The rational and calm leftist response

September 11, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Politics, Tea Party 

Here are two examples of how the left deals with their political opponents.

First we have a Pro-Life Activist shot outside a school.

Second there is a bomb threat against the Tea Party organizers in Washington, D.C.

So much for calm and rational debate.

Special 9/11 Friday B-Movie Pick: Celsius 41.11

September 11, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Global War on Islamofascism, Movies, Politics 

Celsius 41.11: The Temperature at Which the Brain… Begins to Die

A special 9/11 edition of the Friday B-Movie pick. This is an actual documentary film, with actual facts and truth, unlike the crockumentaries that Michael Moore makes.

Friday B-Movie Pick Archive

Obama throws RailRoad security under the bus

September 11, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Michelle Malkin has the story on how the federal Rail Transportation Anti-Terrorism Unit has been dismantled by Team Lightbringer.

Amtrak’s Office of Security Strategy and Special Operations (OSSSO) grew out of a counterterrorism and intelligence unit developed by the Bush administration in the wake of global jihadi attacks on mass transit systems. The office was staffed with Special Forces veterans, law enforcement officers, railroad specialists, other military personnel, and experts who collectively possessed hundreds of years of experience fighting on the front lines against terrorism. Each member underwent at least 800 hours of rail security-related training, including advanced marksmanship, close quarters, and protective security exercises.

According to multiple government sources who declined to be identified for fear of retribution, OSSSO’s East Coast and West Coast teams have not worked in a counterterrorism capacity since the summer. Their long-arms were put under lock and key after the abrupt departures of Amtrak vice president for security strategy and special operations Bill Rooney and Amtrak Inspector General Fred Weiderhold.

Weiderhold played an instrumental role in creating OSSSO’s predecessor at Amtrak, the Counter-Terrorism Unit (CTU). He tapped Rooney to oversee the office. But Rooney was quietly given the “thank you for your service” heave-ho in May and Weiderhold was unexpectedly “retired” a few weeks later — just as the government-subsidized rail service faced mounting complaints about its meddling in financial audits and probes.

As I reported in June, Weiderhold had blown the whistle on intrusion of Amtrak’s Law Department into his financial audits and probes. A damning, 94-page report from an outside legal firm concluded that the “independence and effectiveness” of the Amtrak inspector general’s office were “being substantially impaired” by the Law Department – which happens to be headed by Eleanor Acheson, a close pal of Vice President Biden.

She has more details on this criminally incompetent dismantling of an effective part of our National Security infrastructure by our Dear Leader and his cronies. Read the whole thing.

This appears to be part of our Dear Leader‘s ongoing war against the federal Inspector Generals.