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Archive for December 12th, 2009

Shatner & Palin, together on stage…

Saturday, December 12th, 2009

William Shatner did another jazzy reading from Gov. Palin’s book on the tonight show. Another excellent Shatner performance, which was followed up by Gov. Sarah Palin
appearing to read from Shatner’s latest autobiography, in a similar fashion. Mocking and paying tribute at the same time.

Sarah Palin vs. William Shatner

This video shows what the political hit men on McCain’s campaign team (and senior democrat operatives)  were afraid of.  Gov. Palin is charismatic, smart and willing to take a risk.

Like Shatner’s character James T. Kirk, she beat the the Kobayashi Maru test.

HT to the LA Times Blog.