regarded the world as a prize to be won rather than a nuisance to be tolerated.
democrat spokesperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz gets blindsided by reality once again
Reality is not just the friend of the left. Wasserman-Schultz is clearly completely out of touch with reality.
He summed it up nicely:
Every now and then a politician gets blindsided by facts about which he or she knows absolutely nothing.
That is exactly what happened to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on California’s KABC 790 AM.
The interview was conducted by Doug McIntyre, who from the very outset expressed his surprise/laughter that the DNC had selected former Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa as the chairman for the upcoming convention in Charlotte. He also expressed the fact that this sentiment was shared by many residents of Los Angeles who had to live/suffer under Mayor Villaraigosa.
McIntyre continued: “We understand it as casting because of the outreach for the Hispanic vote but I mean really? Antonio Villaraigosa?”
Wasserman-Schultz attempted to do her best to put lipstick on that pig, but she was clearly outmatched by someone with first-hand experience about how bad it is to live in a metropolitan environment under Democratic rule.
Monday Book Pick: The First 100 Daze
Filed under: Humor, Monday Book Pick, Our Dear Leader, Political Books, Politics
Hope n’ Change: The First 100 Daze by Stilton Jarlsberg, MD
The first e-book from the Hope n’ Change webcomic is now available! Check it out and enjoy!
Good April Fools Day Stuff
Think Geek has stepped up to the plate again, with my two personal favorites being:
Star Trek Inflatable Captain’s Chair
Technomancer Digital Wizard Hoodie
Pure geeky crunchy goodness.
Here is the video of the Technomancer hoodie in action. Just because I think it is cool.
Google also hits it out of the park with Gmail Tap.