democrats against the First Amendment

Yet another case of democrat‘s utter contempt for a Free Press (at least when it isn’t acting in their benefit).

Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack tried to question democrat Martha Coakley out side a fund raiser in Washington, D.C. (Coakley is  running for the Senate in Massachusetts, where her Republican opponent has no problem raising funds) and was “roughed upfor daring to exercise his First Amendment rights.

Don’t expect this type of behavior from democrat Martha Coakley if she gets elected to the US Senate.

More at Frugal Cafe, Hot Air & Michelle Malkin’s site.

Update: Coakley aide Michael Meehan admits he shoved Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack to the ground.

Quick twitter roundup

Some good stuff I’ve seen on Twitter:

“Bill Clinton coming to MA for Martha Coakley & the SEIU is paying for attack ads for Martha against Scott Brown. Sexual predators & thugs for Martha!” — Kathleen Beaulieu

I wonder if the commedians in Massachusetts are making any jokes about Martha Coakley’s slutty flight attendent look?

Martha Coakley can’t get enough money from the traditional Dem establishment to match you, so she is going to SEIU for a 700k ad buy. — Patrick Ruffini