A Short Political Quiz

June 1, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Politics 

According to Pew, about half the people who have taken this short quiz on current political news have only gotten more than half the questions right. I’m a political nerd, I got 12 out of 12 correct, without looking anything up.

Here are some more breakdowns, Men average just over 50%, women 35%

People under 30 scored a very poor 28%.

Yes, I know, the profile of those who scored the worst is the closest to the average profile for an Obama voter.

Monday Book Pick – The Peshawar Lancers

June 1, 2009 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Monday Book Pick, Science Fiction 

The Peshawar Lancers by S.M. Stirling

A fine example of the alternate history sub-genre of Science Fiction. The change in history occurred in 1878, when a series of asteroid strikes caused a “nuclear winter” effect. As a new Ice Age quickly over ran Europe, the British Empire relocated their seat of power to Imperial India. It’s a “rousing good adventure”, complete with Airships and large, steam powered mechanical Difference Engine type computing devices.

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